Aftermath; The Promise

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(I decided to shorten the aftermath to one long chapter instead of three separate ones, enjoy.)

It has been several weeks since our heros returned from ALO and put the past behind them, and now the World Seed reopened ALfheim Online through a new company. Our story ends shortly after the party at Agil's cafe, as everyone begins to head home to their new lives once again. Kazuto and Alice however, have other goals. To journey across Kawagoe, Japan, our love birds take a trip down memory lane, while Kazuto gives Alice the full tour of the city.

"I can't believe our journey is truly over." Alice excitedly stated, as her and Kazuto hold hands while walking passed the park.

"Yeah, it truly felt like the end of an Era really." Kazuto replied.

"Imagine if I never met you Kazuto, I would probably have not made it out alive." Alice commented.

"Nonsense, you're more stronger than me. In fact, how the hell did you acquire your broken sword strength?" Kazuto questioned her.

"I later found out that it was a unique skill only to me, and it basically makes any sword I wield invincible." Alice replied with a smile.

"Makes sense, as Heathcliff's shield was useless against it. By the way Alice, why did you want to take a walk this late?" Kazuto asked, as Alice snuggled up to his arm.

"I thought taking a midnight stroll would be like that time in Aincrad." Alice smiled.

"You mean the time where we got jumped by a wilderbeast and you cried like a baby-"

"Shut it!"


Alice playfully elbowed Kazuto for bringing up such an embarassing memory. As our two love birds went block to block, they talked about their separate lives after the Beater incident, and also about their family. Kazuto is still nervous about meeting Alice's family, especially her sister Selka. An hour had passed, and the heros were nearing the first end of the city.

"What a sky, am I right?" Alice mentioned in a soft tone.

"Yeah, it's really pretty with all the stars and the moon." Kazuto replied, looking up.

"Hey Kazuto, remember the time in Aincrad when you tried to crafting for the first time?" Alice asked with a chuckle.

"Don't remind me, that was horrible." Kazuto replied with a small laugh of his own. "Alice, if it is true that Aincrad is making a return in ALO, we need to have another wedding." Kazuto added.

"I'm sure it won't be as grand as the one in Aincrad, unfortunately." Alice replied with a frown.

"That was an amazing wedding, but you really tore into that strawberry pie like crazy. I guess it's a good thing you're weight didn't-"

"Piss off!"

"Owww, damn it!"

Alice playfully punched Kazuto in the arm, as Kazuto retorted with some laughter.

"You hit like a tank, I swear." Kazuto stated, as Alice helped him up.

"Don't underestimate us girls Kazuto." Alice said with a grin as she wrapped herself around Kazuto's arm once again.

The sun began to rise, as they decided to just head back home and rest. Kazuto and Alice arrived at the crosswalk.

"I'll see you soon?" Alice asked.

"Of course dear." Kazuto replied, as they shared a warm kiss.

"Take care then." Alice called as she ran home.

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