Escaping The Opera

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Your POV

"Hey, MJ.." I pulled her away from Brad to talk.
"Yeah?" She asked in an equally hushed tone as mine.
"I've got to go somewhere to meet Fury, I'll be back before it's time to meet back downstairs, just cover for me please" I begged following her to our room somewhere around here.
"Yeah but dont be late" she smiled.
"Look- that's ours" I laughed running over to room 391.
"Damn." MJ said opening the door to our very expensive and huge room.
"Yeah.." I muttered looking around. "Mine!" I yelled jumping on the bed closest to the window.
"So where are you going exactly?" MJ asked while unzipping her bag. I tossed my suitcase on my bed and unzipped it to find the new backpack Mr. Fury gave me.
"Umm... Not sure" I shrugged pulling putting on my new all black suit. "Whoa.." I muttered.
"That's new. So you're a ninja now?" She grinned staring at the suit I'm holding up.
"I wonder if I have to wear a bra with this one..?' I asked myself.
"You dont with the other ones??" She asked touching the suit.
"No because-" I started pulling of my clothes, "Dad built one in-' I hopped in the suit and pulled it up the best I could. "This one's tight-" I held my breath and sucked everything in as I pull it over my shoulders.
"Wow... that's a sight for sore eyes.." MJ said sarcastically as I tired my hardest to pull this one piece suit over my shoulders.
"Just help me before I tear it on accident-" I groaned trying my best to pull the pant legs up.
She came over and helped me put on the sleeves and pulled the shoulder parts over my shoulder.
"So tight-" my voice got higher out of pain as she zipped up the back.
"You literally had your leg ripped off by a giant bird man and you're complaining about a tight suit?" Her voice went flat.
"It was the fake one-"
"Y/n, you got shot multiple times."
"...I'm sensitive?" I pulled my hair into a bun then strapped the mask over my face and behind my head. This mask is weird but kinda cool. I feel like a ninja!
"Wow" MJ stared at me.
"Is the mask cool?"
"I-I mean yeah. I cant believe you're a superhero.." she said as I walked over to the large mirror.
"Whoaaa he even got the eyes right!" I shouted in excitement, spinning around in circles looking at my suit. All black and it's got indent things for my boobs, I cant believe this. Why do I sound so surprised? -BECAUSE FOR ONE OF THE FIRST TIMES IN MY LIFE I BECAME IMPORTANT TO PEOPLEEEEE!!
"Alright im gonna go now, I'll be back!" I giggled excited to swing around this city and put my foot out the window getting ready to jump.
"Yeah, yeah, now hurry up and go have your play time with peter-" MJ smirked pushing me out the window. I almost hit the ground but I caught myself. I flipped her off as I went to the location on the mask. This mask has the directions to wherever we're meeting... Always some sketchy place..

