The Plane Ride

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Guys. I'm so excited for this chapter.
As soon as I pressed the 'new chapter' button I started giggling because I'm so excited. I have so much planned for this chapter *giggles* you'll love it.


Your POV

"Y/n, it's time to get up. Your plane leaves in 4 hours and you need to be there at least 2 and half hours early. Also, you receive a message from 'MJ butthead/bestie' an hour ago" Delilah... ughhhh it's too early.. But today I'm going to Venice!!
"Thanks Delilah!" I shouted jumping up from my bed, scaring my poor puppy on the floor in the process. I grabbed my phone from where it's charging on the nightstand to the right of me and untinted my windows so they were clear. "Gooooood morning!" I yawned stretching out my tired limbs.
Last night everyone gave me some kind of jewelry probably because none of them knew what I like but they also gave me hoodies and stuffed animals of them as their superhero selfs so today I will... Hmm let's wear the hoodie Thor got me. He'll probably be happy I'm wearing it. I really expected for his face to be all over it but it's actually a really nice design.

 I really expected for his face to be all over it but it's actually a really nice design

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IT'S FRIENDS THEMED! Dad's on it and so is Natasha and Steve- I miss them.. But today will be a good day even though I'll be on a plane for almost 9 hours... good thing I downloaded all my music and I think this plane has tv's to watch movies so we'll be all set.
Under my hoodie I put on a black t-shirt and shorts. I hate wearing pants, I hate sweatpants too.... Shorts are really the best things I wear. So I'm wearing my favorite comfy shorts to the airport. It's a long flight and I expect to get some sleep.
Oh! Also I'm bringing along all the little gifts *jewelry* with me to wear throughout the two weeks I'm there. I'll probably wear the necklace Spider-Man gave me from now on and I'll also never take off the necklaces dad and mom gave me. Also, my hair will be in a bun for the entire day because I am not going to make an effort to look good, if it gets messy, so be it.
"Okay Juliet, ready to have a fun two weeks with the Avengers?" I giggled picking her up. She licked my face a bunch of times as I walked out of my room without shoes on. My new leg will not stop making a clanking sound on the floor and I think it's gonna make everyone annoyed but whatever.
"Good morning sunshine!" Thor laughed at me as I walked out probably because I look like a mess.
"Mornin" I smiled setting Juliet down on the floor and walked around to the seats in the kitchen.
"Ready for today?" Wanda asked as I took my seat between her and Sam who were already eating a bunch of pancakes.
"Yeah, I'm super ready for a 9 hour plane ride" I spoke sarcastically and gave them a thumbs up.
"Dont you get to sit next to your friends for something?" Clint asked from the other side of Sam.
"Maybe, if not I'll probably switch seats with someone else to sit with her" I shrugged getting handed some toast with eggs on top from Pepper.
"Your dad told me" she winked.
"Oh.." I smiled back at her feeling happier. Dad really payed attention to me I guess.. my uncle was never around for that. I'm glad I had my real dad while it lasted.
"I swear to god that man never stopped talking about you. We missed you a lot, dont get us wrong but he was so annoying" Wanda rolled her eyes while shoving some pancakes in her mouth.
I grinned to myself and started to eat my toast and eggs. He must have always missed me. He was an awesome dad while I still had him. I bet he always had cameras on me too.
"I'll drive you to the air port" Pepper offered.
"Thanks, ms. Pepper" I smiled. I dont really know what to call her, honestly I called dad, Mr. Dad for a while because I was scared to just call him just dad.
"You know what Tony said to me once?" She laughed a bit and started to eat her food. I nodded trying to finish my toast. "He said you called him 'Mr. Dad' for a while" she said as everyone else laughed.
"Well I didn't know him! I didnt wanna be rude.." I embarrassed myself and continued to munch on the last bit of my toast.
"You dont have to do that with me" she chuckled. "You can call me just Pepper or the evil step mom-" she walked around the counter and tickled me.
