Dad, School, Party

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For those of you few people who read the first two chapters when they were first released, IM SORRY I DIDNT EDIT THEM RIGHT!! They still had "Y/n" not "Jasmine". The two names will switch shortly, soon "Y/n" will be the primary name for you guys. Sorry about the confusion!

3rd POV

"Jasmine! Do you know what time it is?! Where were you and-.. Why are you covered in band aids?.." Jasmine's father yelled waking up half the building.
"I-I was in a fire at Delmar's!" she stuttered in fear that she would get super grounded.
"A fire? Why did the fire start? Who's jacket is that?" He asked his daughter with worry and settled down.
"It's mine! A-And I was stopping in to say hi to Mr. Delmar on my way back here then suddenly there was some sort of bomb. I hit the back wall and was trapped under a cooler getting burned by the fire but then Spider-Man came and rescued everyone. If he wasn't there I would have died." I sighed trying to get all that out quickly.
"A superhero? Why did you stay out with this Spider-Man till 9 o clock at night then?!" he shouted at Jasmine with hatred for the superhero.

Your POV

He was never a man that liked superheroes for as long as I can remember. The one he disliked the most was Iron Man. He's never told me why either but after some inspections I noticed that they kind of look alike in some aspects. Like maybe they could be brothers or cousin's.
"Dad please stop shouting. i'm trying to tell you" I said in my normal voice and looked into his eyes. he was furious but after I said that he tried calming himself down again.
"As you can see," I pointed to all the bandaids on my arms and one on the head, "I got hurt but he helped me put on these band aids and clean my cuts and scrapes before the paramedics got there because I didnt want to go to the hospital and worry you. They aren't bad, it just looks like i tripped and fell on the concrete with a few burns mixed in" I sighed after completely lying about how bad they were. I had a pretty bad burn on one of my arms, it got stuck under the cooler and was almost lit on fire before Spider-Man came. I don't think he realized it when he wrapped up my arm before because it was so dark but this burn was kinda really bad..
"okay... what about the leg? Did it melt?" He was talking about my prosthetic.
"Yeah, just a little, it's fine" I showed him the tiny hole that burned threw my pants and put a hole though the thick plastic leg. "I'll just paint it again and put something in the hole i guess"
"Do that tomorrow, Im glad you're safe Jasmine, now go to bed. You still have school tomorrow" Dad told me and pushed me off to my room then went to the kitchen probably for a drink like every other night. I know what you're thinking, "does he have an addiction?!". No, no he does not. He can hold his liquor but sometimes he turns into a kid on a bad night.
I went to my room and shut the door then locked it. There's no good reason as to why I should lock it, I just feel like it. It'll be one of those sad nights again...
I had a window a little in front of me on the side of the wall my bed was touching. My room was small and it only had one window but when I looked out a got the perfect view of a lamppost and perfect darkness surrounding it. My bedroom door is to the left back wall of our apartment and had a small closet and window. I had to admit it felt very homey already. This place seems so homey for some reason. It probably shouldn't considering I live in Queens but it does. That homey feeling made whatever sadness I was holding onto leave.

buzz. buzz.

My phone buzzed and lit up. I guess someone texted me. Oh, it's Peter-

Peter: You up still?

Me: Who goes to sleep at 9:30? haha

Peter: Wanna call? I saw you on the news just now

I'M ON THE NEWS?! oh- Delmar's...
I pressed the call button and waited for him to pick up.
"Hey, Peter" I said slyly.
"What happened over at Delmar's? Are you okay?" He asked me worried and skipped the "hey Jasmine" part.
"Yeah im fine and so is Mr. Delmar. We didn't get hurt thankfully! And guess who was there?" I lied about the 'we didn't get hurt' part. I don't want him to worry about me, or anyone else. I feel like like I'm asking for attention or something.
"Come on." I made a blank face at my phone and put him on speaker phone so I didn't have to hold it to my ear the whole time.
"... It was Thor wasn't it." he asked completely serious yet jokingly.
"Peter-" I sighed then I heard him laugh from the other side.
"So you saw Spider-Man? Again?"
"Yeah, I know! What are the odds?" I almost yelled in excitement.
"whoa, you dont sound very happy about it" he joked and laughed again.
I rolled my eyes at the phone then continued being happy with today. "Two days in a row, Pete. This is way more than I asked for" I laughed kicking my legs back and forth. "I just wanted to see him once not have a full blown conversation and- oh Peter I may have lied to my dad about what happened tonight..." I muttered the last part but he heard anyway.
"What'd you tell him?" Pete asked with amusement.
"well I guess I didn't lie but I didn't say the whole truth.. I told him about the deli blowing up and Spider-Man coming to save us but I didn't tell him what happened after..." I grinned to myself and giggled quietly. I left out the part about the band aids again.
"What'd you two do?" He asked with a chuckled then I heard him move around on the other side.
"he- uh, we kinda, um, well I told him that I was on my way to this building to see the city lights before everything happened so we went to that place together and I told him I'd race him up but it was unfair because he's basically magic so he gave me a head start but I only made it half way when I noticed him literally walking up the side of the rails. He told me to grab his hand so he could lift me up there quicker but he completely tricked me and all I knew after that is us swinging around Queens and I got his-" I slapped my mouth before I said that part. Dang it, good going Jasmine. The one thing he asked me not to talk about...
"Jasmine, I could only understand half of everything you just said" Peter told me laughing. "slow down, I know you're excited and what was that last part?" he kept chuckling.
"Y-Yeah, sorry.. It's not everyday you swing around New York with a superhero though, Pete" I laughed a bit.
"okay, now say it slower." He laughed back.
"Basically after that explosion I told him I was gonna see the city light's and he ended up coming with me. I told him as we got there that I wanted to race him up but it would be unfair because he's basically made of magic so he told me I could get a head start. I got halfway up when I saw him literally walking on the side of the wall like nothing. One thing leads to another, I grab his hand because he said he would lift me to the top but he tricked me and the next thing I knew we were swinging around the city!" I exclaimed to him slower than before.
"W-Wow, sounds like you had a good time" he said from the other side somewhere away from his phone.
*Peter had been dancing around his room in joy about Jasmine's excitement and being such a big fan of Spider-Man.*
"You wouldn't believe it Peter. Everything from up there is beautiful yet completely terrifying." my voice went flat towards the end and made him laugh more.
"Yeah im sure... Your first day is coming soon you know" Pete informed me of a dreadful day.
"Yeah, maybe I'll skip out on this one. I don't really know how to... Socialize. I'm amazed that I became your friend so quickly actually. These past two days have been such a dream for me that I feel like if I go to sleep I'd wake up somewhere else" I sighed into the phone and berried my head in a little pillow.
"You'll be fine, now go to sleep before I come over there" Pete chuckled and started moving around again.
"Okay, Okay, im going to bed. No need to come over, Pete" I giggled and sat up then got under my covers.
"Good night, Jasmine"
"Good night, Peter"
We both laughed while ending the call. I sighed to myself and stared out my window till I fell asleep. That night I totally slept in Spidey's hoodie. It smelled nice.

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