Separate Ways.

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Floor 11: Taft

Kirito POV

"Tetsuo! Switch out!" I shouted as I backed away.

"Got it!" Tetsuo lands the finishing blow and gets the rewards.

It has been several months since I seen Alice after the whole Beater incident. I still worry about her all the time and took to the frontlines for her sake. During my time alone, I actually joined a guild I rescued called the "Moonlit Black Cats" which consists of me, Tesuo, Sachi, Sasamaru, Ducker, and our leader Keita.

"Come on Sachi, maybe you should join us up front." Keita playfully teased her.

"But... I'm not a good fighter to be up front." She responds frightfully.

"Come on." Keita laid his hands on his hips. "Tetsuo and Kirito are our only vanguard." He says.

"I'm.. I'm sorry for putting pressure on you." She shyly responds to me.

All I did was smile and pat her head. "Don't worry, I don't mind being vanguard.

Watching this guild go about their day was rather pleasent. Unfortunately I had to had my true level and lie to them because knowing I am a Beater would have cost me these dear friends I had. Usually I avoided guilds, but watching how much fun they had reminded me of Alice and I.

"Hey Sachi, why don't we use all this money we've gathered to upgrade your equipment?" Tetsuo asked her, to which she responded in her playful tone.

"I'm okay. I think we should save the money to buy us all a house."

"Heck yeah!" Sasamaru cheered.

After a full day's worth of grinding, I was going to head off to bed until Keita messaged me that Sachi had gone missing, which prompted me to use "Tracker Mode" to find her. After a few seconds I found her under the bridge, and I knew she was scared as she was huddled up. I sat down next to her a few feet away.


"Hey Sachi, whats wrong?"

"Nothing.. I'm just thinking is all."


"Kirito? We should run away."

"Hm? From the guild?"

"From this world and the real world."

"Do you mean suicide!?"

I couldn't bear hearing this, so I grabbed her into a hug and told her that I will protect her no matter what, and that I will clear this game so we can meet up in the real world. Her teary eyes flooded even more as she smiled and hugged me even tighter. After comforting her for a bit, we decided to go sleep until I heard a knock at my door.

"Kirito?" Sachi shyly calls to me.

"What is it Sachi?" I asked.

"Can.... Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked as her face became red.

Usually I reject because of Alice always asking, but something told me not to leave her alone tonight. I took a deep breath, smiled, and politely invited her in and we went fast asleep.

Alice POV

Since Kirito's disappearance after the Beater incident, I clobbered everyone in that room except Agil who comforted me through the whole thing. While it did hurt being away from him for soo long, I actually made a couple of new friends. The blacksmith "Lizbeth" and a girl who rescued me from an ambush named "Asuna" were two that I became especially close with. Asuna and Kirito fight together all the time on the frontlines, so she is basically my connection to him since I myself somewhat afraid of fighting up there. Sure I got good skills, and a badass nickname called "Integrity Knight" but for some reason, my heart just isn't in it.

One day after Asuna was on her break, she told me many things about how Kirito was and what he was up to. However he took his own break a while back so she hasn't seen him since, which worried me.

"Have you heard?" Asuna told me as she handed me a homemade sandwich.

"Heard what?" I asked.

"Apparently Kirito is now known as the Black Swordsman for attire and shadiness." She chuckled.

I started laughing as I could see why. "Well he does wear lots of black." I said.

"This is true. So Alice?"

"So what?"

"When are you planning to join the frontlines with us? Kirito will be there." She smirked.

"Honestly I would like to, but deep down I feel sick just thinking about it. What if I fail, or what if I hold him back?" I asked, tears swelling up. Asuna gave me a nice hug.

"You're in love with him aren't you." She smiled.

Am I? It has been two months since we met and departed, but I didn't feel any romantic love. So why now?

"I honestly don't know." I replied conflicted.

"Mhm. Well if you feel that strongly about him, then join us. In fact, I will keep it a secret to surprise him, and the frontlines could use your strength." She responded.

I thought it over as she returned to the frontlines after giving me a hug and wishing me luck. I would do anything for him, and I meant that deeply. Should I join?

Kirito POV

"Oh no! IT'S A TRAP!" I shouted.

We entered into a trap chest room. As the room door was closing, I shoved Sachi outside of it while we were surrounded by a horde of creatures. We all decided to stand our ground, and what I saw scarred me for life. Keita went first, than Sasamaru.

"DAMN IT!" Tetsuo yelled as we fought back to back.

I decided to drop the lying, and then I went full force on them. Within seconds I cleared out the entire room with my destructive speed and power, however I couldn't manage to save Tetsuo. After I broke down in fear and guilt, the door opened and I noticed Sachi was gone. A teleportation? I feared telling her what had happened, so I sucked it up and went to find her. My heart shattered to pieces.

**Sorry for the wait. I had mobile trouble and house trouble. I also couldn't decide how this chapter should go, so it took a bit. Expect the next chapter either tomorrow or the next day. I decided to let Sachi live (for once) and give her a better role in the future. Hope my first fic is getting better, and I would love to hear your thoughts. I know this chapter was shorter than what I said, but the later chapters will become longer the deeper we go (no sexual pun intended). So lets continue our season 1 journey.

**Also the harem thing is still there, but the girls will be more subtle and less pushy. However I want to ask you all. I know it is early, but which girl do you want to fight for Kirito's attention as I am thinking of a beast fight between said person and Alice.

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