"Haha! Okay, okay! You can stop mom" I giggled trying to lightly push her away so i wont hurt her. Getting used to my powers again is kinda hard but it's all in the mind, right?.
"That works too" she smiled walking back around the kitchen.
Juliet ran over to the sleepy little girl walking in and almost knocked her on her butt.
"Morgan! Good morning!" I shouted running over to help her.
"Good mornin.." she yawned getting licked up by juliet before I picked her up. I carried morgan over to where i was sitting before and let her eat.
"I'm gonna go get my stuff and when you're ready we can go" i smiled at my new mom and walked back to my room.
"Delilah write everything I'm about to say into a note for Wanda please" I asked picking up Juliets things.
"Juliet needs 1 and a half cups of food in the morning and night. As treats, I figured out she really likes ice cubes and random food you drop on the floor. Shes a vacuum cleaner basiclly. Have Thor play with her everday because she has a lot of energy. Thanks for taking care of her for me! -end note Delilah." I grabbed my suit case with two weeks worth of clothes and somehow stuffed my big blanket in it too. We're talking about a carry on here, this is a tiny bag, I think I just have amazing folding skills.
"Delilah is there a printer for that note?"
"On the other side of the compound, Y/n"
I sighed and threw my head back, "oh my goodness.." I found a little notepad on top of the desk in the corner of the room where all the windows are then wrote all the instructions for Juliet on it. "When I get back I'm gonna rearrange this room" I said to myself as I picked everything back up and walked to the kitchen to see no one but I can hear them all in the living room. I dropped all my suitcase at the door and walked to the living room where everyone is at but when I got closer I realized my uncle is here after I heard his voice.
"Hey uncle- whatcha doin here?" I asked walking in with Juliet's stuff in hands.
"You almost forgot something" he grinned holding up my backpack with my laptop, phone and laptop chargers, duel headphone adapter for me and MJ and another small blanket to use on the plane.
"Oh! Gosh- thanks dad- I-I mean uncle" I shook my head correcting myself then ran up and hugged him.
"I've been your dad your entire life N/n" he smiled down at me. Yeah that's true but Tony was definitely the dad. That doesn't make any sense but you know what I mean-
"Yeah I know" I rolled my eyes and took the bag from his hands.
"I see Juliet will be in good hands" I giggled looking at Morgan who was putting a cute flower bandanna around her neck.
"Oh yeah" Wanda laughed. "Next it's makeup" she whispered covering her mouth so Morgan couldn't see. I laughed nodding my head and walked over to her.
"She's not a lot of work at all even though she's a puppy. I wrote it down on here but I'll say it anyway. She eats in the morning and night but she can have treats like whatever you guys drop from dinner. She also likes ice cubes a lot" I giggled handing Wanda the bag with Juliet's things in them.
"I got it, I got it!" She laughed getting up and pushing me away. Everyone else followed as she pushed me to the front door.
"Come on it's time to go! Happy already put your suitcase in the trunk" Pepper smiled at the door.
"Alright" I giggled following her to the door but was stopped by two little arms. "You gonna miss me Morgan?" I smiled picking her up for the last time and rubbed my forehead on hers making her giggle.
"Yeah I will!" She shouted out.
"How much?" I scrunched my nose and touched her with it.
"3000" she whispered trying to push my hair away from my ear.
"3000? That's a lot" I giggled. "I love you lots" I rubbed my face side to side across her forehead making her endlessly giggle.
"I love you 3000!..." she whisper shouted in my ear. That hurt a little but pain is nothing with this cutie.
"I love you 3000" I winked putting her down. Suddenly Thor tackled me in a hug and picked me up then swung me around as all the other Avengers gathered around to hug me.
I giggled to my hearts content, "I'll miss you guys!" I shouted.
