Chapter 11: All I ever wanted was the truth

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I force a smile and carry on walking. I get to my desk and sit down. Helena's not where she should be, but she's not with Harry either so that comforts me. Harry walks in Mr. Furt's office and I force myself to concentrate on work. I really, really need to finish this and I have no time to spare.

After a while, I receive a text message. It's from Harry.

'We're releasing a single tonight. Hope you listen to this one ;P'

I read the text twice with a stupid smile. Then, I look up and find Harry staring at me from Mr. Furt's office. 

'Don't get your hopes up

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'Don't get your hopes up.' I text back and watch as Harry reads it and shakes his head.

'I'll have to show it to you myself then'

 I smile to myself again. Before I can think of an answer, Helena laughs and puts her phone in my face.

"'I can't believe Harry just texted me. He's literally a few feet away."

I feel a tight knot in my stomach as my eyes read Harry's name on Helena's screen and I feel all my hopes fade away. Is he texting both of us? I glance back at him but he's turned around and he's talking to a few men. I can't believe he's that type of guy. Is he really flirting with both of us at the same time while we're sitting next to each other? I've never seen anything like this. 

I force a smile as I stop myself from slamming Helena's phone on the desk, and I turn back to my work. My phone buzzes again but I don't feel like talking to Harry anymore. I feel stupid for thinking he was interested in me, but it doesn't surprise me at all that he's got other people in mind. I'm nothing out of this world. People always say I'm "cute", and "nice". Jesus, I don't think there's a word that hurts more than nice. I don't want to be nice. I want to be outstanding, like the people Harry talks about in his songs.

Helena giggles still looking at her phone. I stand up with a sudden movement and walk towards the printer. I can't stand being close to Helena right now. As I sit down again on my chair, a few minutes later, I realise Harry is gone. Well, I hope this means I can finally concentrate.

My phone starts ringing and I pull my hair back in despair as I see Emma's name on the screen. Please, please don't give me more work.

"Have you finished the report?"

"Hello, Emma", I sigh

"Have you?"

"I was just about to..."

"I need it asap. Oh, and I could really do with a chai latte. By the way, I've sent you the phone number of the guy who's in charge of lighting. Call him and check everything is ok."

"Sure, I-". Emma hangs up before I can finish my sentence. I roll my eyes and rest my forehead on my fist.

I take a deep breath as I see that I have a text from Harry which reads 'I'm free from 2.30 to 4.30'. 

I check the clock. It's already 2.15.

'Sorry, gotta work.' I answer, but he immediately replies:

'I want to show you this song before I release it.'

'I can't, I'm sorry.', I type. It's true, I've got too many things to do. Plus, I really don't feel like competing for Harry with Helena. 

I put my phone in my back pocket, grab the report, go to the coffee machine to make Emma her chai latte and walk to her workspace. She's on the phone, looking as if whatever she's being told is very shocking.

I put the cup on her table and she gives me a thumbs up in response.

"Alright, bye.", she says and hangs up. Then, she looks at me and takes a sighs.

"I've brought you your chai latte and the report."

"Layla," she begins, as if what she was about to tell me was really difficult to say. I frown and wait expectantly, "you're dismissed."

"What?", I choke. I think of the contract. Have they found out about it? Are they going to fire me? Or worse, did Emma tell anyone? "What does this mean?"

"Apparently Harry Styles requires your help. He asked for you specifically."


I can't help to laugh in relief. What's he up to?

"I've received orders from Mr. Furt to let you go for the day."

Emma rolls her eyes and sighs as if she really didn't want to tell me this.

"What about all the work? I can't leave you alone with everything.", I say.

Emma lifts her eyebrows, to let me know that that's exactly what she's thinking too. "I'll have to manage alone", she shrugs.

I nod and rush out of there. I can't believe Harry's done this. Once alone, I type Harry's phone number on my screen.

"Layla, finally.", he says.

"What the f*ck?"

"Ok... hm... Your welcome?"

"Harry, I've got so many things to do. You can't just expect the world to stop because you want to show me a f*cking song."

"Layla, I-"

"Don't Layla me. I told you I couldn't come today."

"You're right. I just thought that-"

"I'm staying here, ok?."


I hang up. I feel betrayed. Harry knows how important this job is for me, and I can't believe he thought he could help me by taking me out during office hours. We're days away from the event and nothing can go wrong or Emma and I will be f*cked. 

I walk to Mr. Furt's office and knock on the door.

"Oh, Miss Light, come in, please. Have you heard the news?"

"Yes, but I can't accept it. I have too many things to do, and if I don't do them..."

"I've checked Emma's list of things to do and it looks like you two don't have that much to do."

I knew it. Emma's giving me extra things to do. Why is she so angry at me? Anyway, back to the point.

"Mr. Styles specifically asked for your assistance. He said you proved to be especially useful when you assisted him last time. You must know my company is in charge of promoting his new album, including the single that will come out tonight."

I nod. Ok, maybe I don't have that much to do if Emma and I work together, but I still don't feel like being around Harry right now. 

"Yes. however, I still ask that you let me stay here and finish my work."

Mr. Furt thinks for a few seconds and finally says, "Fine, I'll let him know. We can send Helena instead."

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