Back To School

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Time skip- your POV

Today I have to go back to school. My stitches are still killing me and these crutches are going to leave burns under my arms. Yeah, I don't have my prosthetic anymore. It was crushed under the car that hit me. You know, normally people don't get hit by a car more than once but I guess I'm just lucky, yayyy...

(Remember the memory wipe last chapter?..)

Everyone stared at me again but it was worse this time around. I wore a long skirt and a long sleeved shirt today and only one shoe..
"Machelle" I tried my best to hobble over faster to her at her locker. When she noticed me she ran up with a frown and hugged me a little too tight.
"Ow- stop please" I groaned at her in pain. She nodded her head nervously with her eyes wide.
"O-Oh, sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you-" she stuttered with a worried tone.
"It's fine I just um, I've got stitches from here to here so..." I drew a line where the stitches went.
"Oh my god.." she covered her mouth looking down at where I drew the long line.
"Yeah but I'm okay so don't worry" I smiled.


"Give me your bag I'll carry it" she told me shutting her locker and held out her hands.
"What? No, I not completely useless!" I laughed while sort of walking to first period. I got looks from a lot of people when I stepped foot in that room. The teacher came over and said something about her being sorry for me that I was hit by yet another car. I didn't want to be mean so I nodded my head with a smile but I really wanted to tell her to shut up and go teach the class. I don't want their speeches and pity because I'm fine, it's definitely not my first rodeo..

Time skip- walking back to your apartment after school because you don't have money for a cab lmao.

Today was bad.. everyone looked at me with pity and told me to 'take it easy'. I don't want to hear that, I don't want them to say those things, I don't need it...
Peter was acting strange today too. He didn't really say much to me.. I didn't do anything to upset him did I? I don't think so- so what did I do? Maybe I'm just over thinking it...


Time skip to May 23rd

"Good morning, Juliet" I smiled petting my sweet little greyhound sleeping next to me. Dad surprised me with her last night after coming home late from work. He said she's the only birthday present I'll be getting from him this year but I can see a few little things wrapped on my desk now that it's morning. Today is my birthday and I'm finally 16. Yayyy.. that also means I can drive on my own to school today.. but I won't because dad said no.

(Okay, as I'm editing I'm realizing that a birthday in may is hella late but it worked with the story so whatever)

"Hey baby, good morning!" I smiled snuggling up on her. She got up and stretched out a bit then got what we discovered last night... the zoomies. She ran off my bed and all around the apartment for a little bit while I put on my prosthetic then picked my clothes for today. Jeans and my favorite yellow sweatshirt with the little lemon and lime sewn in the sleeve it is today.
"Juliet!" I yelled walking into the living room. She stopped running and did a cute little playful pose and stayed there till I moved closer. I moved a bit which made her jump then I ran at her and she ran the other way.
"You are such a good girl!" I giggled running around but accidentally tripped because my prosthetic popped out of place again. We can't really afford the nice ones so we get those cheap Barbie leg kinda things that still cost hundreds. "Ow- god dang it-" I muttered smacking my shoulder against the kitchen island as I fell. Juliet immediately came running to me and licking my face to make me feel better.
"Okay, okay, I love you too. Now go potty, over here Juliet" I got back up after popping the inside thing in the knee back into place. I pointed to the little pee pad for her. We're getting her house trained, at least we're trying.

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