He's My Uncle?

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Your POV

Mr. Stark took us all to a living room somewhere in the tower. Happy came along for "protection" but we all know he just wants to hear everyone's secrets. The room we're in is huge and spacious. Theres two half circle couches in the middle of the room and a glass table separateing them. I sat on one of the couches in front of dad and mr. Stark. They sat down at the opposite one to me and kept a lot of room between the two of them..

Why does dad know Mr. Stark, I thought he hated superheroes especially this one!

"Now that you apparently have super powers-" Mr. Stark began but I cut in with a dropped jaw.
"I have superpowers?!" I shouted and hurt my own ears on accident making me cover them as a natural reaction. I guess that's what he's talking about..
"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about" he repeated what I just said in my head. "And now you're old enough to understand.... I think" he looked over to dad with a raised eyebrow. Dad nodded.
"Old enough to understand? Old enough to understand what? What's happening?" I asked them worried. Dad gave me an apologetic look and Mr. Stark couldn't even look at me anymore.
"Jasmine, you're my niece... not my daughter..."

Not my daughter...

My body collapsed again and this time no one could stop me from landing on the glass table in front of us. I shattered the table with my forehead and laid there on the glass shards before someone could help me up.
I wouldnt have broke this table if i just denyed that girl's drink and I wouldnt have wasted anyone's time like this... but I also wouldn't have found out that my dad.. isnt my dad.. Im so stupid, i told myself even at the party that something could be spiked yet here i am but it wasnt the kind of spike i was thinking of.

"Jasmine!" Dad shouted jumping up.
"Y/- Jasmine!" Mr. Stark corrected himself and stood up.

What was he about to call me? Was that part of my real name? Is he my real dad?

I couldn't control my hearing or eye sight anymore. This was all too overwhelming for me. I felt something shooting threw my veins and exploded out of my entire body.


"AUGHH!" I screamed in pain as tears streamed down my cheeks like rivers. My body got very, very light and cold. It feels like my body's being ripped to shreds and my arteries are going to explode.
This feeling should have a much stronger word to use rather than just 'pain'...

Little did I know, my body was shooting ice and electricity in every direction. The lights flickered on and off and ice began to build up on the windows and walls... and I was floating.

Suddenly, something ripped me from the pain and held me tightly. It felt like a warm hug during the freezing winter. A hug that could save my life.
I slowed down my breathing and tried to stop everything going on around me. It all mostly came to an immediate stop as soon as I realized it was him. I sound like a dog but I always know it's him by the way he smells. That's how I find him or rather... he finds me.
"Can you hear me?" He whispered in case if my hearing was still going crazy.
"Yeah, loud and clear" I cried and gripped his suit as tight as I could without hurting him. I could feel everyone watching me but this is so much more important than my pride. I'm so scared but every time he's near it all feels okay again. Why does he do this? What kind of power was he given to make me feel this way?
"You.. really did a number in here" he told me and removed his hand from the back of my head.
"Did I- holy-........" I let go of him and looked at this place. It was in shambles. What the hell was in that drink? "Wh-What did I do?" I asked them and started to feel myself shaking from head to toe.
"Well, there was electricity and ice and you were floating too-" Mr. Stark began until he was punched in the arm by dad- ... uncle...
"Really? I-I did all that?" I asked and kept shaking in fear.

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