The Day Before..

138 4 1

Your POV

Chirp, chirp-

It's so bright... Why does the sun have to be out so.... early...
Is that a hand?
IS THAT PETER'S HAND?! Dont freak out, dont freak out.... I-it's fiiine... I've held his hand before... just never seen it over my side.... Should I get up..? I dont wanna wake him.. Maybe if I just slip out?
I turned flat on my back so I could slip out but then I saw his face and accidentally stared.. He's so quiet and calm, I dont wanna mess that up.. but I have to pee....
"Okay.." I whispered scooting out from under his arm. "Phew.." I sighed in relief and finally made my way to the bathroom. "Should I shower?... no, no, no, not in a guys room!" I whispered slapping my face.
I did what I needed and went out.
I opened the door looking at my feet and somehow bumped into something and fell flat on my butt.
"S-Sorry!" Peter stuttered helping me up off the floor.
"I-Its fine I wasnt looking.." i muttered taking his hand. Please dont pull too hard and make me fall again- "Ah-!.." I groaned falling on top of him. "You know, I'm really not that heavy, Peter" I laughed a bit and got off him.
"Y-Yeah.. noted." He sighed taking my hand this time. I carefully pulled him up so he wouldnt fall but he tripped over my foot and fell right down on top of me. I almost hit my head but thank god he put his hand under it just in time.
"I-I-Im so-" he stuttered with his face already bright red.
"We aren't very helpful, are we-"


The door unlocked and there stood all our friends in shock.
"I didnt know it would work so well..." Ned whispered to MJ as Peter and I hurried to get up.
"I told you they planned it.." I whispered to peter.
"You called it.." peter whispered back to me. We both secretly gave each other a quiet low high five behind our backs to where they couldn't see.
"How was last night?" Betty winked.
"Yeah, tell us what happened" Brad smirked.
" guys are trolls" my face went flat. Everyone laughed as I tried to explain last night. "We just watched a movie" I shrugged.
"What movie?" Ned wiggled his eyebrows. Peter looked over at me forgetting the name.
"White Chicks" I giggled.
"Whaaaat that's my favorite!" Brad threw his hands in the air.
"Mine too!" I laughed
"Especially the scene in the beginning at the party where-" Brad was trying to talk but Peter cut in.
"Hey guys, we're going in an hour" he reminded us.
"Oh shoot! I forgot! Scuz me-!" I squeezed through the crowd of friends at the door with MJ following a little bit after.

