Sudden Fire.

422 13 5

(Again, before you threaten to leave bc you name isn't "Y/n" yet remember within the next couple chapters it will change or that😂)

Your POV

We ended up saving the movie stuff for the weekend because something came up with them. 'Them' being Peter. I guess he had something else to do but seriously? How can you make plans then cancel them just like that?
Anyway... Later in the afternoon today, around 3:50 when my new school would be getting out, I went to go to Delmar's for a quick snack and I needed to go out and grab some school stuff too after unpacking. Stupid movers lost all my stuff... I grabbed some money from dad and told him I was going to the store to buy school stuff and probably wont be back for a while. He said that was fine and let me leave him to finish unpacking the last boxes.
As I waked down the shady yet weirdly homey streets of Queens in basically the same outfit as yesterday, I saw a bunch of dudes in an ally talking around a white van. That may have been the most shady thing I have ever seen. I'm tryin' to stay outta trouble like that so I continued my walk to Delmar's where I saw Peter talking to Mr. Delmar at the front counter when I walked in. Before peter saw me he clapped his hands together and asked "-and can you smush it down real flat, thanks". I didn't say anything, i just kinda looked around near me for a second until they noticed. I guess Mr. Delmar wasn't lying when he said Peter always wanted it to be smooshed with pickles. Not judging, but who would smush such a beautiful sandwich-
"Hey, how's your aunt?" Mr. Delmar asked as I pretended to look around. Oh, Mr. Delmar has it for May too? She's gorgeous, prettier than I could ever hope to be when I grow up. I think dad has something for her too, to be honest.
"Yeah, she's alright" Peter replied with is arms crossed and tried to avoid the topic. He must hear this kind of stuff a lot.
Mr. Delmar looked back to someone farther behind the counter and said, "She's a very hot Italian woman" in Spanish with a grin. I'm happy that I took Spanish but also a little disturbed now.
I guess peter knew what he was saying too and asked, "how's your daughter" with a smirk in spanish back.
I laughed to myself in the corner by the door trying to be as quiet as possible but Mr. Delmar saw me giggling.
"What do you think you're laughing at, Barbie doll?" Mr. Delmar shouted at me from behind the counter. I walked up to the two of them with a sour face but continued to laugh anyway.
"Mr. Delmar, with all do respect... Never call me that again. And i didn't know you guys could speak Spanish too?" I smiled at the end. Peter laughed a bit awkwardly and tried not to look at me. He looked like he knew he was in the wrong for bailing on our movie thing but I don't get it? It was his idea to have it.
"Of course I can, who do you think I am?" Mr. Delmar grinned.
"Y-Yeah well..." Peter muttered out.
"So uh-.. How was school?" I tried to avoid the topic of him completely bailing with Ned and i. Maybe Ned just didn't want to hang out... but then why would Peter not either? Does he already not like me?...
"Good, good..." he muttered looking down then looked back at me apologetically. "U-Um, I-I'm really sorry I had to cancel on the movie thing with Ned and stuff. I just have this internship I can't miss but I promise this weekend we'll all do it!" He promised me with pleading eyes.
Oh.. maybe I jumped to conclusions... said every paranoid girl ever.
"N-No, it's okay!" Was all I could really think of saying... We started to get into our normal friend mood thing again after that was out of the way.
"So, planing on see Spider-Man again today?" He asked me with a laugh then went over to pet a cat sitting on the counter. I followed behind him and pet the cat's little fuzzy head.
"Yeah right, that'd be really something" I rolled my eyes.
"Really something?" He narrowed his eyebrows and looked at me with the corner of his eyes.
"Well I mean think about it- have you ever talked to someone famous more than once or even once at all just randomly out nowhere?" I questioned giggling then started to walk around the store. This time peter followed behind me.
"I guess you have a point.. What would you say if he did show up again though? Probably be like, "oh wow! Spider-Man, you're so cool, sign my shirt please!" He tried to mimic my voice and pranced around as a stereotypical girl would.
"Shut up!" I shouted and pushed Pete lightly. "I'll have him sign one for you" I smirked with a laugh.
