The Gleam-Eyes Monster

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Floor 74

Kirito and Alice decided to head off on a dungeon raid one day and managed to fight through all the floors of said dungeon until they made it to the last one.

"Wow. Having someone as good as her sure makes killing monsters look easy." Kirito whispered in a low tone.

"Oh man. That was tiring." Alice replied as they decided to sit for a lunch break.

"Hey Kirito? Would you like to try some cupcakes?" She asked.

Kirito turned to her in surprise. "Really?" He replied.

"Yeah. I made them myself." She said as she handed them to Kirito.

"Oh my..." Kirito paused.

"Do you not like them?" Alice wore a frown as she stared on.

"I love them. Honestly these taste soo damn good." He replied with joyful tears in his eyes.

"Thank you." She told him shyly with a small blush.

After finishing their food, they decided to head out until they came to a massive door that they knew had to of been the Boss Room.

"Should we just look inside?" Alice asked him.

"Yeah, but get your teleport crystals ready." He told her while opening the door.

After a good look in, blue flames spawned and a large blue monster appeared, towering over our heros. As they stared on in complete fear, they decided to turn and run away screaming.

After putting enough distance between them, they thought up a battle strategy.

"We would need many shield users up front as well." Kirito added as Alice got suspicious.

"Shield users huh?" She stared at him.

"What?" He asked.

"You're a total mystery. The benefit of having a one-handed sword means you can also equip a shield or so. But I never seen you use one." She stated.

"Umm-" Kirito started sweating.

"And why haven't you used the sword you got from Liz? Very suspicious." She added to which Kirito swelled up.

"Oh well, it's none of my business anyway." She said as Kirito started relaxing.

Several seconds later and lights appeared as a guild made it's way up. Alice was on guard but Kirito knew them well.

"Oh hey Kirito." Klein said all excitedly.

"Hey Klein. Long time no see." Kirito replied with a blunt tone.

"So have you guys been-" Klein noticed Alice standing to the side.

"Hmm? Kirito aren't you a solo player? What are you doing with a chick?" Klein questioned.

"Oh I guess you ain't met yet. This is Alice, my girlfriend, and this is Klein, my best friend." Kirito added.

"Girlfriend! Kirito you son of a-"

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