Chapter 17: Am I too late?

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His hand pulls me closer as he presses his lips against mine. 

F*ck, he kisses so well. 

I brush my fingers through his hair and feel his hand go from my lower back to my behind.

What will everyone think? Emma's going to kill me if she finds out I'm kissing this One Direction member.

The music is so loud I can't think clearly.

***    Two hours before    ***

"What do you think?", George asks me.

"Huh?", I mumble, having missed the last minutes of the conversation. Apparently, Emma also had a crush at the office, George, and now that the event is over and the contract isn't valid anymore, she's all over him.

"Layla.", Emma looks at me with a serious look. Oh God, I hope she's not mad at me for having totally spaced out.

However, I soon find out what she was warning me about, as Harry walks by us. His smell is the first thing I recognise, but soon his whole body is passing right next to mine. He turns his head slightly around, bites his lip and checks me out from head to toe.

Ok, wow. I think I'm going to faint.

He stops, pulls his hair back, and turns so that we're face to face.

"You look beautiful tonight.", he smiles.

"Thank you."

"Hi, Harry.", Emma interrupts. He looks at her, smiles and nods in response, and then looks back at me.

"Can we talk?"

I look at Emma for her approval. She nods and leans to hug me.

"Be careful, ok?", she whispers in my ear.

"Will you be fine?", I ask her.

"Yeah, don't worry about me."

I follow Harry through the crowd of people. He signals something to a security guard, who opens a door I hadn't noticed was there before.

"I know how much you like rooftops.", Harry grins as we walk up some stairs, "But it's a bit too cold to go up there so I figured this would have to do."

We walk through a corridor until he opens a door which leads to a private bar, decorated with fairy lights and with nice chill music on the background. The walls are covered with many plants, and all the furniture is made up of wood, creating a nice and cozy atmosphere. I love it.

"I figured it'd be better up here", he shrugs, letting himself fall on one of the Chester sofas.

Suddenly, a man in a black suit opens the door and looks at us.

"Good evening, Mr. Styles. Can I get you anything?", he asks.

Harry looks at me, "Do you want anything Layla?"

"I'm fine, thanks.", I answer. I already feel my last two gin-tonics making my brain stupid, and I definitely have to control myself tonight.

Harry turns to the man again and says, "We're fine for now, thank you."

As the man leaves the room, I sit shyly next to Harry and wait for him to talk first. He rearranges his hair and turns towards me. He's so pretty it's almost unbelievable.

 He's so pretty it's almost unbelievable

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"I've been thinking.", Harry begins. He fixes his gaze on his rings as he plays with them, "I want this to work."

Something inside me lights up.

"Harry, I-"

"Wait.", he stops me, "let me finish, please. I don't know... I don't know what I'm feeling, but I really enjoy being around you, Layla, and I don't want you to hate me."

"I don't hate you."

Harry looks me in the eyes and I feel a rush of electricity. It's just as if nothing had happened, as if it was only him and me again. No one else, no Helena... sh*t, Helena. I've got to focus, I can't get distracted by his perfect lips...

 I've got to focus, I can't get distracted by his perfect lips

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Oh for f*ck's sake, Layla, pull yourself together.

"It's never going to work.", I state.


"Because we want different things, I think that's quite obvious."

Harry frowns and bites his lip. Then, he leans back and pulls his hair back.

"What is it that you want?"

I remain silent for a few seconds as I think. What is it that I want? I'm not sure. I haven't really thought ahead. I just know that I don't want to be played with.

"Your life is just so... complicated.", I whisper.

Harry sighs, "I know. I know it's probably too crazy for you. I can get that. But you can stay out of it if you want to. There are ways..."

I laugh ironically. Yeah, I know there are ways. For instance, being your backup call when you need some cheering up and Helena's not available. Lol, no thank you.

"What?", he asks, noticing my dissatisfaction.

I shrug, "I can't think of any way this would work."

"Why are you so negative? Don't you at least want to try?"

Why is he trying so hard? Doesn't he have a thousand other women in his life he can be with?

"I just think it's better to stop seeing each other now before everything starts getting messier."

Before I start falling for him, really falling for him. I know if I kiss him, it's game over for me.

"Alright, if that's what you really want, I'm not going to stop you. But at least grant me one hour with you."


"One hour, that's it."


I look at his lips. God, I would love to kiss them right now.

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