Chapter 19: I don't ever wanna see you with him

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"Listen to me, honey.", George starts. I'd just told both of them everything that happened with Harry and they can barely believe it, "I think you did the right thing. Yes, he's Harry Styles, but that doesn't mean he can walk all over you."

"He's right. He should've been clear with you from the beginning."

"Thanks, guys.", I smile. Emma always finds a way to make everything better, no matter how bad it is.

"I'll be back in a second.", says George, and heads off.

Once we're alone, I ask "What about you two? How's it going?"

"Oh, you know. Just a bit of small talk, some flirting here and there..."

We both giggle.

"Listen, I think I'm going to head home. I don't feel so good.", I say, "But you can stay here with George."

"You don't mind? It's honestly not a problem for me to go back home with you."

"Sure, just remember nothing good ever happens after 2 am."

I roll my eyes. I'm very tired and my head feels really heavy. I only need to lay on my bed and cry until I die.

"Thank you.", she hugs me. "Text me when you get home safe, please."

"I will."

We hug again and then split directions. Wait, first I really need to go to the toilet. 

After queuing for ten minutes, I finally get to use the toilet. As I wash my hands, I look at myself in the mirror. My makeup is a total mess from all the crying, and my eyes look as if I'd smoked three joints. Good thing I'm leaving now before anyone else sees me.

I walk out of the bathroom and through the crowd of people towards the door. 

Suddenly, I feel I tight knot in my stomach as I see, just as in a nightmare, Harry and that blond from before, giggling in a corner of the club. They're not only holding hands, but she's playing with one of his curls while he whispers something which apparently must be hilarious in her ear.

 They're not only holding hands, but she's playing with one of his curls while he whispers something which apparently must be hilarious in her ear

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My knees shake and the interior of my stomach suddenly feels like a rollercoaster. Of all the things in the world I really didn't want to see, this is in the top five.

I rush out of the club and let the cold air of the night calm me. I have to lean against the wall for a few seconds in order to recover my breath.

It's over. Harry and I are over, and it's over for good. He's not going to appear in the office while I'm working anymore. We probably won't even speak again. It's over.

And all because of me.

I put one of my hands on my stomach to try and calm it. I really don't want to puke in front of all these celebrities.

"You ok?"

I turn around and find myself face to face with Niall Horan. I burst into tears and he comes forward to hug me.

"Whoa, whoa, it's ok, it's ok." He moves a lock of my hair behind my ear, "I didn't realise I was THAT ugly."

I let out a snort of laughter and immediately have to look for a tissue in my bag.

"I'm sorry.", I say, washing my face the best way I can with the only tissue I've got left. "It's been a tough night."

"It's alright.", he smiles kindly, "Where you waiting for a taxi?"

"I was just about to call an uber."

"You can come with me if you want to. I'll take you home. And I've got some more tissues and cold water in there.", I frown so he continues, "I swear I'm not a psychopath."

He moves his head towards a black car parked right in front of us and shrugs his shoulders. I don't know what to say. I don't know him and he's literally asking me to get into his car. He could perfectly kidnap me or even murder me.

"Ok.", I say, not thinking too much about it. I just want to get home. And even if he tries to kidnap me, it's Niall Horan so I'm not sure I would mind that much.

He smiles kindly and opens the door. I get inside and watch him go round the car and get in from the other side.

"Where are we going?", the driver asks.

Niall looks at me and smiles goofily, "You feel like some ice-cream?". 

What? Is he being serious? I laugh and nod, so Niall tells the driver to take us to get some.

"It's Lana, right?"


"That's it, sorry."

"It's ok. You're Louis right?"

Niall laughs and shakes his head, "You're funny."

I stare out of the window and watch the moon. It's so big and pretty tonight, without a single cloud to be seen. What if I'd stayed with Harry? Would he still have gone with that girl after? Or would I have had a chance with him?

"Hey, don't think about it.", Niall whispers, softly resting his hand on my arm. I smile at him. What am I even doing here?

We finally get to the ice-cream place. "I'll be right back.", the driver says, and leaves the car. I look at Niall waiting for any hint of what's going on, but I soon understand that the driver has gone to get us the ice-cream.

"There's nothing some ice-cream can't fix.", Niall comments, licking his lips as the driver comes back with two Ben&Jerry buckets of chocolate and cookie dough. My favourite. "Why don't we go eat it somewhere quiet?"

"I should go home.", I whisper. He nods and smiles.

"Sure. Just tell Nick your address and he'll take you there."

And so I do. Niall and I continue talking all the way home. He's so nice and caring, that the thought that I might have gone for the wrong One Direction member crosses my mind.

But we get home. The car stops right in front of my doorstep and I look at Niall, expectant. Am I just supposed to walk out of the car and never see him again?

"Thanks for the ride, honestly."

"A pleasure."

I stare at him. I'm not sure if I'm drunk or just really tired, but my eyes can't even see clearly.

"What? You want to take the ice-cream?", he grins, "No way, Hosey. I'm not giving it away."

We both laugh.

"I can just eat some old lentils, don't worry."

"Wow, now that's just sad.", he jokes, "Ok, you can have some ice-cream, but only because you deserve it."

I put my hand on the door as if I was going to go outside and take a deep breath. Before I know it, the words have come out of my mouth.

"You wanna share the ice-cream in my apartment?"

Niall smiles and nods.


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