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So I hope you enjoyed my first book of the KiriAlice ship. Now I will add some after story and all other seasons will be covered, but I also have some news. I know its been slow getting these out and some people thought I rushed Aincrad and I agree, thinking back. So here is what I am going to do;

-I am remaking the entire Book One which will focus on nothing but Aincrad and every single adventure. Now some things will be retconned, but overall it's nothing but Kirito and Alice's relationship in SAO and all the journeys that I will not rush over at all.

-I will write the other seasons to, but they will be longer and more detailed as well, so stick around for that.

-Finally, I am starting a new fic with an OC. Now I won't spoil the anime/manga/novel it's based off of, and some of you may not like it but I hope you all enjoy.

The next three chapters are aftermath and then we are finished. Thanks for putting up with my first ever work and I can't wait to put out more content. The new fic will take time, and may not finish till next year, but will mostly be done. As for the "reboot" of Aincrad, expect those along with Season 2. Hope you all enjoy.

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