Am I Going To Die?

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AHHHHHH NEXT CHAPTER (2 chapters? Idek) IS THE NAME CHANGE BUT YOULL KINDA FiGURE IT OUT BY THE END OF THIS CHAPTER!!! This is by far one of my favorite chapters of the whole book. Btw I'm trying to post a ton of chapters tonight bc I have time to change the names now lol. Love yall!


3rd POV

Iron Man swooped down and rescued Spider-Man from drowning in the water then had a long talk before he flew away into the distance all while Jasmine laid unconscious by the water that was slowly consuming her body.
Spider-Man sighed and put back on his mask then climbed down the jungle gym but noticed the red solo cup on the ground next to it and foot prints leading to the water. He smelt the contents in the cup and quickly realized there was something in it. Not like some sort of alcohol but a weird substance, maybe a drug..
He followed the foot prints in a rush to where you laid seemingly dead.
"Jasmine? Jasmine!" Spider-Man shouted out for her. "Jasmine! Wake up! Can you hear me?!" He shouted and waited for an answer but got none back. He quickly threw off his mask and checked if she was breathing. He sighed in relief after feeling her warm breath on his cheek. He picked up his mask and held Jasmine in his left arm and held her tightly. He gazed down at her unconscious face which shined beautifully under the stars yet looked so pale and sickly..