"Haha, I'm just kidding! Maybe something like, "u-uh h-hi Spider-Man... hehe" he mimicked me again with a higher voice.
"You know it's funny because the tone of your voice never changes" I mocked him for having such a high voice. He made a face at me which I laughed at because I got him back so well.
"Ha, ha" he muttered sourly and grabbed his sandwich from Mr. Delmar, while he did that, I grabbed a strawberry shortcake popsicle from the freezer and got out 2 dollars from my pocket.
"It's on the house doll, but for you Pete, 10 dollars " Mr. Delmar smiled at us leaning against the counter like a cool guy, haha.
"What, double? Is this about the thing earlier, Mr. Delmar? I was just kidding! Here, 5 bucks" Peter grinned sliding 5 dollars on the counter.
"You can get me next time, old man" I grin and slapped my money on top of Peters.
"Old man!?" He shouted at me in surprise and slight anger. I quickly grabbed Peter by the wrist and dragged the two of us out of there before Mr. Delmar took back my popsicle.
"Hahaha! Did you see his face?" I laughed as we got outside with our things and let go of his wrist.
"That was crazy! He almost jumped over the counter!" He laughed with me.
"I've got to go now Pete, but text me after you're done with that internship for today" I told him before walking away smiling.
"Yeah I will, bye!" He shouted as we walked farther and farther.
"Bye bye!" I shouted back with some giggles at the end.
I opened my yummy snack then walked to that random store where Mr. Delmar said had school stuff for cheap. I went in and looked for anything I might need. I grabbed a light gray backpack, 8 notebooks and folders, and a binder to keep them in. I also got some earbuds, pencils, and pens then went to pay. And of course the backpack made everything super expensive. It came out to be around 50 dollars which was ridiculous but Mr. Delmar said it was the cheapest place over here, so either he's lying or I'm gonna have to get a job.
The sun had already went down by the time I finished in there. I slung the straps of my new backpack over my shoulders and thought about if I should go home or go look at the city real fast. I just want to see all the lights at night for a second. I probably wouldn't get the chance to later so I decided to go to that apartment complex and relax. It was in the exact opposite direction of the store I was just at and made me walk back past Delmar's. I might as well say hello one last time..... and get another popsicle.
"Hey Mr. Delmar! closing soon?" I asked with a smile as I walk through the front doors.
"Man, I can't believe you called me old.." he complained and shook his head with a grin.
"Well you called me 'Barbie doll' so now we're even" i laughed and grabbed a popsicle from the white cooler.
"I'm leaving when you are, haha! So where are you off to right now? You should get home soon, it's already dark out and this place gets kinda noise at night if ya know what I mean." he told me a little worried and leaned on the glass counter top as usual. I opened my popsicle as he talked.
"l'm on my way to look at the lights. I just got some stuff for school tomorrow and thought I'd make a pit stop for this" I told him as I crossed my arms and leaned back against the ice cream cooler.
"Oh yeah, it'll look real nice right now. Well I dont want to keep ya waiting and I gotta get home soon too to see my daughter-" mr. Delmar coulfny finish his sentance before a weird light and big explosion interrupted us.
A sudden blast of fire sent me flying to the right back side of the deli and made Mr. Delmar fall over behind the counter. I was in too much of a shock to realize what happened at first. I couldn't hear anything but ringing in my ears and things were blurry but when I came back a second later I blinked my eyes to see the entire store on fire. We were trapped and I was stuck under the cooler. As the fire grew, it caught the front part of the cooler on fire and began to burn my skin slowly.
"HEY MR. DELMAR YOU IN HERE? IS ANYBODY IN HERE? HELLO?" Someone shouted from the front of the store frantically as my hearing came back. I couldn't really think for myself yet so I didn't know what to do.. It sounded like someone jumped then there was silence for a second before I heard Mr. Delmar shouting.
"SHE'S IN THERE! GET HER OUT!" Mr. Delmar yelled out to someone then running came near me. At this point I started to feel an endless river of tears crawl down my face.
"Hey! Say something! Where are you I'm going to get you out!" someone yelled. It kinda sounded like someone I knew..