"Hey.. I think Peter was getting a little jealous back there" MJ said with a smirk after I closed the door.
"What?- When?- Why?" I wondered getting my clothes together but stopped to look at her.
She smacked her forehead and continued reading on her bed, "never mind"
"Nooo, when?!" I whined jumping next to her on her bed.
"You'll figure it out eventually" she grinned pushing me away.
"He was jealous?.." I whispered to myself happily and continued to pack. He got jealous? For what? Does that mean he likes me? I mean we did kiss but still... and he said he liked me... or did I make that up? Ugh! He didnt even have to erase my memory for me to forget some of last night!
"Come on! Breakfast!.." Betty yelled banging on the door.
"Kay!" I yelled back trying to pull on my dress over my head.
"..Peter's coming too!" She added before running off.
My face started turning red...
"K-Kay!" My voice cracked. "Shit.." I whispered totally embarrassing myself.
"Come on" MJ laughed at me then took my hand and dragged me out of the room after we slid on our shoes.
"Hey babe" Brad smirked from behind us walking faster to MJ's side.
"Shut up" she muttered turning red. I giggled keeping my head low then drifted behind them with a happy smile.
Today we're going to Berlin in Germany. I've never been out of the United States so this trip is kind of a dream for me besides the fact I have to save the world-
"MORNING!" The African dude who tossed me in the pool once at DC yelled from the end of the hall.
"Morning.." I giggled knowing he can't hear me.
"Good morning, Y/n" Ned trotted right up to my side without Betty anywhere in sight.
"Morning, who told you that name?" I laughed continuing to the elevator where everyone is waiting
"Peter told me. Everyones been saying it, did you just realize it?" he smiled crossing his arms and stepping into the elevator with me and everyone else.
"Oh?" I laughed a little. "I'm just having a rough week" I shrugged.
"Wait!-" Peter came running down the hall. I stuck my hand between the door before it closed so it would open again.
"You're late dickwad!" Flash shouted out from the corner jammed with all the others.
"Pfffft" I covered my mouth turning to hide my face so Peter wouldn't see.
"Sup Penis Par-" mj grinned.
"Hehehe.." I giggled trying my hardest to keep my mouth shut after MJ said that.
"1..2..3.." they whispered randomly.
"Good morning Dickwad!" They all screamed as the elevator went down.
"Ahahaha!" I started tearing up from laughing so hard.
"I-I'm sorry P-Peter, i-it's still not funny guys!" I tried to put in my best straight face.
"Pffffft!" I slapped my mouth shut. "STOP DOING THAT!" I yelled turning back around. Everyone laughed except for peter who seemed kinda annoyed but also very used to this so he just kept smiling with a little eye roll.
The door opened and we all flooded out to the dinning area where all the food is...
"Waffle time..." I whispered walking faster to the open waffle maker.
"Pfft.." I heard peter laugh. That's embarrassing.. I guess he heard that.. "S-Sorry" he stuttered trying his best to put on a normal smile again.
"Sorry for laughing at you.. Again" I chuckled pouring some waffle mix into a cup then pouring that onto the maker and shut the top.
"It's fine" he sighed rolling his eyes with a smile. Suddenly the butterflies came back and nervous thoughts flooded my mind.
"S-So.. ready for Berlin?" I tried changing the subject. This must be where the next 'attack' is at...
"Which one will he show this time?" He sighed resting against the counter with his arms crossed.
"None probably.. He probably realized the thing has gone missing and I bet he has cameras and microphones everywhere.." I looked up at him nervously. He didn't say anything. He's so slow.. "He's gonna come after us, is what I'm trying to say" I sighed taking out my waffle and putting it on a plate while grabbing some syrup then followed him to the cereal bar.
"We'll just have to find out later.. We have to tell Fury" he stared me in the eyes then grabbed his cereal and walked to an empty 2 seater table.
"Yeah we do.. but do you think we can even trust him?.. I knew from the start Beck wasn't telling the truth but I can't read Fury" I sighed trying to cut my waffle up.
"I don't know.." he sighed lowering his head.
"Well.. We'll figure it out eventually.." I sighed back finally starting to eat.
"I trust you" he smiled making my mind go completely blank.
"M-Me too- I mean you-" I stuttered snapping out of it with a solid red face.
"We're leaving in 15 to the bus! Hurry!" The teachers yelled simultaneously.
"Whaaat... I didn't get to finish though.." I looked down at my half eaten waffle as I took another bite.
Peter chuckled trying to finish his cereal.
"Let's take a bunch of snacks for the plane ride there" he suggested.
"Good idea" I giggled hurrying it up.
After a couple more minutes of eating, me and Peter raced up the fire escape stairs to the 3rd floor to get our stuff. I won of course. When we came back out of our room I noticed he had my blanket in hand, thank god because I forgot it. Everyone came right after that so me and peter got to pick a good seat. Well, this time it's actually a large van so we all had to sit 2 to a seat and guess who got to sit next to Spider-Man........ His partner.
As everyone hurried into the van I talked to Peter with a none stop smile.

"It still blows my mind you're Spider-Man.." I whispered happily.
"W-What?" He chuckled looking over at me puzzled.
"I don't know... I'm glad though. I kinda figured the whole time you were young like dad said but I still thought you were just someone random." I laughed thinking back to the old days with him in the hammock. "When he said he took your suit I was so mad, by the way" I looked him in the eyes but got super nervous when he looked back at me so I looked down at my hands again. "Why didn't you tell me earlier about those guys?.." I finally let my smile fade a bit.
"You were new and I didn't want you getting hurt.." he spoke completely honest.
"Buckle up!" The teachers yelled.
"Well.." I laughed thinking back to homecoming. "I think I would have been fine.. hey, now that I'm thinking about it. Did you really ditch Liz at homecoming?" I whispered putting my head against the seat in front of me where Ned and Betty were already texting about missing each other again.
"Yeah.." he sighed scratching the back of his neck. "Her dad figured out my identity and he was also the Vu-"
"What?!" I whisper shouted cutting him off. "That was her dad?" I whispered leaning closer to him.
"Yeah.." he sighed banging his head against the seat in front of us.
"Pfft.. you had to fight your girlfriend's dad" I giggled thinking back to the plane when he said he had a girlfriend. That was a shock but now I get it.
"Yep.." he sighed closing his eyes. "You said you had a little sister right? I didn't know Mr. Stark and Pepper had one for a while.." we sat back up as it got bumpier.
"Her name is Morgan and she's five and she says she loves me 3000" I grinned ear to ear ranting about my little sister. "Oh but you kinda already met.." I looked somewhere else awkwardly.
"She's too adorable" He chuckled sweeping his hand through his curly brown hair... Uuuuuh okay don't look it's weird, Y/n- shit I looked.
"S-She is" I stuttered blushing and turned my head towards the window nervously.
"PETER AND Y/N SITTIN IN A BUS! K-I-S-" everyone turned around in there seats to sing this. I looked to Peter in fear and sheer nervousness with a bright red face. When I looked at him he had the same embarrassed face. Yeah, it's true we kissed... a few times... but nobody knows- well they do now obviously... MJ and Ned must have told them! Whyyyyy... it's so embarrassinggggg.

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