Asuna's Desperate Escape

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This takes place shortly after Kirito and Leafa assisted the Sylphs and Cait Siths.

It's been two months since Asuna's mind was trapped in ALfheim, and during that time a certain worthless scumbag named Sugou kept trying his best to make Asuna fall for him which she kept refusing. Both Sugou and Asuna knew of the stat transfer, so Sugou decided to lock Asuna's menu since he was stupid enough to not reset her stats.

"Sugou, may I please access my menu? I must check something highly important." Asuna asked, as Sugou was staring off into the sunlight.

"I told you for the last time, no, and it's Fairy King Oberon my queen Titania." Sugou replied with an irritated voice.

"I would rather kill myself then take that name, especially if it's to be shared with you." Asuna said with murderous intent in her eyes.

"What's with that? Rather, why don't you just give in already my dear. After all, I told you that I can manipulate your mind as freely as possible." Sugou threatened, as Asuna chuckled.

"I ain't afraid of some punk flexing his unreal ego and strength." She fired back, prompting her to get smacked by Sugou.

"Watch your tounge when speaking to me!" He shouted, as Asuna teared up from the hard slap. "After I return, I am going to force you to like me no matter what you try or say!" He added, storming out of the cage.

"Just try me you son of a bitch!" Asuna thought, rubbing her sore cheek. Unknown to Sugou who blurred her vision to the cage lock, Asuna used the mirror and managed to acquire it.

About an hour had passed, and she decided to act on her plan she had been thinking of for a while. The whole time she was in there, she had an arrogant attitude and almost pushed Sugou over the edge in anger. Punching in the code, she managed to escape and made her way down the trunk of the tree.

"I wish I knew how the flight system worked, or at least something to help me." She whispered, as she came upon a room with a long white hallway. "Huh?" She questioned.

Heading down each hall, she suddenly came to a room that suggests a way out, and entered. Upon entry, she noticed a large room with tons of virtual brains and was freaking out. However, when she recalled what Sugou said about the players and their memories, she went into a mental breakdown realizing what she found.

"Oh no." She whispered, as she heard a door open and began to hide. She almost got sick upon looking at the disgusting slug creatures that were analyzing one of the brains.

Sneaking around them, she managed to find a floating cube with a card, and realized it was a console after scanning it. Asuna found out how to log herself and everyone out of the game, but she was so angry at Sugou that she got an even more devious idea.

"I'll just fight him myself and kill his worthless ass, but first I want to show him that he can't hold me." Asuna whispered while laughing inwardly.

A short time later, she was caught and messed with by the slugs before being locked back in her cell with a new code. Aside from swiping the key card, she also unlocked her menu and added some hacks with the console.

"This is..." Asuna paused, noticing she had a rapier in her inventory that Sugou copied in this world as well. Since it was her special one, he probably didn't notice it would stay in her inventory from SAO.

Asuna not only equipped her rapier and took full advantage of the stats. She used the menu to learn the flight controls and spent her time practicing. Finally Asuna was ready, with her rapier in hand, she slashed the lock and freed herself while flying towards the white door once again. Cutting down those annoying slugs, she managed to use the GM console and add more hacks before forcing a log out of the captured players (aside from herself) and then went off to a big white room using the card.

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