'I'm right here.... IM STILL IN HERE?!' I thought in a panic when my brain began to function normally again. I tried yelling out but I couldn't because the cooler on my chest was so heavy although one of my arms were free so I raised it as high as I could and slowly waved it from side to side hoping someone would see. I'm in so much pain right now but I'm so scared that I can hardly focus on the pain and tears.... except for this super heavy freezer trying to crush and burn me alive but then I remembered something..
'AW MAN! MY POPSICLE IS GONE NOW!' I mentally shouted to myself and slapped my free hand on top of the cooler in anger. 'I was really looking forward to another one....'.
My skin was starting to burn more from the heat of the cooler, my left arm specifically. The person that found me tried to lift the cooler off me but was being burned by the flames surrounding it and yelled "Ouch!" before carefully moving it off me. When I finally saw my rescuer I realized that it was Spider-Man. 'How does peter take guesses like that?' I thought back to when he asked me if I was going to see Spider-Man again. I guess he called it.
This hurts.. a lot. All I can do is just lay here in pain, I feel so useless..
"H-Hey Spidey... h-how's it going?" I asked jokingly with a smile and unnoticed tears streaming as he picked me up off the ground and carried me out of the fire. I couldn't hold my head up or anything else up on my own, I could barely keep my eyes opened. He quickly carried me out of the fire and smoke filled deli that was now in shambles.
"You dont need to speak if it hurts" he whispered and looked down at my face after we got to safety on the outside. I could feel some blood running down my forehead and onto my cheek, it made me really itchy. He held my head up for me with his arm and wiped off the blood rolling down my face. I realized that my tears were still rolling endlessly too. There's no way I could stop them from coming, I'm in a lot of pain but it's all in the mind... at least that's what dad tells me every time a trip and skin my knee..
"N-No, I'm fine-" I tried to talk but interrupted myself with a coughing fit from all the smoke I breathed in. I covered my mouth with my good hand and tried to pull my head up some more so I don't choke on my spit but he had to help me lift it up higher again.
Even though I can't see his face, he looked worried and sad somehow. Maybe it's just a feeling or my imagination but the way he's looking down at me definitely seems worried. He turned his head over to the bank across the street then muttered something under his breath. It must have been some sort of robbery that caused all this mess but why would they have blown up a deli to steal money from over there?
"You sound bad... Do you think you need to go to the hospital?" He whispered quietly after my coughing ended. His voice almost quivered, that's something I'd never thought I'd hear from a superhero...
"N-No, I don't want my d-dad to worry... I'm just going to find some band aids o-or something before I get home..." I whispered back starting to feel the pain consuming me. I kept trying to wipe all my tears away with the clean sleeve on my right arm. The one on my left has holes burned through it and blood around it.
"I-I've got some in an ally, can I take you there?" He asked me trying to keep his panic hidden. I hope I'm not scaring him, he seems kinda young and he's new to all of this still, at least I think so, he only showed up on YouTube like 5 months ago.
I nodded my head as he helped me stand on my own feet but he didn't let go of my hands in case I fell. Wait... no way, are we going to swing?
"Okay, hold on" He shot a web somewhere in the near distance then looked at me for some kind of approval which I nodded to again and put my arms around his neck shlyly then he squeezed me harder and we flew off! It was amazing! We were just above everyone's heads! I couldn't help but have a big smile plastered across my cheeks. After maybe a minute we landed in a dark empty ally. "Okay, give me a second" he told me and carefully sat me down against the wall and looked around.
"Aw they took my backpack again! Ugh... at least they didn't take everything from it.." He sighed in relief then dug into the pile of stuff next to the wall. It had an entire outfit of clothes and random other things just laying there.
I wonder if he changes into his suit here? Does that mean his family doesn't know either or does he not want someone to accidentally see him in this near his own house? Does he live near here? It's near my apartment I think. Whoaaaa- oh crap, my pants have a hole. Aw- no seriously?! The prosthetic too? Now it's gonna show even more!