Spider-Man POV

'Oh god, she looks so sick.. Who would do something like this to her? She's been at school for only a day and didn't say a word to anyone but us!' I thought to myself about all the possibilities of why someone would do this but nothing came to mind. They just wanted to see something go wrong... I held her tight so she wouldn't slip out of my arm when we swung to the hospital. I have to get her there quickly, I don't know what was in that cup or how long ago she drank it. I shot my web and swung us to the nearest hospital but mid way she woke up screaming, "LET ME GO, LET ME GO, PLEASE!!" and tried to push off of me. I scrambled to put my mask back on before she saw but she slipped out of my arms and fell through the air right into traffic.
"Jasmine!" I shouted for her hoping she would recognize my voice. I caught her just before we hit the street and flung us on top of a building. She still didn't know what was happening, like she couldn't see or hear, as if she lost some of her senses.. I let her go as soon as we got on top of the building but she immediately went running off to the edge.
"Jasmine! Jasmine, it's me! You're okay, calm down!" I yelled out to her and grabbed her wrist so she wouldn't fall. She still didn't know what was happening. She was looking around frantically and breathing harder than she should be and I think she's having a panic attack but I don't know what to do! She doesn't even know I'm here somehow. "Jasmine, can you see me? Can you hear me?" I shouted next to her ear but she didn't even notice, she just kept trying to run off the building and push me away. "Touch.. She can feel my hand!" I figured out what I needed to do. I pulled off my mask again and took both her arms so I could move her away from the side. I slid my hands down to hers and put them on my face.
"It's me, Jasmine" I told her hoping she could somehow read my lips. She still couldn't hear but she figured out I wasn't going to hurt her after I put her hands on my cheeks. I pulled her into a tight hug to make her feel a little more safe. Hopefully she figures out it's me soon. I-I mean not the real me but-
She took a deep breath and calmed down after a few seconds then she started to cry and couldn't hold herself up but I didn't let her fall, I set her down slowly and kept one of my hands behind her back.
"Hey.. Hercules, right?" She asked looking down with her eyes widened. They weren't the normal e/c I've seen before, they looked foggy. She put her hand on my cheek and continued to stare at the floor. I nodded my head quickly and tried to hold back whatever emotions that were building up inside of me. "You took off your mask for me?" She asked me again with tears still streaming down her pale skin and slid her hands up to my forehead. She didn't look in pain but it hurt me to see her like this... she looked completely lost.
"I'm sorry" I said just barely above a whisper.
"I-I can't hear anything... I can't see... But i can still feel and smell. And you know what's crazy?" She paused with that sweet little giggle of hers. "I knew it was you because.. well because of the way you smell. N-not in a creepy way but y-you know" she stuttered and looked up to me. Her eyes weren't focused on me but I knew she was trying. I smiled and put my hand on her cheek. Her eyes shut and her crying stopped when I did that. She leaned into my hand and smiled then whispered, "Please don't leave me alone, I'm scared" her voice was shaky from fear.
"I'm here" I whispered back and hugged her standing up on my knees. She hugged me back and almost squeezed me to death. Where did all that strength come from?
"You've got curly hair?" She mumbled with her face against my chest.
"I-I what?" I asked. She didn't hear me again. I guess I didn't even notice that she had her hand in my hair. It felt nice how she played with it though..
"I wish I could see right now" she laughed and pulled away from our hug. "This sounds so, SO weird but can I...... Touch.. your face?" She muttered looking down. Wow, is it getting hot in here?
I grabbed her hand and slowly lifted it to my face like before. She gasped in surprise and put her other hand on too. Her hands were so soft and gentle I couldn't help but smile to myself.
"Haha, there's that smile. I'm sorry I scared you.. again" she smiled and felt my lips.
"It's okay" I told her hoping she could figure out what I said.
"It's okay? Is that what you said?" She asked and tilted her head to the side. Oh wow, she's really cute..
I nodded my head yes which resulted in an even wider smile. She whispered to herself, "master lip reader.." I couldn't help but laugh, she was so funny and cute even in a time like this. I don't know how she can act so calm. We sat together talking some more as I calmed her down before taking her to the hospital. "Hey has anyone ever told you that you have a sharp jawline? At least it feels that way, and your skin is so soft! I wonder how old you are? This would be so weird if your Iron Man's age but with how high your voice is, there's no way" she mocked laughing at me.
"Hey! I am not a baby!" I shouted in embarrassment and crossed my arms. Her eyes went wide and she looked at me directly. Can she see again?!
"Oh my god, I think I just heard you. You said you weren't a baby right? I think it's coming back now!" She shouted and stood up a little too fast. She tipped over from dizziness but I caught her in time.
"Whoa, what happened? I think I got too dizzy, did I fall?" She asked me confused. She has no idea what's going on..
"Yes!" I yelled in her ear.
"A-Ah!" She cried letting a tear slip out.
"Jasmine! I'm so sorry, I didn't know you could-" I talked normally but she cut me off yelling.
"STOP! YOU'RE TOO LOUD!" She yelled and started to cry more.
"Oh god.. Jasmine, I need to take you to the hospital now, cover your ears" I told her and put on my mask with one hand and held onto one her hands with my other.
"Okay" she whispered almost too quietly for me to hear. What was in that drink, who is doing these experiments on her?!
"Hold on" I whispered so not to hurt her ears.
"WHAT?!" she yelled. Can she not hear anymore again? "EVERYTHING'S ALL -red...." she whispered the last part and looked right at my mask. Her hearing is fluctuating and I think... I think she can see things really, really close now. Wait does that mean she could see me but not actually because I was too far away? How far was I if she truly couldn't see me?
I held her tightly to me and she wrapped her arms around my neck then I flew us to the hospital down the road.
"Can you hear me now?" I asked as we walked in. The nurses started surrounding us with worried faces. Normally I don't bring people here myself so they must know this is an emergency. She didn't say anything but kept her hands over her ears. I let her go and took her hands then moved them off her and held them so she knew I was still here.
"Can you hear me?" I whispered closely in her ear.
"YES! STOP TALKING!" She yelled in pain again and started crying.
"Oh my-" all of the nurses whispered to each other in sadness and concern till some doors opened with doctors.
"It's okay, what do you see now?" I asked normally again. I somehow figured out the pattern when her hearing would change from none to normal to extreme, the time they stay between each one kept getting shorter.
"I-It's still red, like your mask" she raised her hand and felt my mask again. "Oh" her eyes slightly widened. "Hey, Spider-Man" she called out to me. I tilted my head and narrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Everyone around looked at me. "Move" she pushed my face out of the way.
"Hey!" I whispered remembering this would be the time her hearing went extreme. She flinched probably from how loud my voice was to her but then her eyes widened. She held out her hand for me to grab. Everyone including the doctors who just walked in, stared in awe. I took her hand then she quickly pulled me back and forth with a lot of force. Now this might sound crazy, but whatever happened affected her strength too.. that must have been the reasons she kept falling down! Her body isn't used to any of this stuff yet so it's reacting in weird ways.
"I can see but it's somehow switching to far away and up close. Like super far and super close... I can see everything and nothing.. It's the same with my hearing." She told me with narrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah, your strength too" I said and put my hands on my hips. She back handed me in the stomach unexpectedly and almost made me go flying but her strength level went wayyy down again half way through. "OOO- Th-That one.... Never do that again" I said hunched over as she almost fell again but I caught her just in time.
"I can hear again. Sorry Spider-Man, I was just testing your theory" she grinned and shrugged looking somewhere behind me.
"S-Sure ya were...." I groaned slowly letting her stand by herself again. "Sorry for the ruckus everyone, I've got this now, we'll be leaving!" I shouted and quickly walked out of the hospital with Jasmine's hand in mine and dragged us out of there before they asked too many questions. I pulled her close to me and swung us up on top of the building we were on before.
"Can you see now too?" I asked worried and let her go. She collapsed again but I caught her. "I'm telling you that your strength is being affected too" i sighed and set her down then sat in front of her.
"Okay maybe you're right... do you think anything else is wrong too and we just don't know it?" She asked me and looked up to where I actually was. She must slowly start to understand how to control this thing.
"Oh!" I got an idea that would help now. "Let me make a call to Happy, he'll know what to do" I said and slipped up my mask over my nose to talk on the phone.
"Hey happy! I've got a problem and I really need to talk to Mr. Stark, it's an emergency"
He sighed into the microphone, "What is it this time kid?"
"Well.." I stopped and moved away from Jasmine. She was trying to figure out how to see still so I got up for a sec. "This girl was drugged at a party and now I think she's getting some kind of super powers, I really need Mr. Stark to help her! She just barely got her hearing under control again and now she's trying to figure out how to fix her vision but she also has a problem with strength and who knows what else!" I said quickly.
For the first time, he actually believed me and said, "I'll be there to pick you two up in a second with the jet" he hung up.
"A-A jet?" I asked myself and quickly walked back to her.
"Jasmine, I've got some news... You're going to be past curfew but I'm going to get your dad so don't worry and next... You're going to the Avengers tower and meeting Tony Stark I think" I said in one breath.
"WHAT?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as the jet over our heads sent down a leader.
"Climb up and tell happy that I'm bringing your dad and that we'll be there in a second" I told her with a thumbs up.
"Wh-What?! I can't even see!" She yelled. Oooh yeah..
"Okay, hang on!" I yelled over the noise from the jet and pulled us up with my web. I got her in there safe and sound then told happy about her father... Except we all went and got him instead of just me. Happy landed the jet on the roof top and made Jasmine and I wait in here while he got her dad.
"Hey! I can see again! N-Not very well but now I can see your mask!" She laughed and fist bumped me.
"Whoa, good job!" I smiled then watched her father run on board and hug her.
"Jasmine! What the hell did you do?!" He shouted in anger and fear. This was my chance to walk in the other direction. Happy started the jet and we were on our way back to the Tower.
"I don't know but it was really scary for a second" she shrugged then hugged her father tightly........ TOO TIGHT SHES GOING TO KILL HIM!
I ripped her arms away from her dad in a panic, he fell to the floor and tried to catch his breath after that. "You see! What did I tell you about your strength!" I shouted and put my hands on my hips.
"O-Oh... Sorry dad.." she looked down then looked back up when she saw her father standing and laughing to himself.
"I never imagined you so strong, Jasmine!" He laughed and hugged her back tighter. She laughed and squeezed him back. That was odd, I hope she never does that to me, I would surly have all my ribs broken..
"Alright everyone, hop out, Mr. Stark is inside"  Happy told us and opened the door. Jasmine's dad didn't seem too happy when he heard about Mr. Stark. I wonder...
I walked far behind everyone as happy led us inside. "Hey kid!" Mr. Stark shouted from a few feet ahead. I popped my head out from behind everyone and quickly ran over to him. "Tell me what the hell is going on here..." he whispered and put an arm around me then pushed me off a few feet away from them.
"She was at a party got a drink that was drugged by something. She obviously didn't know and ended up passing out next to the shore where we were talking earlier. When she woke up she couldn't hear or see but we figured out that she could but it was odd. It's like she has super hearing and vision and strength! She can just barely control her sight and hearing but I don't know what else she can do yet" I whispered to him doing all kinds of things with my hands while trying to explain.
"So you want me to figure out what went wrong, did you bring the cup?" He asked me... I smacked my forehead.
"No.. But I'll go get it!" I shouted and ran out of the building before anyone could stop me.

