The Bus Ride

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3rd POV

During the night Y/n had a very real dream of that one faithful night where she found out the truth...
Delilah took down her mask and there he was... Peter saying he wished she was never around.... That he hated her and all her games..

Y/n gasped sitting up and yelling, "Speder is Peter-man! I mean peter is speder- NO!- he hates me..." she whispered the last part as she hid her head in her blanket.
"-Y/n.. Shut up.. We already know that.." MJ groaned covering her ears.
"U-Uh, s-sorry I just had a dream.." she muttered looking out the dark window. She looked at the time on her phone, 5:45 am. "I'm gonna take a shower.." She whispered grabbing a new change of clothes and a towel. She walked down the hall to the bathroom where a few toilets and showers were at all in one, kinda like a locker room. She took the one all the way at the end of the hall then shut and locked the stall.
"This is a weird hotel" she muttered undressing and turning on the hot water. In the background she had Eminem on, he was always the right person to get Y/n pumped in the mornings. She muttered random cuss words as slim shady rapped them and tried to follow along with the song. Music is her only escape from the dreams that haunted her these days.
About 15 minutes passed and she finished her shower singing, "I'm slim shady, yes I'm in real shady all you other slim shady's are just imitating so won't the real slim shady please stand up, please stand up-" she sang in a very raspy, tired voice.
"I didn't know she liked slim shady?.." She heard Peter's voice from the men's bathroom. The drains are connected so she can hear the things whomever is in the stall connected to hers.
"Peter?" She giggled drying herself off.
Peter turned off his water and stuttered a raspy, "H-Hey, Y/n".

