Guess Who Ruins All The Fun?..

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Your POV

I woke up at around 11 am today. It's a little late but whatever. I got Nat and Wanda up in my room after I made everyone lunch today to do my hair and makeup for me before I had to leave. By the time they got started on me it was about noon and they finished at two-ish which was perfect because I had to be at my apartment waiting for MJ by 3. The entire time they were fixing up my hair and makeup we jammed out to fun older songs. Some like the Back Street Boys and Eminem and a ton of other people from the early 2000's.
We finished my look off with setting spray and hair spray then I ran off to put on my dress and heels. I understand my dress does look a little weird if you don't understand where we're getting the name Odette from but.. I think it's pretty either way so shut up. 
The Avengers who were still here helping us pack waited on the first floor in front of the stairs to see me walk down. I was on the second floor waiting for Wanda and Nat to yell for me to come down.

"I-It's just homecoming!" I complained feeling embarrassed that I had all the Avengers around watching me.
"Come on, sweet heart!" Thor yelled. This guy kinda turned into like my brother some how. I'm not sure but not we constantly mess with each other and it's a lot of fun.
"We ain't got all day, Y/n! I know you Starks like anticipation but come on!" Sam complained.
"Fine, fine, I'm walking!" I shouted down to them before shaking out my jitter bugs. I sighed nervously before taking my first steps toward the stairs. When they finally saw me they all got this really proud and protective expression.
"Oh my god girrrl!" Thor started messing with me again. I laughed to myself while continuing to focus on walking down the stairs without tripping in the heels.
"Wow." Steve complimented me in a word. I smiled brightly then saw dad in the corner wowing to himself too. Even though he took Spider-Man away.. I'm still glad that at least he's here. I'm mad but I guess I understand somehow..
"It's not too short like those other girls either!" Scott yelled like a dad. He has a daughter of his own so I see where he's coming from.
"I can't wait to see my kid walking down steps like that" Clint smiled, "I'll shoot her date in the chest" I heard Clint say to Bucky. I tried to hold in my laughter and finally made it to the last step.
"That'd be the day.." I whispered to myself with a smile. Can't wait for Clint to kill a kid trying to take his daughter to prom or her first homecoming. I cant wait to see it.
"Who knew Spider-Woman looked like such a hot beast!" Wanda yelled joking around while Bruce whistled from the back.
I giggled covering my embarrassing smile and continued to them. When I get too happy or excited I make this really weird smile so... "Yeah well.. Here she is?" I shrugged then spun around for them.
"Damn girl, work itttt!" Sam cheered. Steve passed a glare to him after he cussed.
"Okay, go, go, you've got to get to your apartment now or else you'll be late!" Nat said pushing me out the door and handed me my purse I set out earlier. I decided to bring that blue one mom never got to wear.. it felt like the perfect time to wear it. At first I thought it might be a little overkill but that's exactly what this outfit screams. Elegant and badass all at the same time. Oh and I'm not trying to cover my prosthetic with leggings, we're gonna look like a million bucks tonight.
"Don't stay out with any boys!" Dad shouted before I closed the car door with an eyeroll.

I got to my apartment just in time to explain to May that Scarlet Witch and the Black Widow wanted to do my make and hair and I just couldn't refuse. She said it was fine with a few excited squeals from how gorgeous they made me look. May knew to act like she did mine before MJ got here. I went to change into comfy clothes before she got here.

Knock knock

"It's MJ!" I shouted excitedly and ran over to the door. She stared at me in awe for a second and I swear it boosted my confidence level through the roof.
"Holy shit" she said then walked in.
"I know! May did such a good job" I exclaimed clearly lying. May eye'd me a bit. She wants me to tell MJ the truth about everyone, she's always wanted me to tell her but I can't.
While May worked on MJ's hair she finally told us how her date went with my uncle. She said it turned out great but he had to go for that business trip. I told her that normally happens and he probably won't be back for a month or two. She seemed sad about that... Kinda reminds me of Spider-Man but he... probably won't come back... ever. It's okay for now.. I can carry on but if whomever he was fighting comes back... I don't know if I could handle it on my own if even he couldn't.
May started eyeing me again... why does she have to guilt trip me?!
I took a deep breath and turned to completely face MJ.
"So I should probably tell you about my family better.." I looked at MJ holding my breath. She looked at may with a raised eyebrow. May smiled at me and looked a bit proud. "Um.. so I told you about how I just found out that my uncle isn't my real dad and that my real dad lives somewhere far away..?" I started and felt tons of butterflies in my stomach. I'm positive I'll get scolded for telling this to MJ but come on, she's my best girl friend.
"Yeah." She seemed unamused yet curious.
"Well my dad actually live somewhere around here- well I mean actually we're moving tonight but I'll still go to Midtown so don't worry-" I rambled.
"Come on spit it out!" May urged me.
"My dad is Tony Stark!..." I whispered scratching my cheek.
"...Whoa, seriously?" I absolutely love how she just doesn't care. It really astonishes me.
"Oh- well yeah I guess" I shrugged feeling those butterflies go away.
"Cool." She smiled. "Do you have a made up name?" She narrowed her eyes. May began to gather makeup for her.
"Yeah apparently I do. It's actually Y/n m/n Stark" this conversation is too unsurprising. She doesn't care so I don't have to worry about her not keeping the secret.
"I like that one better-" she was talking about my real name.
"Yeah so do I" I laughed. "You know, I've been living at the Avengers tower since my uncle left for work. Last week all the Avengers came to help move the tower to the new Compound... And May didn't actually do my hair and makeup.. Black Widow and Scarlet Witch did it and the whole time we listened to the Back Street Boys and Eminem" for some reason that was the comment that surprised her. Apparently Black Widow and Scarlet Witch doing my hair and makeup is more important that Iron Man being my dad.
"Aw, whaaaat! I want to meet them!" She groaned with her eyes closed as May did her eyeshadow.
"They're so nice! They're still just like little kids, all of them!" I laughed then remembered the talk we had about Spider-Man..
"Hey so um.." I glanced at may. She didn't know this part yet. "My dad um.." I started to get a little chocked up. "-Story time, I became friends with Spider-Man the first day I got here. He found me sitting on a building then we just talked and it was cool- so anyway.." I sighed feeling a pain in my stomach. "Spider-Man.. won't be here anymore. He dug a hole too deep to climb out of a-and he got his suit taken away" I tried holding back my tears.
"No way.. He can't just get his suit taken away, he's a superhero!" MJ shouted in anger. May stopped working on her makeup after I told them the news.
"We still have Spider-Woman though right?" May asked conceded.
"Yeah but without her partner what is she gonna do? She's still new remember?" I told them too much..
"Y/n, I know you miss your friend but it'll be okay, don't ruin that pretty makeup. I'm sure he would have loved to see you" may came over and rubbed my back.
"Yeah, thanks.." I muttered clearing up my feelings. "..Oh wow, MJ. Your hair looks great" I finally noticed what she looks like. She really is beautiful beyond belief. (Top is hers. Bottom is yours)

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