Land of the Fairies

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"Where am I?" Kirito asked as he awoke in a random forest. The last thing he remembered was going through the character selection and arriving to Spriggan territory until the game ported him elsewhere.

"Oh man. So this is ALO." He whispered as he opened his inventory. "What the hell? These are all my stats from SAO?" He questioned, noticing his dual wielding skill missing and many of his items.

"Wait..." Kirito remembered something as he flew through his item list. "Please be here!" His mind panicked until he found an item labeled "MHCP001."

Accessing it, Yui's heart managed to appear in his hands. After touching the item, a large bright flash appeared and his face went into shock and awe as Yui once again appeared before him. Yui began to slowly open her eyes, where she gazed at the familiar face before her.

"Yui? Do you recognize me?" Kirito asked with a smile. It took Yui a good second, but then she began to smile back as tears fell from her eyes.

"Yes. Yes I do. Daddy." She replied, embracing Kirito in a big hug.

"It's a miracle." Kirito stated, but back to business, Kirito began to fill Yui in about the game and his stats.

He felt rather shocked, to learn that ALO runs on the same system as the SAO's cardinal system, and whatever stats and skills he had were transferred over and merged with his current data. Realizing that was why his dual wielding skill was gone, and painfully deleting two years worth of items, he began to tell Yui the real reason why he is here.

"Listen Yui. I am here to save someone very close to both me and your mother, but I didn't want to risk her life so I went in myself." Kirito added.

"Mommy's not here?" Yui said with a slight pout. Kirito took her hands.

"No, but I promise you will see her again. I just can't get her involved if this game also turns out really bad." Kirito assured her.

"That makes sense. Okay daddy, I will glady help you and mommy. So who are we looking for?" Yui asked.

"Remember the girl with long chesnut hair who took command of "The Knights of the Blood Oath?" Kirito asked.

"Oh. You mean Asuna right? Yeah I remember her." Yui smiled. Kirito always found her smile to be adorable.

"That's right Yui, and she needs our help to bring her home as she is just as family as everyone else in our group." Kirito stated, Yui just nodded and smiled.

"Okay daddy." She replied.

"Are these my wings?" Kirito looked back to notice black fairy wings appearing. "How do I use them?" He added.

"You just have to hold out your hand, and act like you're grabbing something." Yui stated.

Teaching Kirito the basics, he eventually got to much into the flying that he lost focus, until Yui reminded him. Kirito proceeded to ask about the surrounding area, to which Yui pointed out Swilvane to be the closest area there is."

"Wait a minute!" Yui shouted.

"What is it!?" Kirito asked.

"There are other players here." Yui responded. They both flew up and Kirito noticed a beautiful blonde fairy wearing a green attire, as she and her dorky looking friend were under attack by guys in red.

Several minutes later, the girl ended up losing her friend and was about to be killed, until Kirito arrived during a crash landing.

"Oww." He stated, standing from the fall. "Pretty messed up for a bunch of guys to gang up on one girl." He said in a nonchalantly tone, irritating the guys in red.

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