Your POV

"Where did he go?" I asked and started to fall down again.
"Jasmine!" Dad shouted and caught my head before it hit the ground.
"Again? Seriously?" I asked myself in anger.
"The kid was right..." Mr. Stark whispered. Wait how could I hear that from all the way over there.... My hearing... Wow I turned into a cat with hearing like this, didn't i? OH MY GOD AM I THE NEW CAT WOMAN LIKE IN THE COMICS?!
"Ugh, this is so annoying!" I muttered and slapped my hand on the ground and tried to stand up but I left a huge dent in it.. "Oh, wow.." I whispered with wide eyes and stood up. I looked over to Mr. Stark for help in fear. He's probably the only person who can help me with this. "Mr. Stark I-"
"No it's okay.. Mathew, I think it's time" he looked at my dad with a serious face. What is it time for? Did I do something..? How does he know dad's real name? He changed his name after mom died so why...
Dad sighed and looked down at me. "Im sorry" he said.
After that, my life as I knew it changed forever. My whole life was a lie.


An okay chapter?
I don't know why I hyped it so much, I just really like this chapter and the last one *and the next one*. They were the best two so far...... kinda. I've written up to 15- ish chapters already and have basically come up with every idea for this story.
No, it's not just gonna based on homecoming- it'll also move onto the new one, Far From Home.
Yeah, cuz I'm cool.
There will be lots of chapters. CURRENTLY- on chapter 14?- IM WORKING ON THE ACTUAL DAY OF HOMECOMING. You guys might be a little.... Well I shouldn't tell you, it'll give everything away.
See ya next chapter!

-~Author J~-

THE WHOLE STORY IS FINISHED XD IM JUST RE EDITING!!! all these little notes are from when I first wrote this story lol

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