"We'll miss you too!" I few of the more loving avengers shouted back. We all laughed as Thor dropped me down. I giggled grabbing my backpack and walked out the door after giving Juliet a little head scratch and a wave goodbye to the rest.
"Did ya hear that mom? Not to brag or anything but she loves me 3000" I raised my eyes brows feeling very accomplished and took my seat in the back. This time the car we're taking is actually hers and it's a very nice black Mercedes Benz.
"You and Tony both say the exact same things to me. It's funny how close in mind you both are" she laughed at me and drove away.
"What did he say?" I giggled putting on my seatbelt because in not above the law.
"Well it was the night he got to work on the time machine. He went to tuck Morgan into bed and when he came back out he had a grin and said, 'not to brag or anything but Morgan said she loves me 3000'" we both shared a laugh and sped our way to the airport nearby.
She told me to go in and do everything myself but she would wait outside for a while if I needed help.
"No, I got this" I gave her a smile and stepped out of the expensive car.
"Alright but give me a call or ask someone else okay?" She flashed me a sweet smiled then gave me a hug.
"Do people ever recognize you in public?" I asked her. Just a random thought.
"Sometimes" she poked my nose then opened the trunk.
I giggled following her, "that's cool. No one will ever know I'm important though" I sighed.
"You're Spider-Woman and a Stark" she eyed me as she pulled out my suitcase and set it on the sidewalk.
"Yeah that's true. I'll keep it a secret because that's what dad wanted so for as long as I can, I'm just a regular girl named Jasmine" I laughed giving her one last hug.
"Bye, bye, Jasmine" she used my fake name and grinned stepping back in her car then rolled down the passenger window to watch me leave.
"Bye mom!" I laughed walking inside. "-.. I have no idea what to do... Should have made her come in with me.." I mumbled. MJ texted me a little bit ago saying that she already made it back with a few other people and that she's waiting on me to get food. She gave me very precise instructions in text because I can't remember stuff when you say it out loud. Thank god she remembers this stuff about me or else I'd be lost.
After walking through all the crowed lines and getting my bags and myself checked at security I was finally back to the gates and just had to find ours. It was wayyyy in the back and took me a while to walk there but then I saw MJ's messy hair and knew I had the right place.
"MJ!" I giggled running up behind her.
"Y/n! Finally!" She sighed standing up with her things. "I'm starving" she said pulling me along the path to this little restaurant where they were selling breakfast.
"Wait- we don't have time to sit down, the plane opens in like 10 minutes" I giggled stopping her.
She grumbled, "I hate you" with an angry face then walked us over to a stand where they were selling sandwiches, salads, breakfast stuff and candies.
"I'm sorry! I told you to go without me!" i laughed resting my tired body on my suitcase.
"I can't just go in alone-" she whisper shouted in my ear.
"You could have went with Ned or something! He's still cool, remember?" I pointed where Ned and all the other people were sitting.
She crossed her arms and gave me the sink eye.
"Okay sorry!" I laughed picking out some food. I grabbed a sandwich and a bunch of candy and a few apple juice bottles for the plane ride then a little sausage muffin thing to eat now. I used one of the gift cards the Avengers gave me last night for my birthday then saw an envelope with my real name on it. I opened it secretly while the lady was scanning my stuff and MJ was still looking for her things. Inside there was a note that said, 'there's no limit. Use what you want -Pepper/mom". We have way too much money...
I put the card in a safe pocket with the rest of them in my backpack then grabbed my stuff and waited for MJ to buy her things.
"What was that Asian guys name again? Your crush-" she slapped her hand across my face without looking to shush me and almost broke my nose. "Hey!" I shouted putting my hand over my nose in pain.
"It's Brad-" she muttered obviously mad and very embarrassed. I giggled following her back to our seats and looked around for Brad.
"Why does he have such a white guy name?.. Pffft!" I kept trying to hold in my laughter so it didn't seem like I was laughing at him.
"He didn't get to pick it!" She said in his defense. Oo she has a big time crush on him.