He pulled out a bunch of band aids in a box, a water bottle and a shirt. "I'll clean you up" he said to me softly and lifted his mask a little over his nose but didn't show anything other than that. I dont know if I'm being delusional or not but his lips were gorgeous and he had the most amazing jaw I have ever seen- that I can remember anyway. Now that I'm on this topic... I don't remember much anyway right now.
I couldn't see much of anything because it was so dark. I wonder if it gets hot under that mask?
"Okay, I-I trust you.." I muttered and tried to sit up straight. He frowned after I said that for some reason.
"I-I'm sorry... you and Mr. Delmar and his cat- you all got hurt because I couldn't stop those guys on my own fast enough and-" He whispered with a shaky voice as he cleaned up my scrapes and cuts with water and used that shirt to wipe it up then put band aids over them.
"Don't be, Spider-Man. I-I know you tried your best and that's the only thing anyone can do. You still got us outta there alive, haha..." I tried to comfort him and look up to where his eyes were. He still had that frown plastered across his face as he cleaned up my left arm where the big burn is.
"Yeah but if I could have just stopped them before or not gone in at all then you-" He started to raise his voice in anger against himself. I put my right hand over his mouth which seemed to surprise him and me, in all honesty. I quickly put it back down in embarrassment.. He was saying all this nonsense and I just couldn't take it..
"I-I'm okay.. I told you how I'm you're number 1 fan already though, right?" I chucled a bit and rolled my eyes as he started to clean the last cut on the upper right of my forehead. His face was so close to mine... "I'll always be there to cheer you on when things are bad..." I whispered and smiled the best I could to show him everything would be okay. I tried to not stare at his face because that would have definitely made it awkward.
"...Is there any on your legs?" He asked me and looked down at them. 'Oh crap-'
"U-Uh nope! They're- ah, no there's definitely one-" I muttered and felt the pain shooting through my right leg. I pulled up the legging and showed my a long but small burn, it wasn't too bad, not like the one on my left arm. 'I wonder why the left side of my body always gets hurt?'
"I don't know if this is the right time to tell you or not..." I stopped and looked down leaving him to his own thoughts. He rubbed the sticky sides of the band aid firmly my my forehead so it wouldn't fall off but not too hard to hurt me. "But I lost a good friend of mine in that fire tonight..." . He looked terrified for a second when he thought I meant someone alive, I didn't give him a chance to speak.
'by friend I meant my popsicle but I was going to make him feel bad then laugh after...... that sounds bad but it's not what you're thinking- I'm not trying to be mean I'm just-'
"It was... My popsicle.. it burned up in front of me" I fake cried and sniffled.
"Oh, thank god! You made me think I left someone!" He sighed in relief and wiped his forehead.
"Hehe, there was no saving him" I giggled then sighed dramatically.
"Did you give it a name too?" He grinned and helped me stand up but didn't let me go until I was steady.
'Finally, there's the smile I've been waiting for' I thought which made me smile.
"Oh, while we're on this topic, you know, I don't ever think I've told you my name! It's Jasmine but you can call me anything" I laughed still thinking about the popsicle. For the first time I saw his actual smile and it was definitely something to stare at but he put back down his mask again shortly after. I think this might be the first time anyone has ever seen Spider-Man without all of the mask on.... Oh my god.
"ill have to think about a good nickname then, Jasmine" he told me sounding like his normal self again. Hearing him say my name for the first time though was kind of crazy.. it made me feel embarrassed for some reason i think.
"okay," I laughed feeling much, much better.
"Oh hey, your jacket is all burned up" he pointed out then dug in that pile again. "Here, wear this for a while" he handed me a gray hoodie with a science joke on it.
"Are you sure? I don't want to get it dirty" I laughed trying to hold in my enormous blush that was trying to escape. 'Is he just really that nice of a person? Who is he..?' I thought to myself and hesitantly held out my hand.
"Yeah, don't worry about giving it back either just don't tell anyone it's the famous Spider-Man's, okay?" He said with an arrogant voice. I knew he was smirking, I can just feel it. This guy can't hide anything from me.
"Sure.. Thank you, Spider-Man" I rolled my eyes at him then gave him a real genuine smile.
