Split Adventures.

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Floor 11: Taft

Alice POV

Me and Asuna went out for a stroll after she got time off. We decided to journey out for some rare materials because Asuna wanted to have a new weapon crafted, however the material she wants is guarded by a deadly serpeant monster. On our way there she tells me about the state of the world and what has been happening every now and then, but she still hasn't seen Kirito at all which worried me.

"Hey Asuna?" I asked.

"What is it?" She replied.

"I made up my mind to join the frontlines."

"Really? What changed your mind?" She questioned.

I rubbed my head. "Well.. Because I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want to stand up for my friends, and I want to fight for Kirito and many others. It still frightens me, but your courage helped me decide. I know it is selfish, but the main reason above all is that I just want to be by his said again." I told her with sheer confidence in my voice.

With an elegant smile she said; "Awwww. Then welcome to the team Alice." She added.

Asuna was amazing, and I often find myself calling her my big sister since she is a year older than me. We decided from the day we met to stay close as much as possible, even in the worse times. I think about Kirito everyday and I pray for his safety. I check my friend's list to see if he is still alive, but for some reason he has his disabled so no messages could be sent or recieved.

"We're here." She said.

"Wow, big place isn't it?" I replied.

It was a massive pond of crystal clear water with a giant red gem in the middle, and we expected the monster to appear but it didn't. As we neared the pond, it came out of the sky and was at least as big as an automobile.

"Ummm.." I started shaking. "Can we defeat that thing?" I asked.

"Sure." She said confidently. "Size isn't everything." She added.

Asuna told me she wanted to see my 'broken' sword strength, so as soon as the monster chargered at me I managed to block with my sword which sent it flying backwards.

"Holy hell..." Asuna said astonished.

"Switch!" I told her.

She came at it with swift action and her rapier was basically air at this point. "Is she faster than Kirito?" I thought. Just as soon as we finished, the monster chargered again and was more angry. Luckily, Asuna's speed she managed to easily parry the monster's attack and gave it a few cuts. When she called switch, I ran toward it and brought down my sword for a vertical slash, which shook the ground as it eradicated that monster, giving me the bonus reward.

"Wooooow." Asuna said in awe. "So the rumor about your broken sword strength is true."

"Yeah yeah.." I smiled.

"I bet Kirito was surprised when he first discovered it too huh." She chuckled.

"Hehe.. Yup, and he called me a cheater." I added.

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