Shopping With a Friend

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Your POV

I woke up to the blinds being ripped open. 
"Wh-Who's there?!" I shouted trying to see but my eyes were too blurry.
"Your father asked me to wake you up for breakfast. He has some news for you," Delilah told me then began saying a bunch of things about the news and the weather.
"Okay, thank you Delilah, I'm getting up," I smiled knowing today would be a good day.
"You're welcome, Y/n. Oh, it seems you grew 3 inches over night. You are currently standing at 5'6 and have the cup size d." She spoke again. She must be joking though. I wonder where she found this joke from though because it's not that funny.
"What are you talking about? I haven't grown in forever" I muttered and stretched out my tried limbs with a laugh. I grabbed my new prosthetic and quickly put it on. Next i wiped my eyes then looked in the big mirror in front of me. "What the fu-" I stared in shock.
"You see now?" She cut off my bad language.
"How did I grow so fast, Delilah?! Do you know?" I asked her while checking out my body. Everything grew. My hips got a little wider, my stomach looks skinnier now that all of whatever fat I had was stretched and gone thanks to those extra 3 inches. My body looks more toned too and is that... abs?
"I believe it what the teens call a 'glow up'," she spoke as monotone as ever.
"No, no, that's not what I meant! I need to ask dad about this!" I rambled and rummaged through my clothes. "These clothes don't even fit- Crap! And you said I went up a cup size too! Oh no..." I ended up going in my big hoodie and the dress i brought with me from yesterday because none of these shorts or pants fit. "What floor is he on right now?" I asked Delilah and rushed in the elevator.
"The 34th floor. It is consider the hang out spot of the tower and includes a kitchen." She said speaking from my fake leg.
"Whaaaat- You're in there too!?" I asked looking down at it then pressed the button on the elevator wall.
"Yes, but I can only be heard by you in the public. You can also ask for me anywhere in the tower and I will answer."
"That's so cool!" I smiled feeling super excited. The only thing I've said here is 'cool' simply because anything and everything here is freaking cool.
The door opened and dad was cooking in the kitchen.
"Good morning, Jasmine!" He called with his back turned to me.
"Good morning- Oh, and you can call me Y/n, I don't mind" I giggled a bit already feeling happy.
"Okay.. Did something happen?" He asked with his back turned still.
"How did you know that?" I asked narrowing my eyes.
"Delilah told me," he chuckled and finally turned to look at me. "Oh- that's what happened.." He looked at me up and down with wide eyes.
"Yeah. I grew 3 inches and another cup size!-" Clearly I'm not afraid to share my business with others- "I haven't grown in a long time! I was supposed to be 5'1 my whole life and barely succeeded that by 2 inches but now I'm 5'6!" I shouted and sat down in the chair on the island.
"I think it's because of the drink," he told me and put some slightly burned eggs on a few pieces of toast. How does he know me so well but this is our first day together? I'm shocked, this is my favorite breakfast.
"Dad, I don't know if it's because we're related or not but how do you know me so well already?" I asked him and started eating my toast and eggs.
"What do you mean?" He said and put the dishes in the sink then started eating from the other side of the island standing up.
"I can't tell you how many times you've read my mind already and now you've figured out my favorite breakfast. You really must be my dad," I laughed and continued eating.
"Yeah well you read my mind a few times too," he grinned and took another bit of his.
"Great minds think alike," I said then we high fived. This is amazing.
"So I finished up that suit but I have to adjust it now that you grew. In the mean time you can go shopping with someone," he told me and slipped me a card.
"W-What?" I choked. Wow, uncle never let me go shopping, not even if I needed it sometimes. "Seriously?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Duh" he said and threw our empty paper plates away. "Spidey- kid said you were the life of that party by the way," he said.
"Well maybe I was but I didn't know anyone.. I do have a few friends though, 3 of them," I told him.
"Oh yeah? What's their names?"
"Ned, Peter, and Mj. Peter said he has an internship with you so he's never around. He went to that party with us but left as soon as we got there," i said looking at the card. Look, I know he's super rich but I can't just take his money like that. I don't even take uncles money like that either so I slid him the card back.
"Yeah, I know the kid. Super awkward one right?" He asked picking up the card with a grin.
"Haha! Yeah, that's the one," I giggled feeling bad for agreeing but I would tell Peter that to his face anyway. It's not a bad awkward, it's just kinda cute and nerdy.
He stuffed the card in his pocket then led me down the elevator to the first floor. He and Happy walked up to each other and started talking. I pretended not to listen but dad has to know I can hear everything against my will anyway.
"Take her wherever she needs, make sure she has a friend with her too- Here," he said and gave Happy the card. He nodded then dad waved me over. "Spend as much as you need because I don't want it. Go grab one of those friends, preferably the girl, and get some clothes that fit. Also, you don't have to hide your legs anymore because now it looks badass," he told me and patted my shoulder with his classic smile.