"MJ, do you remember our plan? I'll get you sitting next to him on the plane even if it kills me!" I giggled taking a seat next to her. "-aw is that Starbucks? I really need some coffee.. no, I need a nap" i whispered to myself intensely staring at the coffee shop that was packed with people.
"What happened to being bachelorettes?!" She blushed eating her little breakfast sandwich as I unwrapped mine.
"No- im the wing-girl bachelorette who helps her best friend get with the hot Asian dude in Paris" I clearifed for her.
What the- Peter and Ned are staring at us- "Crap, Peter and Ned- they're staring- what do I do? I don't wanna listen.." I put in the EP dad made me. They aren't just for in my suit, I'm so luck I can carry them around.
"What? Why? What the hell is in your ears? Maybe they miss us or something? I kinda miss their nerdy Star Wars crap-" She asked poking at the circle looking things in my ear. They don't stick out they just look a little funny or something I guess.
"What?- Remember what happened the other day? I'm pretty sure Peter hates me more now and- Oh my god MJ I forgot to even tell you" I looked around at everyone to see that they've all looked away from us but I still kept my voice in a hush.
"Tell me what?" She questioned leaning in.
I got up next to her ear and whispered, "remember during homecoming before the blip when I said Tony Stark was my dad then we never talked about it again? Well it turns out that I wasn't hit by a car, it was something else, and that him and Spider-Man wiped my memory" I squeezed all that into one breath-
"Gate 48, now boarding to Venice, Italy." A woman on the intercom yelled out.
"What?!" She whispered shouted standing up with me and walked over to the front of the gate. We're first in line so we handed her our tickets then ran a little farther ahead to talk.
"Yeah, and I have a lot more to tell you- u-um, scratch that part I can't tell you- but I moved back in with the Avengers and found out I had a step sister who turns out to be 5 which means my dad had a kid while we were dead-"
"WHAT?!" She screamed in my ears.
"Ow- shut up!" I hushed her stepping into our seats. We obviously aren't the first ones on because you have to get the military then the disabled people on first so it wasn't too quiet.
"What can't you tell me?" She whispered helping me put my carry on in the thing above our seats. I kept my back pack on my lap and she did the same with hers. I plopped down on the inside by the window and thought really hard about if I should tell her or not.. Dad never told anyone right- No, of course he did, everyone knows he was iron man from the start. I bet Spidey told someone too so maybe... i know I can trust MJ with my life. She's always been here... I'm gonna tell her.
"W-Well" I stuttered looking at her face in fear. I moved closer to her and whispered, "I'm Spider-Woman-" before she freaked out. She had a minor panic in her seat before calming down and trying to act cool all while saying 'I knew it'.
Like bitch, no you didn't.
"Of course you did." I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, this is my seat" a girl going on the trip from school said with a smile and pointed to the empty seat.. She's kinda short, has blonde hair and a headband in.
"Oh hey" I smiled waving to her. MJ flashed her a little smile before turning back to me.
"MJ! Its go time!" I whispered looking right at brad who just sat down a few seats away.
"No- no, no, no it's not!" She whisper shouted getting the girl sitting next there MJ attention.
"What?" The girl grinned leaning over. Oh my gosh this girl wants to hear the tea and I'm gonna tell her. This is the girl on the school news thing so she loves talking about all the tea.
"MJ has a crush on Brad and I'm pretty sure he likes her back- we have to get them together on the plane-" MJ slapped my face hurting my nose again, "OW!" I shouted a little too loud and caught everyone's attention. I slide down my seat and tried to hide my head.
"Why would you tell her?!" MJ whisper shouted right in my face.
"Because she can help us!" I whispered back.
"Yeah but you don't just-"
"Brad do you mind switching me seats?" The girl got up and asked Brad. I took out my EP to listen closer and dropped everything to listen.