"Y-Yeah.." he muttered and looked to be in some sort of trance till I pulled off my burned hoodie. He snapped out of it and turned around then walked to the exit of this ally and waited on me. I quickly slipped on his hoodie and was immediately welcomed by whatever amazing cologne he uses. It serious smells exactly how girls on Instagram would describe how their boyfriend's jacket smelled when they put on..... their boyfriend's.... hoodies- Whoa! Oh my god!!
"hey, I gotta question," he began and walked with me down the street, leaving all his things in the ally. "Why were you at Delmar's?"
"O-Oh, well I was going to where we met yesterday because I wanted to see the lights and Mr. Delmars store was right there so I went to say hi for a second and get that popsicle I told you about earlier because he said I could have one on the house and anyway, I was about to leave till that explosion happened" I laughed a little and held onto my left arm tightly in pain.
"Oh, well lucky for you, bright eyes, its right over here" he said in a cocky voice like yesterday.
"Oh, really now? bright eyes?" I giggled, "You came up with one that fast?" I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest.
"Or how about pint-size, butterfly, dork, feisty, popsicle-" The list would have went on but I had to stop him there so they wouldn't get too wild.
"Okay, okay I got it!" I laughed and bumped into him on accident as we walked the less than crowded streets. "I think I like the butterfly one the most but why'd you come up with that one? Do I look like some sort of bug?" I joked around with him as we walked up to the fire escape stairs behind the apartment complex.
"N-No I didn't mean you looked like a bug!" He stuttered obviously not getting that I was kidding around. I can see now that he's easy to mess with, haha.
"I was joking- oh! I've got a few for you like, Hercules, baby cheeks-"
"Wh-What? I do not have b-baby cheeks..!" He shouted. We stopped the the very bottom of the fire escape and continued to talk.
"Wellllll~" I dragged out that word and rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay! I think Hercules suits you better anyway, you're strong enough to stop buses on you're own and you kinda act like he does too.." I grinned and took a few steps up the stairs.
"How do I act like him?" He asked putting his hands on his hips. I raised my eyebrows and gave him a look. He realized what he was doing and did something else with his arms. "O-Other than that" he muttered and followed me.
"Your kindness..." I stopped in the middle to give him false hope. "And the fact that you both are extremely cocky and big show offs" I giggled and ran up a few more.
"What! No I'm- well just a little but-" he agreed and followed me up.
"Come on Hercules, lets race! Ahh but wait.. You would win you big cheater!" I laughed. His superpowers would make this race so unfair!
"What?" He chuckled and leaned on the railing behind me. "Alright, I'll give you a 30 second head start-" he tried to be nice but I was already running as fast as I could to the top. Curses! I hate being a normal girl! After my time was up, I saw Spidey just casually walking up the side of the fire escape like it was nothing except a sidewalk!
"You're such a cheater!" I shouted and stopped running to catch my breath.
"What? You didn't say I couldn't? And I gave you a head start too!" he tried justifying himself with crossed arms and a relaxed stance.
"yeah, yeah," I sighed and finally caught my breath, "ill see you up there I guess" I laughed and leaned over the railing he was stuck too.
"or I could just take you with me" he said casually and held out his hand to me. I tried to keep myself from going nuts because this was always the classic scene in any movie. U-Uh, b-but this is nothing like the movies, after all he's a superhero and I'm merely a regular girl.. But I swear, I couldn't stop the biggest blush I've even had in my life that somehow burst threw the doors of hell and landed all over my face.
I took his hand and stepped up on the railing then mistakenly looked down at how high up we were. "U-Uh, I-I dont know about this Spider- Ah!" I screamed in fear as he pulled me up against his chest.
"Look you're up, now the hard part is done" he told me and hung onto the top of the building with his webs.
"Y-Yeah, sure.. the hard part..." I muttered trying to stay sane. He was so toned and smelled nice, oh gosh, ehem. Okay, ill become.... Uh, more cool? Why did that sound like a question?... Ugh. I swear I don't have a crush on Spider-Man! That would be completely unrealistic!
"And up we go!" he yelled and went THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT WHERE WE WERE GOING TO GO! He shot his webs at every building and swung me and himself around the city.
