The Vulture

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I slipped on my web slingers i brought in my purse and made myself a mask out of webs then waited for something to happen..
Suddenly another door slammed opened from the right of me, someone was running out in a hurry but they weren't wearing a suit or a dress..
Who is that? WAIT- GET DOWN!- HE'S ABOUT TO- ....Ooooooooooo..... that had to hurt.
Right as the person walked out the door he was punched by some guy with a huge metal hand that shot electricity through his body when touched. He got flug quite a ways away.. that'll leave a mark.

"He gave you a choice, you chose wrong." Ohhh, the man with the metal fist is the bad guy here. Does that mean the person on the ground is the hero? Should I know him? Do I know him?

"Aw, what the hell?.." the other groaned slowly getting back on his feet.
Oh my god. That outfit..
"Spider-Man.. That's Spider-Man..." I whispered almost jumping over the railing.

"What's with the crappy costume?" The big scary guy scuffed walking closer to Spider-Man then powered up his fist for another round.
Spider-Man looked over somewhere and whispered, "My web shooters.."
..Did he seriously get hit that hard that his web shooters just fell off? Wait- they're called web shooters? I always thought they were web slingers.....
He tried to run for them but got punched into a bus, making it do a donut before it slammed into another bus with him stuck on the side then fell when everything stopped.

"Dude!" I shouted grabbing the bad guy's attention and raised my hands in the air. "What the hell?" I shouted sounding like a teenager.
"Get inside girly this-" excuse me? Did you just call me 'girly'? Why do I feel so fierce right now? I'm loving the additude though, maybe I should keep it.
"GeT iNsIdE giRlY" i mimicked his words as I took off my heels and set them beside the door. "What's your name?" I asked him jumping over the railing and landed on my feet.
"That doesn't-" he tried to speak but as my feet hit the cement I stepped on a rock.
"-Ouch!" I raised that foot and wiped it off. The guy just kinda scuffed and powered up his fists.

"Y/n-" I herd Spider-Man whisper from where he crash landed. He sounds like he's in a lot of pain already and the fight has just barely began. I don't blame him though, if I was thrown against a bus I'd be crying.
"You were saying?" I sniffed. Stupid allergies, I forgot to take my medicine again. Yeah, a superhero with allergies, laugh it up.
"You don't-"
I laughed cutting him off, "I was kidding. We don't talk we fight till Spider-Man over there gets back on his feet- oh would you look at that" I smirked earning him enough time to web up the guy but his webs got laced with electricity from the guys goblet and sent him into.... shock. See what I did there? It's a play in words. I love dad jokes.
"UH-" my voice got a little high and I raised my volume. "Dude why would you do that?!" I shouted continuing my short walk to him. He seemed to close the distance and walk closer too while charging up his fist after noticing my makeshift mask.
"Why don't you go back home to mommy, kid" he tilted his head.
"My mom's dead you bastard" I spoke only loud enough for him to hear while raising a finger out from between my crossed arms and electrocuted him so badly he fell on the ground shaking.

"Finally.. G-Get a taste of your own medicine.." Spider-Man whispered with a grunt as he stood up using the crushed bus as a helping hand.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered running over to him trying not to step on anything bad with my one good foot. I grabbed his arm carefully and pulled him up to his feet.
"To fix something.." he looked at me trying to stand up straight.
"Yeah.." I rolled my eyes and turned my head a bit. "Crap!-" I shouted noticing the guy running right for us. Within the blink of an eye Spider-Man  flipped us around so he could take the punch but we both went crashing through the front window of a bus and hit just about every seat with my hand before I slammed into the back wall. Spidey crashed about half way from me.
"I'm not gonna cry.." I sniffed trying to suck the tears back into my eyes.
"A-Are you okay?" He groaned worried and tried to limp over to me. I shut my legs before anything unwanted showed... maybe I should have worn those leggings..
"Just... A little bruised. At least I wasn't thrown through a bus, am I right?" I joked trying to stand up with his help. I didn't get too far until the bus rolled from sudden impact. The whole time we rolled I tried to reach for him but we were just too far away and eventually when we did stop I landed right over one of the seats completely destroying my stomach.
"Cant breath.." I complained slid off the top of the seat and onto one of the other seats and stayed there.
"Me too.." Spider-Man breathed opening the back door and climbed out telling me to stay down.
"No, I'm not down, I-I'm not down-..." I groaned trying to stand up but felt so weak. "I'm down.. I'm down..." I muttered sitting back down.

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