Rough Day.

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Your POV

Me and Peter finally got to our gate and waited a couple minutes before everyone got back with tons of snacks-
"Pete, we forgot snacks!" I shouted out in pain. He chuckled looking at the time.
"The door won't open for 15 minutes" he smiled sanding up.
"Do you guys mind watching this stuff?" I asked flash and Brad and a few other people with them.
"We'll take good care of it" Flash winked at me with a thumbs up.
I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion while holding my normal smile but quickly relaxed my face, "Uh, sweet, thanks guys" I smiled walking away with peter and my wallet from inside my purse in my suit case.
"Why'd he wink?" I asked looking at Peter who looked really serious. "..Peter?" I turned my head toward him hoping he's alright.

Peter's POV

He winked at Y/n.
"..Peter?" Y/n called my name from beside me in concern.
"Huh? Sorry I was zoning out" I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my neck.
"I see that" she laughed and put her hand over her beautiful smile.
"Why do you cover your mouth when you smile or laugh sometimes?" I asked out loud on accident.
"What-? O-Oh.. I don't I just didn't think my smile is very attractive.." she shrugged continuing to smile without her hand over it and looked at our feet as we walked to a little stand.
"I do." I spoke very clearly... And realized what I actually said. "I-I mean it doesn't look bad" I stuttered turning a bit pink when I looked at her frozen smile. She just kind of stared at me like no one has ever complemented her before like that...
"..Thank you" she looked at our feet with a growing smile and bright rosy cheeks as she twiddle her thumbs.
"Y-Your welcome" I blushed and stopped at the cart.
"Okay, our mission is to not go hungry during the flight so grab a bunch of food" She grinned looking at the spot where every kind of candy was placed.
"Got it, Captain" I laughed grabbing 2 sandwiches, our favorite drinks which are both f/d. When I looked over to her I saw she got ahold of maybe too much candy.. "N/n" I chuckled putting my hand on her shoulder.
"Is it too much?..." she gave me sad puppy dog eyes.
"Maybe just a little" I chuckled. She had at least 10 different candies wrapped in her arms.
"Fine.." she sighed putting 4 of them back.
"Okay, come on" I laughed pushing her to the scanner. I pulled out my card to pay but she did the same thing.
"I will-" she tried to protest but I snatched her card from her hand and handed the man my card.
"Nope" I grinned watching her try to grab the card from above our heads.
"Come on, Pete!-" she whined bouncing up and down for the card.
"Okay here ya go" I smiled handing it back to her after everything was paid for. We walked off back to the gate. She wouldn't stop pouting about that-
"Peter, I'm literally rich. My dad is Iron Man for crying out loud" she whisper shouted angrily.
"Too late now" I shrugged laughing then got a punch to the shoulder.
"We still have time so how about I get us coffee?" She smiled pulling me to the Starbucks nearby. I never go to coffee places so I just got the same thing she did. It had a super long name like the 'triple chocolate.. mocha Frappuccino?' or something. What a mouth full... we wait about 5 minutes and got our drinks then ran back to the gate because it was about to open.

Your POV

"Gate 346 to Berlin, Germany now boarding" A lady called on the intercom. We quickly picked up our stuff and walked on. Unfortunately we don't have seats together.... He had to sit next to Flash and I was sitting next to a girl I didn't know too well but went on the trip with us.
"I need to switch seats, I can't sit next to Parker!" Flash stood up yelling.
"Flash! I'll switch" I smiled standing out of my seat. He looked at the person next to me first before agreeing with a smirk and rubbed his hands together.
"Horn dog.." I whispered as we passed each other carrying out stuff.
"What?!" He shouted in surprise. I grinned to myself as I walked to Peter's seat a few rows in front of me.
"What'd you say to him?" He chuckled scooting farther to the window to give me some room that will only last temporary.
"Nothing too nice.." I grinned as he started laughing.
"Come on!" He begged.
"I called him a horn dog because he was looking at the girl next to me like she was lunch" I rolled my eyes as I sat down.
"You've never said anything like that before" he laughed leaning on the arm rest to help him stay up as he laughed.
"I don't say a lot of stuff but I like to think it" I laughed pulling out my blanket from my bag. I stuffed it in there real tight for this moment to share it with him again..
Before the plane took off me and peter both got a text from Mr. Fury saying that we needed to get in uniform at the airport when he picked us up.
"Wow, this is starting up quickly" I sighed pulling my blanket over us.
"We have a couple hours till then... Movie time?" He grinned.
"Definitely" I smiled grabbing my laptop from inside my backpack I carried with me to my seat, pulled out my head phone adapters and all the food.

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