Your POV

"H-Hey, Y/n" Peter said my real name.. why is his voice so deep in the morning and why do I absolutely love- NO SHUT UP BRAIN!
"H-Heyyyy Peter..." I stuttered nervously and continued to dry myself faster.
"I didn't know you liked Eminem" he chuckled. Shoot, I just stopped his shower and made him talk to me what if he was washing his hair or something and now he's just standing there cold in the shower............. NO, DONT THINK ABOUT THAT- Y/N STOP!
"Y-Yeah I do.." I stuttered slapping myself in the forehead. I'm such an idiot. "This hotel is weird" I laughed trying to break the awkwardness.
"It feels more like the school locker rooms" he chuckled. I put on my clothes and sat on the dry bench talking to Peter for a little bit longer.
"I agree.. Hopefully Paris will be better. I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower and go to town.." I sighed happily. "And I bet MJ and Brad will start dating there" I giggled to myself.
"Why do you say that?" His voice was muffled by something- ohh he's probably changing too... Good, I didn't interrupt his shower then.. phew!
"I told Brad to ask her out there. They both have it pretty bad for each other" I laughed a bit and looked down at my prosthetic. It really is water proof, thank god because there isn't baths here.
"Yeah, so does Ned and Betty" he laughed. I can't believe I'm letting myself fall again, this needs to stop I already saw what happens... and what if that was just more of my missing memory..? What if he does hate me..
"Yeah.. I'm envious" I let my smile drop.. Normally I'd keep up my act in front of people but he's always been here for me as a friend, of course.
"You're not alone in that" he sighed. You too? I thought- well I don't know, you just don't date very often so- "Why are we still talking through the bathroom drain?" He laughed.
"I don't know" I giggled standing up with my things. "I'll meet you outside and we can go downstairs till everyone wakes up or something" I told him then walked out of my stall. I sneaked a quick peek at the wound on my shoulder before I walked out though, it hasn't gotten any better I think.. The pain has calmed down a little though but it's still there and still looks nasty. Thank god I burned it shut though... "I'm gonna put this in my room" I whispered tip toeing back to mine and MJ's room but my first step was so loud thanks to my metal leg. I threw my head back in anger and got a few laughs from Peter for that. I narrowed my eyes at him then smiled a little after before continuing to my trip to the room. I put my things down but kept my phone with me then headed downstairs to wait for Peter.. but I guess he beat me down there.
"Morning" he smiled sitting on one of the lounge chairs.
"Good morning" I smiled tilting my head a little.
Stop doing this Peter, I really can't handle you anymore. Just break my heart again already so I can try and move on for a second time-
"What are you planing to do while all the 'couples' are gone?" He laughed when he got to the 'couples' part. I sighed sitting on a chair next to him and pulled my knees to my chest.
"Probably just going to be a loner. So, did you find a date for Paris already?" I grinned keeping up my act.
And my walls go up again.. This hurts more than I think it should. When I read about romance and love and heart break I never thought it actually hurt like they described.. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, AND YOUR'E TOO BLAME! IM A VICTIM OF LOVE-
"Not at all.." he chuckled looking at the seems on the arm rest. Oh.. I guess he doesn't want to go with anyone then.. T-That's understandable, I mean it's only the city of love and lights, who would want to be with someone?- especially me.....
"Join the club" I laughed keeping up my fake little smile.. "I thought you would have had someone in mind" I laughed looking down at the pretty roses engraved in my leg.
"I-I do" he stuttered. He does? I looked back up at him trying to contain my excitement and pain. Maybe it's me? But maybe it's not... We've only ever been partners anyway so...
"Will you ask her?.. Or is it just Flash" I smirked trying to ease my pain. Jokes are always a way out in situations most of the time..
"Ughhhh!" He groaned throwing his head back. I laughed putting my head in my knees to cover my ugly smile.
I know I always say these things about myself like how I'm ugly or maybe I'm not deserving of something but after a while.. It becomes true to you, wouldn't you agree?
"Sup Dickwad, hey Y/n" Flash walked down the stairs almost on que.
"Pfft.... Ahaha!" I laughed hitting Peter's arm. "Speak of the devil, right? Wait, I-I'm sorry! It's not funny!" I crossed my arms and put on a serious face that I somehow managed to keep until MJ walked down stairs as well.
"Hey Penis Parker-"
"HAHA!" I laughed probably waking everyone up.
"W-Whose saying Peter's nicknames?" Betty walked down the stairs rubbing her eyes.
"Wasn't it 'dickwad' or something?" Ned asked walking down with a couple other people who came on the trip with us.
"Pfffffft...-" I covered my mouth and dug my head into my knees.
"I think it was Penis Parker-" Brad walked down the stairs and earned himself an awkward fist bump from MJ.
"Hehehe.." I giggled quietly into my hands accidentally letting some laughs slip out. I looked up to Peter who is pouting as everyone else laughed.
"I-I'm sorry, Peter, I didn't mean to laugh, I'm sorry.." I apologized keeping my nervous blushing face down.
I can't believe I laughed again even though I know he hates it when- Whoa..... that smile.. always comes out of no where doesn't it?.. "It's fine" he chuckled catching my eyes.
His eyes.. are gorgeous.- No! Stop thinking like this, you already know he has someone else in mind now so you can-!..... So I can forget about him..
I looked away from his eyes and settled them back on the roses in my leg.. "..Okay" I smiled trying not to look at him any longer.
Everyone stopped their laughing and looked at the stairs where the two teachers walked down. "I'm glad you're all awake. Go get dressed and we'll get on the road!" The white dude with glasses shouted out. I should really figure out their names... "We've switched up plans for this trip and already talked to you parents about it, we were offered an extremely nice place in Prague instead of Paris!" The guy yelled and ran back up stairs.
"No.." I whispered sticking my head in my knees and covering the gaps so no one would see. I really wanted to go to Paris even if I'd be crying alone at the top of the Eiffel Tower..
"Come on" MJ whispered grabbing one of my hands. I looked up at her and nodded my head then followed her up the stairs to our room.
"Paris was the whole reason I wanted to go.." I walked over to my bed and sat down then put my head in my knees again.
"I know but now we get to go somewhere even better!" She tried to sound enthusiastic about that but I know we're both sad about this. "That was a lie- but we should enjoy it right? Maybe some good will come out of it?" She's trying so hard to make me happy but I can't help it..
"I'll enjoy it when we get there.." I muttered crawling under my blanket. Silence filled the room for a while till we were told it was time to go. I quickly packed up my bags but kept out my big weighted blanket because apparently we're driving there by bus.
I sat alone in a seat because honestly I just want to pout by myself.. then I remembered the glasses I got for my birthday. Mom's glasses.
I pulled the case out from my back pack and put them on. I looked around at everything with a lump in my throat then noticed the note on the inside.

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