"WHY WOULD YOU TRICK ME LIKE THAT?!" I shouted in a panic and held onto his neck tighter.
"Calm down Jasmine, you're fine!" he shouted back with a bunch of laughs. Oh, he is so gonna get a punch to the arm when we land! "Look!" he told me. I hesitantly removed my head from his neck and saw the colorful city in front of me...
"Whoa.." I whispered to myself.
"See! Doesn't this look better than sitting on top of a building!" he shouted over the wind rushing through us. I looked up to him for a quick second then smiled to myself and watched the lights. The city was amazing and I could see the Avengers Tower perfectly.
"Have you ever been there?" I shouted and pointed to the tower then looked up at him. He was too focused to look back at me and kept swinging till he brought us to the top of the highest building in the city.
"The Avengers Tower?" he asked and let me go. I nodded my head with a smile and looked over the city from a safe distance, Im really scared of this height. "I've been before with Mr. Stark" he told me proudly.
"Is he a scary guy?" I asked in wonder. This is so wild! How im just sitting here talking to Spider-Man and he swung me around the city! I want to freak out in pure excitement! But instead ill just enjoy these moments while they last.
"Hm, well sometimes he is but he's nice in his own way" he replied almost questioning his answer and took a seat next to me. He had his legs spread out in front of us and I sat criss cross. We sat in a comfortable silence as we watched the lights move and turn colors.
"I made some friends yesterday which was kind of scary" I giggled and thought about Peter and Ned. "One of them is my neighbor down the hall. His name is Peter and the other was Ned. I haven't really talked to Ned yet. I was tonight but plans got canceled because Peter had this internship thing" I remembered how he apologized for that earlier and giggled to myself.
"Uh huh, so you only befriend guys?" I saw his mask shift and saw what looked like a grin.
"N-No, I just- they were- Ughhhh" I groaned and laid back on the concrete under us.
"I'm just kidding, dont take me so seriously" he laughed to himself and looked down at me. Whoa.. The stars look even brighter than the city.
"Okay, from now on I wont take you serious ever again." I spoke blankly and jokingly but it sounded so real that he didn't understand I was kidding.
"....well I-I mean-" he stuttered and couldn't get anything out.
"Dont take me serious either, Spidey," we laughed together and stared at everything around us. "uhh- oh no." I sat up and looked all the calls and texts I got from dad. "Well, I think im grounded now" I laughed a bit awkwardly and looked at the cement.
"What time is it?" he asked, I showed him the time on my phone completely forgetting that I have a collage of my favorite things as my background-.. including Spider-Man. "What?! Its already 10! u-uh, maybe I should get you back now" he said nervously. Maybe he has a curfew too? How old is he? He must be in school still if he has one too, right?
"Yeah, lets go" I smiled. It got really awkward when I had to walk over and put my arms around him again but he tried to help us avoid the awkward part by quickly pulling me into a half hug and said, "Hold on tight" as he looked down at my completely red face. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him and stuck my head between the crook of his neck. He shivered imediantly after I did that though, maybe my hair tickled him or he's cold?
After that he shot his web and jumped off the building.

3rd POV

She held on to Spider-Man as tight she could in fear of falling to her death. She held back the urge to scream so she wouldn't hurt his ears or distract him while he swung the two of them around and back home.
Spider-Man, or rather, Peter was smiling under his mask and thought how cute it was how she held onto him so tight. "Where do you live near?" He asked loudly so she could hear through all the wind.
"U-Uh I cant really remember.. I'm still new! Take me to where Delmar's is!" she shouted back and tried to relax. She trusted Spider-Man with her life and she knew that he wouldn't let her go.
The two finally dropped down near where the old deli was laying in ash. It was a shame but at least they got to see each other again through that tragedy. She thought she wouldn't ever get to talk to him again, that this was all some sort of dream somehow.
"I guess I should get home now.. Wish me luck with my dad" she sighed and started to walk away.
"See you next time!" he shouted and swung far away... To their apartment complex.


Lots happened this chapter and even more to come! See you soon!

-~Author J-~

Unknown To Me.       |...Spider-Man/Peter Parker x Reader...|Where stories live. Discover now