Is It Really You?..

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Peter's POV

My head fell and woke me up. I looked around this tiny room that for some reason has bars.... suddenly these guys started talking.. I didn't know there was more people.. why are they wearing face paint and jerseys? Where am I? Why do they have such thick accents?
"You were found on the train and they took ya here, buddy" one of them said.
"Oh... Wait, was there a girl too?" My eyes widened when I remembered about Y/n. She was so hurt and I blacked out I think-
"No, sorry bud. Why? You gotta a girlfriend? And that shirt's fer' you cuz ya looked cold" the guy on my right said.
"I-I've got to go find her." I stood up and limped over to the door in pain. I broke off the lock and walked down the hall to see a security guard talking on the phone wearing my mask.. Weird..
I found my way outside and put on that shirt because I looked kinda weird in this torn up suit..
I looked around at this village with farm animals everywhere in wonder and fear. I need to find Y/n before anyone else does or else I might never see her again... but where the hell am i?!
"Hey, can I barrow your phone?" I asked a man in overalls standing behind a fruit stand.
"Sure" he smiled slapping the phone in my palm.
"You people are so nice.." I muttered before typing in Happy's phone number.
He picked up almost immediatel. "Hey- Hey, uh.. i-I need help, I need a ride... Where am I at?..." I looked at the guy at the stand. "Where am I?"
He said this really long name that I can't pronounce... I gave him the phone to tell Happy and he did still smiling.
After that Happy hung up and told me to go to this huge tulip patch somewhere.... When I reached the middle row of the garden I saw someone laying on their back with one of their legs propped on the other.. I walked closer when I started to notice the outfit... that's a girl... THAT'S Y/N!

"Y/-Y/-!" I was about to call her name but got a sharp pain in my side and started coughing again.

Rewind- Your POV

I started opening my eyes feeling a huge headache and pain in both my ears.
"Wish I was dead..." I muttered angrily. I was thrown around like a doll then hit by a train. Now that I think about it, was that the real Peter back there? If so... He was hit too... But how did I get here?
"Aw, why dear?" A random woman asked from beside me. I jumped in surprise and fear. This has to be another illusion! I accidentally bumped into another woman. There's like 3 other women in here with me all wearing organ shirts and orange face paint...
"U-Um, I'm sorry I didn't mean it" I stuttered nervously. I they didn't disappear when I touched them so this must be real..
"You look all banged up, hun" another lady smiled standing up and running some cloth under water then rubbing a ton of blood off my head.. I was bleeding? From my ears probably..
"Oh yeah.. um.. did you by chance see a boy with me? When I came in here? I don't remember much.." I asked the women.
"Ooh, a boy?" They all started giggling.
"H-He's my friend.." I stuttered turning pink.
"She likes him.." they giggling looking at me.
"Did you see him though?" I asked hopefully.
"No, we're sorry, darlin'.." the last woman frowned.
"O-Oh... I need to go and find him then.. Goodbye ladies" I smiled and started limping to the metal gate.
"But you're hurt, shouldn't you sit longer?" They all got up and surrounded me. I carefully snapped of the lock by squeezing it with my hand and let it fall to the floor.
"I'm alright, thank you though" I continued smiling feeling a little bit better now that I got to finally talk to some nice people. Theres no one in New York quite this nice. I wonder where I am.. They have some crazy thick accents.
I limped out of there without anyone noticing.. but the female guard was wearing my mask.. Weirdo.. that thing smells too I dont know why she wants to wear it.
"I don't know where I'm going..." I talked to myself and walked in a random direction. There's a town over there but I don't want to just go up to people and ask if they saw a banged up kid in the same suit as me. It's kinda freaky... plus... I feel really tired..
I continued walking for about a mile or 2 and found this really huge patch of tulips.. I've seen this place online before. I'm in the Netherlands....
"This sucks.. but at least I'll die and feed the flowers" I joked trying to make myself feel better. I walked through the middle row admiring the beautiful flowers bathing in the cloudy, warm air. "This is nice.." I sighed in pain and grabbed my side to ease it. Did I get hurt there or something? I thought it was just my ears but maybe I was shot by surprise? I don't know... it hurts though..
I laid down right in the center of this row and stared at the sky with my right leg sitting on top of my left one. I think I need to fix up this leg.. It feels like something's loose.. I shut my eyes hoping to get a nap in to rest up even if it means I'll be attacked by bugs out here. I guess I'm homeless now. Or maybe later I'll just ask to barrow someone's phone to call Happy or Pepper. -Aw man! I should have given her an update about all this! She would have been excited I remembered everything I'm sure.
After a while of laying around someone started coughing at the end of the row. "Shit.. if they find me I'll get in trouble.. Well, they already found me. Maybe I can ask to barrow this person's phone?
I sat up carefully but hurt myself in the process and groaned in pain as my eyes tried to focus on this person.
"Come on magic powers- work, I don't want to wear glasses again" I mumbled narrowing my eyes. Is that.... Peter? He shouldn't be here too, he should be in Berlin or something still...

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