A Fresh Start

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The two watched nearly all the movie and only had a little less than 4 hours left when Jasmine remembered something from that night.. the night where everything went wrong.


Your POV

I remember only a little more of what happened that night.. I don't understand why these memories pop up at random times.. Just rip it off like a bandaid already will ya?!

Here's what I saw...
After I got out of his webs I tried to find him but I couldn't until I heard this warehouse collapsing.. He was inside. When I yelled out for him he responded but he sounded so weak and scared.. I jumped from the hole in the roof and ran over to him. He wasn't wearing a mask so I didn't look to respect him even though I kinda really wanted to look. He probably couldn't breath through it with all that dirt flying around.
"You idiot, I can't believe you left me behind like this-" I was trying to fuel my anger for more energy.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm-..." he muttered taking tons of quick deep breaths. His lungs were collapsing and at this rate he was gonna pass out so I took off my mask and stuck it on his face then Delilah turned in easy breathing mode to help him breathe better.
"I-I'm sorry I left you! You told me something would happen to me a while ago and I didn't believe you a-and-" he tried to apologize for leaving me behind but I didn't let him because he was already stressed enough with the whole 'I'm gonna die under here' thing. 
"It's okay! Shut up and breath, I'll get you out- I-I'll get you out, it'll be alright!" I told him while trying to use my webs to lift as many rocks as I can because my hands were getting cut up from the jagged edges when I was trying to pick them up by hand. My strength was going haywire for some reason and just stopped working! Maybe it was because I couldn't focus on using it. Tears streamed down my face the entire time I was trying to help him but none of the rocks even budged. I can remember getting all these thoughts inside my head of what would happen if he died under there because I wasn't strong enough to help him. Like what I would have said to the world, to his family... I know I can't live without his cocky voice in my ear all the time after how much time we spent together even just for a little while.. Eventually he somehow gathered enough strength to lift all of it up himself and walked out. He was a mess but he looked damn hot if I can remember right. His old 'suit' was cut up and dirty but when he lifted those rocks up all I could say was 'damn'. He's a cruel man for making me worry like that, you know?

I can't remember what happened after we left that warehouse but that definitely wasn't the end.. I'm missing more pieces but I just can't remember.. this is a little too much, I-I need to go clean up in the bathroom or something.
I took out my headphones and moved the blanket off me.
"I'll be right back" I smiled like nothing was wrong and walked off.
I just need to go think about this for a second.. I accidentally bumped into MJ at the perfect time as she was walking to the bathrooms too. I grabbed her hand with a frown and pushed her into one of the small bathrooms with me.
"What's wrong? You looked like you were having a great time before-" she frowned.
"N-No, it's not about Peter! I just remembered something- ugh I never explained this to you!" I shouted trying to keep my tears inside my face.
"It's okay, it's okay. Just tell me.." she hugged me and let me cry.
"D-During homecoming before the blip- Spider-Man and I were fighting this electric guy behind the school but he got away and Spider-Man didn't want me coming with him because he thought he could take care of the guy because for an entire month he was tracking the guy down, even in DC I'm guessing, so he tied me up and didn't let me come with him but I had this dream where him and Peter died somehow and I got scared because I thought he was gonna die so I burned off the webs and followed him but when I got there he was crushed under the whole ceiling of an old warehouse and he couldn't breath and his mask was off so I put mine on his face without looking at him because my mask does this weird easy breathing thing and- And...!" I couldn't help but cry even harder after that. I was talking fast but she always knows what I'm saying because I rant to her frequently.
"He's fine though now right? I just saw you two on the news at the fundraiser" she let me go and grabbed a few tissues for me.
"Yeah h-he's fine but MJ my mind was wiped clean by him and my dad that night because they didn't want me getting hurt anymore it think.. How badly hurt do you think I was to make them erase my mind? I asked Spidey and all he said was that basically I almost died but how was what happened to me worse than what happened to him?!" I shouted crying harder. Then I remembered I told Peter about my real name.. "oh shit-.. MJ I told Peter my real dad was super famous and I also kinda told him my real name-"
"What?! You have a different name?!" She was shocked. Oooh... I forgot to tell her that too...
"Ooh... Yeah, it's Y/n and I already told him he can use that name because honestly i like it more anyway and he said he likes it more too and-" I giggled ranting some more with a million thoughts crossing my busy mind.
She crossed her arms and gave me a look.. "you never got over him did you?.."
"What?! I-I was never even into him!" I shouted in defense wiping up all my tears.
"Guys what's wrong? Why is Jasmine crying, MJ?" Betty knocked on the door. My eyes widened.
"Did she hear?!" I whisper shouted going over to the door. MJ shrugged nervously.
"Heyyy" I smiled letting her in. She walked in and closed the door then hugged me.
"Your eyes are so red! What happened? Did Peter do something? I swear to god I'll-"
"No! No he didn't I promise I just remembered something and got a little sad" I laughed nervously and looked away.
"Oh I'm sorry.. what was it?" She asked backing into an empty space in the corner, I sat on top of the toilet cover and MJ sat on the sink.
"My um.. Well my dad died a while ago and I guess this movie just kinda reminded me of him" I only half lied.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She hugged me again then MJ joined in just to annoy me.
"Yeah.. it's fine. I guess we should go, 3 girls in the bathroom together looks kinda weird" I laughed standing up.
"Okay but come splash your face with water, so you won't look so red" Betty smiled waking out with MJ who was smirking at me.
I rolled my eyes and splashed that cold water in my face before going back to sitting with peter.
"Hey sorry, MJ and Betty needed to talk to me" I laughed obviously lying but I guess he couldn't tell.
"It's fine" he smiled as I put the blanket back over me.
"Ugh.. 3 more hours!" I sighed looking at the screen.
"Y-Yep.." he stuttered. Why'd he stutter? Is that bad? Does he not like me or is he embarrassed to be by me or does he- DOES HE LIKE SITTING WITH ME?! -overthinking-

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