"Yeah sure" WHAT?! ALL IT TOOK WAS TO JUST ASK?! Brad got up from his seat next to Peter and Ned then came up and sat next to MJ. I couldn't control my giggles so I turned around and gave the girl a thumbs up. She did it back and we both just kinda laughed. I'm pretty sure her name is Betty by the way.
MJ stood up and turned to our teachers in the back, "uh excuse me, Jasmine is allergic to someone's perfume up here" she looked down at me with an evil grin. This must be pay back...
"Yeah Peter too, he's gonna get the hives!" Ned shouted out. WHAT?! NO, NO, NO, I CANT TALK TO HIM LIKE THIS!!
"You two, come to the back row. There's some open seats I don't want the trip to be over already, your safety is our job" the teacher told us pointing to the very back row.
"I hate you from the bottom of my heart-" I whispered getting out of my seat with my back pack. I followed Peter to our seats. There was already a random person on the inside seat so me and Peter would have to be close... this is gonna be the worst 9 hours ever! He hates me! What am I supposed to do?! I literally almost got him killed!
The flight attendants came out as the plane started moving and they told us all the safety percussions.- Maybe I should say something first so it's not awkward..
"U-Uh.... Peter, I'm sorry what happened at the school, I don't know why she got you involved.." I can't look at him but I tried my best.
"N-No! It's fine. I'm glad you're safe, it looked like that bullet actually hit you for a minute" he chuckled nervously and looked away. I knew he doesnt want to talk to me..
"No it didn't.." I turned back in my seat quietly. We didn't say a thing until take off. I like flying on planes but I guess Peter is a different story, he looks terrified.
I tried not to laugh because I know he hates me already but come on, this is hilarious. "Pfft.." I laughed to myself trying to face the other way.
"I-I don't like planes" he stuttered. He's talking? He doesn't sound mean... That same old stutter too..
"I see that" I giggled a bit but tried to keep it low so he wouldn't hear. The plane evened out eventually. Somehow we actually started talking like we were friends again. Well... More like people who just met but it's something!
"I like your new prosthetic by the way" he pointed at my leg.
"Oh! Yeah, I forgot that I was even wearing this thing.. no wonder I got so many looks in there" I laughed nervously. I hope he's not just pitying me or something when he's talking to me.
He chuckled, "yeah but it looks awesome" he smiled trying to avoid my eyes. Yeah, it's still awkward....
"Yeah? Thanks" I smiled looking down. He doesn't hate me? Was that all in my head? Why did he go away though? "So how have you and Ned been?"
"Bored" he sighed looking over at his friend through the cracks in the seat.
"Whoa- Jasmine look at them!" He shouted standing up and caught the random person sitting next to us attention as well. Ned and Betty? Whoa..
"Oh my gosh... They're gonna date.. But look at MJ!" I nudged his shouldered pointing to her and Brad being awkward teens. "Betty and I did that" I giggled.
"I didn't know she even liked people in general other than you" he looked at me and chuckled as we took our seats.
"You'd be surprised" I laughed, "She's totally gonna ditch me to hang out with him the whole time" I sighed rolling my eyes.
"Yeah, me too" he sighed back then there was an awkward silence. Should I ask if we could hang out? Or maybe he still doesn't like me so much-
"Hey, a-about why we stopped talking- I'm sorry.. " He stuttered looking me in the eyes for the first time. "It's not that I don't like you or MJ, something just happened a-and-" he's sorry? For real? Whatever happened must have been important so..
"-no! I-It's okay!" I stuttered looking him back in the eyes. We kinda stared for too long trying to figure out what to say...
"So uh.." he mumbled..
"Do you wanna hang out with me during the trip since our friends are ditching us?" I rambled out as fast as I could in embarrassment.
"Yes" he breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed against his seat. Oh thank god..
"..Okay good because I would have felt so lonely" I sighed throwing my head back against my seat. We laughed after that and kept talking about random things that peeked our interest and all the funny things that happened while we weren't talking.