I smiled and shook my head, "I won't waste all of it".
"No, you better. When you come back it had better be maxed out, there's only 1000 on this one," he made it sound like a $1000 was nothings. Wait- on this one?
My mouth dropped. "Why would you trust me with that?" I whispered in a high voice and pointed to Happy who was holding the card.
"Cuz you're a Stark," he said grinning. "Now go," he told me and pushed me outside with Happy who was using a taxi so no one would know who we are.
"I'm a Stark" I said to myself with a smile.
"Yeah kid, you'll get used to the glamor life soon," Happy told me and started driving. Where I lived would take a little bit to drive to so I had time to call MJ. 
I pressed call then waited for her answer after a few short rings. "Huh... What is it?" She groaned tiredly.
"Don't tell me I woke you up," I laughed.
"Yeah, it's only 10:30," she groaned again.
"Come on get up, I have a problem and now I have to go shopping so you have to come with me," I told her with another laugh.
"Okay.. come pick me up I'll text you my address," she agreed then hung up. After she sent me the address I told Happy it and he started driving us there.
We got there quickly and I saw a less than sleepy MJ sitting on some steps. I stepped out of the car to tell her it's me but her eyes went wide and she pointed at me with a confused look. She was very surprised to say the least.
"That's not you, is it? How did you grow in every area and how do I get a glow up like that??" She asked and grabbed my hips in amazement.
I laughed and pulled her back into the cab with me. "We've got to go to the mall now," I laughed. "Oh! And look at this!" I showed her my new leg.
"Dang, Jasmine.. Where did you get this thing?" She asked and started touching all the gears and bars.
"My other one was burned in that fire at Demlar's. It was pretty bad so I had to get a new one," I chuckled nervously.
"Wow.. there's no way we're not showing this off tomorrow"
"We're?" I laughed.
"I'm your best friend, we are now one," she told me putting her pointer fingers next to each other.
"Oh, okay," I giggled looking out the window. The mall looked nice and big. I wonder if there's been a lot of break in's here? I would assume so, I mean this is where I'd do it if I was a criminal. Ugh, why have I started think like a superhero suddenly? I sound like I'm trying to rob this mall!
Happy pulled us up to the front and unlocked the doors.
"Thank Ha- Sir" I almost called him by his name, good going.
"Yeah.." was all he said then drove away.
"I like him," MJ pointed behind us where he was driving away.
"Yeah, I bet you do" I laughed and walked inside with her.
"I need a new outfit right now.. Including new bras."
"Are you not wearing one right now? How much did it go up?" She laughed and led me to where Victoria's secret was. It was quite the expensive store.. but he said go all out... But he didn't really mean it right?
"Delilah, how much should I spend here?" I whispered to my leg without bending over or looking creepy.
"Huh, what'd you say?" MJ heard me.
"Oh, I was just thinking about how much I should spend, I don't want to wasted all my dad's money," I told her with a sigh. Happy gave me the card before MJ came in with me earlier.
"All of it," she told me completely serious.
"No way I can do that!" I laughed and pushed her shoulder lightly. She did it back then we walked into the store. Almost immediately, one of the ladies that worked there came up to us with a smile.
"Hi ladies, do either of you need a fitting?" She asked us. MJ pointed to me with a smile and stepped to the side.
"Uh- yeah I do..." I rolled my eyes embarrassed.
"Alright, well if you can take off your jacket I'll get a more accurate size" I hesitated before taking it off. I was wearing the only bra I had and of course it was way too small for me now.
"Okay, looks like you're a 36 d"  she told me with a smile. '36? I though Delilah said it was just the cup size?'.
"Thank you" I returned the smile then looked at MJ for help.
"Damn girl, 36 d" she whispered as we looked through my size.
"I told you! Something weird happened, I don't know how I did this!" I said back as we picked out a few bras from the bins then a couple more from around the store.
"Crap, I need new underwear too.. these are giving me a rash in places I don't need," I whispered to her as we came upon a sale on panties. I only wear bikini underwear because i don't want a string up my ass but MJ begged me to buy one of them just cuz...
It took me a while but I finally tried on all the bras. They all seemed to fit great and felt even nicer so we just got them all. In the end we had 7 bras and 15 pairs of underwear, it was $30 for 15. It's a STEAL not a deal.
It all came out to be around $100.... im already blowing this money....
"Holy cow.." I whispered to MJ holding the big bag.
"That place is expensive!" She whispered back. We were already out and whispering for no reason.
We giggled together then stopped for smoothies. "I'll pay since I made you come here," I told her with a smile.
"Okay, well I can't deny a gift," she grinned and did a cute little princess face. I laughed at her then paid and soon we got our drinks and were on to the next store. "Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, and Hot Topic" she listed a few stores.
"I'll let you pick everything," I laughed again and followed her from store to store.