"Beat ya here" I grinned waiting outside the meeting spot.
"This suit was hard to get on, it's not my fault!" He exclaimed. I finally turned to look at him because I've been kinda sleeping against the wall.
"M-Mine too" I stuttered accidentally staring at him. His abs show through..... He has abs? I forgot- oh my god...
I sighed in delight.
"Cooling system activated-" Delilah said out loud. She hasn't had to do that for a while because for the most part, my powers are locked down but I guess I slipped up on accident.
I slapped my forehead and walked through the doors. Peter stood outside the doors stunned. Maybe he thought it was weird.. Ugh- I'm so stupid!
"Welcome back spider kids" Mr. Fury smiled standing up from his chair and walked over to us.
"Hello, sir" I spoke with a smile they couldn't see.
"How do you like the suits?"
"Little tight around the ole web shooter-" Spider-Man looked down at his suit.
We all just kinda looked at him in surprise but you know...
"It's tight in very uncomfortable places, he means and I agree" I corrected him after sighing.
"Sorry.." he muttered putting his head down a little. I giggled quietly to him as Fury and Beck walked over to a set of chairs and a couch, the two chairs were taken by them and I guess that leaves me and Spidey to sit on the couch.
"Mr. Fury, Mr. Beck.. if I'm being honest right now... The fact that you are making us do this instead of the other Avengers is a crime to the rest of the world... and is pretty sketchy" I first looked at Fury then moved onto Beck. Beck's face didn't change but now I let him know I'm on to him so he had better watch out.
"What makes you say that?" Fury rested his head on his fist in amusement.
"Well for starters, we're 16. You said we have to save the world from these elementals who came from his world-" I nodded my head over to Beck without breaking eye contact with Fury, "and to be frank, this guy is a total fraud" I smirked under my mask.
"A fraud?" He looked confused. Look! Watch this- he's about to pretend he's the good guy and try to win me over. I'm gonna let him just for the fun too and maybe be a little back stabber but just so I can 'save the world' from him. He's the dude making these things come up but I don't know how. We don't know anything but what he's told us and I don't believe a single word of it. 'I'm from a different world bla bla bla- they don't have a scientific name we just called them elementals- bla bla bla.' What a load of bullshit.
"What are you doing?" Spidey whispered sitting up straight in his seat.
"You never said anything about getting to our world. How did your Earth figure out there was more?" Okay maybe I'm taking it a bit far but this is where I flip the script with an excited little girl attitude. Here we go, "And what's your power? It looks sick! But I have no idea what that smoke does- is it like fire? Like how does it take down water just like that? I could have totally steamed the guy if you would have let me help!" I exclaimed bouncing in my suit. Spidey has no idea what I'm doing and it's clear but I think he's trying to play along.
"Haha! It's hard to explain all that in one night" he laughed starting to open up to me this time. Oh look! Now he can finally look me in the eyes too- oh no! I'm falling into his trap ooooooo. Ugh. "So.. are you two in?" He smiled leaning closer to us. I didn't even give Spidey a chance to answer. We have to do this to figure out his plans with this world of ours.
"Definitely!" I shouted out. Spidey nodded agreeing with me,
"Why haven't you been talking much kid?" Fury looked to Pete.
"I donno" he shrugged.
"You ready for this kid?" Beck asked looking at Peter.
"If she is than I am too" he looked over to me. Really? U-Uh I don't know what to say to that!
"Good" Fury grinned. "You get outta here now- we need a man to man talk, ya know?" Fury said to me randomly. What? Is he being serious? What's gonna happen to peter? Oh fuck.
"U-Uh" I stuttered looking at Spidey. He shrugged but gave me a little nod as if he was saying he'd be fine.
"Okay.." I muttered walking to the door. They didn't say a thing till I was gone far out the door. "I hope he'll be okay" I whispered to myself and swung up onto a ledge somewhere. "Now that I'm thinking about it.. now that Beck knows I know something is up he'll probably come after me instead of Peter.. I think it should be that way anyway.. I don't want to see him almost die again... it was a close call that night.." I thought back to when he was crushed under all those rocks. It still hurts when I think about it... "What if Beck is telling the truth though? Probably not but what if.. Oh! When I get to the hotel I'll just ask T.O.M. about him." I muttered to myself.
I sat up here for a while thinking about random stuff. "Dad has been gone for a while now.. I wish it was all fake" I sighed hugging my knees.
Suddenly Beck comes flying up in his cool suit and fish bowl head and asked to sit with me.
"Hey.. Fury wanted me to come up here to apologize for kicking you out, he just feels bad" he said pointing back to where we all were at one point.
"I bet" I sat up straight and put on a smile even though he can't see it. Ah- so he knows the art of sarcasm too?
Here's act 1 scene 2 everyone. "I'm sorry about what happened to Tony. Nick told me the other day and I-" he sighed making his mask disappear.
"It's fine, he's long gone now. There's no need to be sad about it" i told him with a giddy attitude. I hate talking about this kind of stuff especially to dudes like this guy.
"I like your attitude but you know.. It's fine to take your guard down sometimes.
I laughed to myself a little and pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth. "No need. I heard from someone once that if you always live in fear will be more aware of things. That's probably the only reason I'm alive" I told him without that cute annoying high pitched voice.
"It gets tiring in the end though" he looked at me in the eyes. Look, he's doing the trick thing again!
"Maybe it is... I'll try it sometime" I gave a fake smile under my mask and made myself sound like a normal happy girl.
"Hey, what ever happened to that bullet in your shoulder?" He asked changing the subject.
"Oh that?" I put my hand over it. "I cut it out after I left in my hotel's bathroom" I spoke casually.
"What?!" He shouted nervously, "There's no way you did that alone" he grinned pretending to be some kind of friend to me.
"Oh yeah, I did it alone and totally got blood all over my comfy shirt" I shrugged. He probably thinks I'm out of my fucking mind- SORRY- my freaking* mind.
"You have some real guts! I could never do that" he almost gagged when he thought about it.
"It wasn't thaaat bad" I laughed watching Peter walk out looking around for something.
"You know who he is too, right?" He nudged my arm and pointed down at Spidey.
"Nah.. What? Did Fury say I do or something?" I shrugged. I'm lying about this for a good reason. He can't know I know that's Peter down there because then he might go for Peter while I'm in civilian form or something and mess us both up.
"No, no. I just thought partners would know" he smirked when he said partners.
"We aren't dating for god's sake!" I shouted out keeping my blushed under control.
"Why not?" He laughed slapping his leg, "you guys are such an iconic duo!"
"I'm leaving, we are not talking about this" I sighed standing up.
"But before you leave-" he said stopping me from jumping off. "You're worried about you classmates too right?"
"Yeah.. That's why I'm mad you switched up our trip and put them in danger too" I crossed my arms.
"I suggest you find a good place for them inside.. Another one is coming tonight in the center of town" he said.
"Aright." I muttered jumping off and swinging back to my room with MJ. It really didn't take me long, maybe like a minute to get there.
"Yo, mysterio is a pain in the ass" I whispered climbing through the window and shutting it tight before speaking.
"What happened?" She laughed as I shut the blinds and started unchanging.
"He's a bad guy right- or I think so anyway- and he's trying to get all buddy buddy with me and Peter but I obviously can't let that happen but I also can't tell Peter that he's a bad guy because then I'd have to tell him I know he's Spider-Man and he would probably blab his mouth about how he's a good guy when he's clearly not!" I ranted trying to take off my super tight suit but saved the mask to take off for last.
"So you're pretending to be cool with the bad guy and get him later..?" She summed it up and put down her book after I put on all my clothes.
"Exactly!" I pointed at her smiling.

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