"-so when I blipped back or whatever they call it- it was in the middle of a Friday at the school!" I laughed then got the dirty eye from the dude sitting next to the two of us who was trying to sleep. "sorry.." I whispered but he just grunted and turned towards the window more and turned up his music.
"Wow" peter chuckled leaning closer to me so we could whisper.
"I know right? Some people are grumpy these days" I giggled then reached for my backpack because I remembered that I had my blanket and I'm freezing right now. "I'm freezing" I whispered to him and pulled it out accidentally dropping my duel headphone thing on the floor. When I went to pick it up he did too so we bumped heads on accidentally when we came up.
"Ow- sorry" I giggled in a much better mood than I was when we first sat next to each other.
"Sorry" he chuckled handing it back to me.
"Okay so talk to me.." I said getting snuggled up in my blanket. "Was Liz a jealous girlfriend?" I grinned covering my mouth with my blanket.
"What?" He chuckled, "No, she was fine but her dad was definitely someone to be afraid of".
"Oh, scaredy cat aren't cha? You probably would have been terrified of my real dad"

3rd POV

Peter tried to hide his thoughts when she said that.
"Oh yeah?" He laughed nervously. He knew not to talk about her dad because well... he died and it affected everyone when that happened especially him and Y/n.
"Yeah.. He was someone real interesting.. And it turns out he was famous, big time famous, but he never let me near him because he didn't want me to be in the spot light" she rolled her eyes smiling to herself thinking about all the good times she had with him. Peter didn't try to talk about her father but it seems like she wanted to talk about him so Peter just kept listening. "I lived with him for a while but I had to leave again because something happened I guess-" she shrugged continuing her story, "my step mom says that I'm just like him and- Oh!" She put her hand on his arm excitedly, "I have a little sister named Morgan and she said she loves me 3000" she smiled to herself and laid back in her chair hugging her knees happily.
"Really? I think I'll always be an only child unless I have some secret parents too" Peter chuckled crossing his arms trying to get cozy in his hoodie.
"You might." Y/n laughed, "They changed my name, you know" she said making Peter nervous.
"W-Why'd they do that?" He stuttered shivering in his seat from the cold air blowing on them.
"Because my real dad was really famous" she emphasized 'really'. "I even had to live with my uncle my whole life and never even knew until before the blip!"
"Am I aloud to know who he is?" He raised an eyebrow with a little grin.
"Nope!" She giggled popping the 'p'.
"Oh" he rolled his eyes.
"Here- you're a mess Peter" Y/n shared her fuzzy little blanket with Peter. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed but her warmth mixed with his felt was heavenly and her perfume was everything to Peter. He's in total bliss! "But... I will let you know my real first name" she smiled leaning closer to him so the blanket wouldn't slip off. Peter nodded his ready to hear what he already knew. "It's Y/n" she smiled with half closed eyes.
"..I don't want to sound rude or anything.. but I like your real one better" he smiled leaning closer to help with the blanket situation.
"Me too" their smiles lit up the whole plane and made the atmosphere feel young and light and.. in love. "I-I don't mind if you called me that either.. no one else knows besides MJ so.." she stuttered looking away at the little tv in front of her and saw they still have like 5 hours left..
"You pick" Petter looked away nervously.
"Than.. Than use my real name.. How about we pick a movie?" She suggested trying to break the awkwardness.
"Yeah" Peter chuckled.
"I have some downloaded in here" she dug in her backpack and pulled out her computer with a little Spider-Man and Spider-Woman sticker on the front making Peter smile more to himself. She unlocked it then pulled up all her downloaded movies. "You pick the first one"
"This one-" he immediately pointed to Clueless.
"Yesssss" she laughed clicking it and plugging in the duel headphone thing.

The two watched nearly all the movie and only had a little less than 4 hours left when Y/n suddenly remembered something from that night.. the night where everything went wrong again.



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