Silica and Lizbeth

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**I know this isn't true canon, but it's my story and I want these two to be introduced in one chapter at different times. Also I know Kirito doesn't done his full black attire when meeting Silica, but here he does. Enjoy.

"Are you sure about this?" A reluctent Alice asked Kirito who was in full detective mode.

"This is the last area she was spotted in so yeah." He responds nonchalantly.

Kirito accepted a job offer on the frontlines to track down the Titan's Hand guild and their leader Rosalia. After an hour of planning, he enlists Alice's help to find and punish them.

After searching for what seemed like forever, they overheard who they thought to be Rosalia and a young girl with a blue dragon on her shoulder.

"That has to be her." Alice casually said while her face read disgust. Deep down she wanted to pounce on her for abusing the little one.

Kirito just turned to her with a nod. "I believe it." He replies.

Kirito had a sly side to him that even he did not know he had. "I have an idea." He says.

"What is it?" She responds.

"I am going to tail her and see if she could be used as bait to lure out Rosalia, meanwhile you stay here and scope out the rest of the guild."

"Sure. But don't be too creepy." She says and pecks his lips.

"You got it." He responds as they split up.

Alice loved Kirito's sly side and trusts him enough to do anything right. After scouting Rosalia and her mates, Kirito was tailing the little girl into a forest.

The girl seemed pretty skilled as she cleared most of the forest, however she was cornered by four wild beasts that killed the dragon. Fearing for her life, the monsters then immediately died off as Kirito approached the now crying girl.

"What's that feather?" He asks.

"It was Pina, my best friend." She replies with tears flowing down her face.

Kirito looked back in sadness. Sure he wanted to use her as bait, but this scene reminds him of his own friends who died because of his lie, so he related to her.

"Im sorry. If I had been here sooner I could of saved your friend." He says with hurt in his voice.

"It's not your fault. Thank you for saving me by the way, my name is Silica." She turns to him.

"My name is Kirito." He says.

"Thank you Kirito." She goes back to crying over Pina.

"Hey. Check to see if that feather has an item attached to it." He asked her.

"Okay." She scans the item reading Pina's Heart and crys again.

"No thats a good thing, it means you can bring her back." He reassured her.

"Really!" She asks excitedly.

"Yeah. At the end of Floor 47 there is a flower garden that sprouts a plant capable of reviving familiars."


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