We spent 4 hours shopping and trying on clothes. I got basically a whole new wardrobe which I feel terribly bad about because I said I wouldn't waste all his money but I had to buy new tennis shoes and converse because my feet grew one size too and I paid for lunch but I also got a matching shirt with MJ. In all.... I probably spent 4 or 5 hundred dollars... 20 new shirts, a few skirts, few jeans, few shorts, a new pair of leggings and a couple dresses not including homecoming because I was too tired to try any on. MJ said she mostly came for a homecoming dress so it all works out.

I got back to the tower after dropping MJ back at home around 3. Someone random said they would put all those bags on my floor. They worked for dad so whatever.
"Hey, Delilah," I called out for her.
"Yes, Y/n?" She replied from the intercom system.
"Where's my dad?" I asked her and walked into the elevator.
"He is in the 69th floor where is lab is located"
"69 huh? Did he plan that, Delilah?"
"Yes.. He did.."
"Ha... I would have too," I said to myself then the doors opened.
The lab looked like a mess. There was trash and tools everywhere but at the center of the mess was a whole hall filled with all his suits.. there's a lot...
"Ah, Y/n! Come look, I just finished it. The kid will be over soon too to give you those web shooters," dad shouted out and dragged me over to where this amazing suit was hanging up.
"No way..." I muttered to myself feeling the biggest smile of my life rise across my face.
"Go put it on," he said and picked it up.
"Wh-What? Me? That can't be mine-" I stuttered in surprise. I really didn't expect any of this... I thought he would like lock me up and make me stop going to school because someone probably found out I was his kid but I guess not.. Or maybe he's training me just in case?... Or maybe he knows I'm just as stubborn as he is-
"Yeah, it's yours-" he told me pushing it into my chest. "Oh, I like your new clothes, by the way. How much did you spend? All of it I hope," he was talking quickly. He's a really fast talker, wow-
"No but a lot still- I'm really sorry it was about half of that but that's way more than I-"
"What only half? Keep it for next time," he told me and pushed me into the bathroom. It was huge like every other place here.
"Hurry up!" He shouted and walked away.
"Keep it?" I asked myself while undressing.
"DO I NEED TO WEAR A BRA?" I shouted.
"NO IT'S BUILT IN!"he shouted back. Ow, that hurt my ears, I wasn't expecting a yell.
"Ow- got it..." I muttered and fully undressed. I picked up the suit and saw a tong fall out.
"You're fucking kidding me, right?" I muttered in disbelief then slapped my mouth when I realized I said the f word. "I have to wear a thong?!" I groaned slapping my forehead before changing into the thong.
"If Spider-Man does than you do too- that's the price of a suit like yours and his." He said rather arrogantly then slapped his mouth loudly. "Don't tell him I told you!" he said firmly.
I bursted out laughing mid way into putting on the suit and dropped everything. "T-That's awesome!" I laughed barely able to breath. I heard him laughing from the other side too. I wanna ask him about it now, haha!
I pulled up my slightly heavy suit and zipped it up by myself. You learn how to do that alone when you're a girl with no mom.
I looked in the mirror and saw this badass chick.....


The next page shows your suit but it's not a chapter so don't get too excited!

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