When It All Falls Down.

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Your POV

I fast walked to the front door of Delmars in a rush to escape everyone's conversations that filled my thoughts with endless drama.

"Hey doll face, how's school today? What's with all the snow still? And did you finally slap the girl?" Mr. Delmar smiled leaning over the counter like usual. He likes giving me nicknames like Barbie and stuff but I don't mind it too much.
"Yeah, I know right? .. And actually, I did do somethin' about her today" I smiled feeling proud of myself for finally standing up for myself.
"What? You're kidding me" he looked astonished and stood up straight.
"No, no. I'm not I swear" I laughed and picked out my favorite strawberry shortcake popsicle from the freezer. "It was terrifying though.. one time she told me that if I refused her then she would go after my friends next... aaaand she did" I sighed tugging off the wrapper.
"What do you mean?" He scratched his beard and gave me a confused frown.
"I mean, she got some of her followers to drag Peter and MJ out to the back of the school where none of the cameras are," I sat on a stool next to his cat that likes to sleep around the store while eating some of my popsicle.
"I thought Peter wasn't talking to you? Whose her followers?" Mr. Delmar narrowed his eyes. Thank god no one else is in the store for a minute other than the workers. I know everyone here, we're all friends and I always get a few free popsicles a week because I always like stopping by to talk to them about my day most of the time after school.
"The entire football team!" I shouted out crossing my arms with my popsicle sticking out.
"No!" Rollo yelled walking out from the kitchen in the back. He likes to hear all my drama when I have some, it's really funny to watch him get mad because he sounds like a super girly teenager or something and it just hyoes me up.
"Yes! When I walked out the doors like 4 dudes came and picked me up-" I raised my eyebrows for affect. Their mouths dropped, "-And covered my mouth then threw me onto the concrete after dragging me to the back of the school above their heads!" I shouted angrily taking a whole bite out of my popsicle.
"WHERE ARE THEY?!" Rollo yelled holding up one of the biggest kitchen knives they have. Mr. Delmar had to take the knife away before things got heated.
"Ouch.." I muttered to myself while putting my freehand over my ear casually. How has he gotten so loud that it actually hurts my ears now? "Calm down so I can finish" I told him eating the last of my popsicle then throwing the trash in the can next to me.
"Okay, hurry up, we're waiting" mr. Delmar started getting impatient.
I laughed at the two of them, "Okay well you two are going to go crazy after I tell you this.. I decided to get cocky and say stuff to intimidate her. So I started walking up to her too and she got scared so she pulled out a gun-"
"SHE HAD A GUN?!" Mr. Delmar yelled hurting my ears to the point where I started tearing up..
"Yeah, take it easy on the yelling. I think I have an ear infection or something so all that yelling is killing me" I sighed uncovering my ears. They looked concerned for a second then made me continue. "Yes, she had a gun. I got close enough to snatch it before someone got killed but after I did that one of the football guys pulled out a gun and fired it at me but he had bad aim and missed- I'm okay, don't yell again. Also my clothes caught on fire somehow but I'm not burned at all" I told them pulling my burned up shirt down from under the jaket MJ let me barrow.
"Holy shit" they said at the same time.
"You're not hurt at all?" Mr. Delmar asked worried coming from behind the counter to hug me.
"Yeah I'm fine, i promise" I laughed hugging him back.
"You can take another popsicle on your way out kid. Don't scare us like that again" he sighed putting his hand over his heart while letting me go.
"Aw, really! You're the best Mr. Delmar! I'm gonna go chill out somewhere for a while but I'll come back soon!" I smiled pulling another popsicle from the cooler and walking out the door. I don't care if there's a little snow on the ground, it's almost April so it'll be gone in a few days. It's popsicle time.
"Yeah kid, you better!" He shouted shaking his head with a sigh.
I smiled to myself as I put on my headphones to drown out everyone's voices. I don't understand why I can hear everyone so clearly now. Maybe I was dropped too hard on my head or something back there.

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