Good Night Peter.

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The reveal.....


Your POV

Peter and I procrastinated going back to our boring yet super expensive looking hotel as we walked long roof tops.

"These masks are so hooooot!.." he complained walking around somewhere.
"That's why I rolled mine up" I laughed a little. Awkward silence... I looked away biting my lip awkwardly.
"Y-Your hair has gotten pretty long hasn't it?" He looked at my long hair that fell out of its bun a long time ago.
"Yeah..... Hey, you wanna cut it again? I don't mind" I smiled pulling out the rest of my hair tie that was just barely holding on.
"Do you have any scissors?" He chuckled rolling up his mask just above his nose.
"If you let me run back to my hotel I'll grab some" I pointed in the direction it was in.
"Yeah, I'll follow" he smiled walking behind me. That smile of his is always so weird and awkward and cute, I don't understand how he can pull it off so well.
"S-Sure" I stuttered on accident and cursed myself in my head as I swung back to the room..

"Stay here" I whispered holding onto the wall. He nodded then I opened the window.
MJ looked at me and I gave her a signal to quietly run to the bathroom for a second. She did so then I ran and found some random scissors in a desk drawer. "Found them!" I whisper shouted while crawling out the window then shutting it back while holding my brush and the scissors.
"Where should we go?" He asked holding onto the wall with one hand and one foot.
"The roof?" I suggested. He nodded then we both took a minute climb to the top. I walked over next to the edge facing the aftermath of what happened in the center of town.
I took off my mask completely and gave him the two things.
"Are you sure you want me doing this?" He chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, I trust you" I smiled at him before turning my back to him and sat waiting for him to do something with it.

Peter's POV

"Yeah, I trust you" she smiled before turning around. S-She trusts me? My face started heating up but I ignored it and grabbed her hair brush. I don't know where to start, her hair is like 3 feet long! -He's exagertaing- I started at the ends because that's what I've seen Aunt May do. I held onto all her hair with one hand so I wouldn't pull it when I brushed and started brushing out the ends and slowly making my way to the top. She started giggling when I made it to the top of her head.
"What's so funny?" I asked laughing a bit because she was laughing.
"Nothing's funny, I just remembered the last time we did this. It was really late that night" she spoke softly. She has 3 different types of voices but I find this one to be my favorite.. She has the loud and serious, then the normal talking voice and this voice where she seems so relaxed and comfortable. I love hearing this one...
"It was.." I smiled thinking back to the night.
"Hey, Hercules.." she used the nickname she gave me all those years ago before the blip. She still has that same soft tone but.. she sounds scared too.
"Yeah?" I muttered softening my tone to match hers.
"What if.. We can't do this?... Or what if something happens again?.." She talking about homecoming.. She's worried one of us will get hurt again I think.. "I don't wanna forget... If anything happens no matter how bad please promise me you won't let me forget and leave again" she tilted her head down.
I pushed my fingers through her long, flowing, h/c hair. "I won't... Not again.. I promise" I spoke dropping my head in shame.
"Thank you.." she whispered turning around for a second and grabbing my hand. We didn't talk for those few second. We watched and knew everything that was going through our minds. It's all the same thing over and over again.. Fear.
She took a deep breath in before turning back around and letting my hand go. "Let's just go for it" she spoke anxiously.
"You sure?" I smiled grabbing the scissors.
"Oh yeah" she grinned. I can see her smile forming from the back of her head already.
"1.. 2.. 3" I counted before taking a little chunk and cut right at her shoulders.
"We're at the point of no return now" she sighed shakily.
"Haha, come on, it won't be so bad. Plus I'm sure all this hair was heavy anyway!" I shouted out trying to distract her from the loud snippets I'm making.
"Yeah that's true, it is pretty heavy" she giggled. That giggle of hers always gets to me somehow and makes my head go crazy!
"Well... it's... almooooost....... Done!" I cut the last piece.
"Already?" She asked feeling around her neck. "Oh wow.." she muttered feeling her short hair.
"I made it as straight as I could.." I laughed brushing all her old hair off her back.
"O-Okay" she shivered sitting up straighter.
"Are you cold?" I laughed as she turned around.
"No you just made me shiver-" she said casually as if that wasn't something weird to say.
"N-Not in a weird way it just tickled!" She shouted after realizing what she said. I chuckled watching her fumble with her hair. She's got really pretty, slightly wavy hair that frames her face perfectly..
"You're ticklish?" I grinned.
"Spidey, if you even try it I'll zap you" she pointed a finger at me. It's so tempting... I want to do it.......
We stared at each other, me with a grin and her with a terrified expression.
"I can handle it" I shrugged before jumping after her but she got up and started running arund the roof yelling, "No! Stay away!" while laughing the whole time.
"You earned this for making me carry Mysterio by myself!" I shouted back.

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