Chapter 8: She's falling, doesn't even know it yet

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"Thanks for coming. Honestly.", he smiles charmingly.

I smile back at him and say, "I also needed to clear my mind. This job is driving me crazy."

"Yeah? Don't you like it?". I shrug and let out a grunt, so he frowns and asks, "How's working with Emma turning out?"

I look at him in distrust. I'm the kind of person that never tells anyone about their problems, except Emma and my mother - and even sometimes not them. However, Harry gives me a feeling of peace, as if I could trust him.

"It's just... I love her so much, but it's as if we weren't friends anymore. We only talk about things related to work, because she only has time for those rich b*tches".

"Rich b*tches?", Harry laughs.

I realise he's also very rich, so I try to fix it by saying, "Not you, though. I mean..."

"I know what you mean.", he grins, "I just enjoy teasing you."

I feel my face turning red for the hundreth time today and I turn away, not being able to mantain his eye contact. He grabs the bottle of wine and pours some on both glasses. He then hands me one and I take it. I taste it and notice it's very good. Again, I remind myself that it must be very expensive, just as everything that I'm surrounded by.

"It'll soon be over anyway.", I sigh. Harry raises his eyebrows.

"Really? Are you just working on this event?"

"Well, I am. Emma... who knows. She's doing great so she'll probably get offered more jobs."

"I get the feeling that you can do much more than be someone's assistant."

"Yeah, I wish."

"What do you mean?"

He leans forward so that I can't avoid looking him in the eye. Why is he so interested in me? I'm not used to this. It's always other people talking about themselves and me listening.

"I just... Oh, nevermind."

"Tell me, please. What's your dream?"

I look him in the eye and feel a sudden rush of eletricity run through my body. He is so handsome I can hardly believe this is not a dream.

 He is so handsome I can hardly believe this is not a dream

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"I really enjoy design. In fact, most of the things I wear are made by me.", Harry leans back again and takes a sip from his glass of wine, still looking at me with an intense gaze, "I gave up on that years ago, though. Now it's just a hobby."



Harry's staring at me as if what I was telling him was really interesting. I can't help a little smile. It's actually very nice to have someone who listens to you.

"Why did you give it up?"

"Oh, it's complicated. I tried working for basically all the fashion designers in this country, but they all thought I was too inexperienced, or they just didn't like my style."

"I personally think your style is really cool."

He smiles and I smile back. To avoid an uncomfortable silence, I decide to change the subject.

"Alright, that's enough of my misfortunes. What about you?"

"What about me?", he repeats. I nod, but don't answer. Harry takes a sip of his glass of wine and drops it on the table. He rubs his eyes and pulls his hair back. "It's weird."

"That's very specfic.", I laugh. I take a few crisps and place them on my hand.

"Well...", he doubts. I take a crisp and place it in my mouth, making a very crunchy noise. I try to chew slower, but that doesn't help hide the noise, "This album is turning out to be really stressing."


"Well, you see, it's not the album per se, it's everything."

"What do you mean?", I ask, putting the rest of the crisps I was still holding in my mouth, and rubbing my hands. Harry leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees.

"My job requires being constantly under a lot of pressure. I've literally got the whole world expecting something from me, and I feel like I have to give it to them.".

I nod. I really don't know what to answer, so I hope he doesn't expect anything from me. 

"You wouldn't understand...", he sighs.

"No, I do, I do.", I say, and place my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, "I can imagine."

Harry looks up at me and forces a smile. Are his eyes full of tears or is that just my imagination? He turns away so quickly I can't grasp it.

 Are his eyes full of tears or is that just my imagination? He turns away so quickly I can't grasp it

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"Is it better now, as a solo artist?"

"It's different, that for sure.", Harry takes a deep breath and starts playing with one of his rings. "I can finally make my own decisions."

He puts his soft hand on top of mine, still on his shoulder, and squeezes it. I wish I could freeze this moment. It just feels... right. Like I've known him all my life.

"Did you like any of my songs?", he asks. Still not letting go of my hand. 

"Yes, of course.", I answer, trying to hide the fact that I've only listened to Sign of the Times. I never was a very big One Direction fan. I mean, I know who they are and I liked their songs when they were on the radio, obviously, but I never went to any of their concerts or you know, I didn't get a tattoo of their faces.

"You haven't listened to them, have you?", Harry laughs. I let go of his hand as a reflex action, but I immediately regret it. I was actually enjoying the feeling of his skin on mine. "Hey it's ok, I haven't listened to any of your songs either."

"There's Sign of the Times...", I try.

"No, seriously. It's ok.", he laughs again.

"Is it that obvious?", I give up, rolling my eyes.

He grins and sips on his wine.

"No.", he lies, making sure I know it's not the truth.

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