HARRY II: Running after you is like chasing the clouds

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"Alright, alright. Someone's jealous.", Jojo says, and rolls her eyes.

Layla laughs. I'm actually kind of enjoying this.

"What did he even tell you about me?", Layla asks her.

Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. Please Jojo, don't say anything. Layla's already had enough of me and my pathetic feelings for her.

"Nothing that matters now. I'm surprised you're taking this so personally. You look smart, you should've seen it coming.", Jojo answers. Wait, this is starting to get too messy.

"What?", says Layla, opening her eyes widely.

"Harry just doesn't do serious stuff, I'm sure you knew that. He's with a different woman every night. And judging by how you look, I'm not surprised he's already found your replacement."

"Alright, that's enough.", I say, putting myself in front of them. "What was that?", I ask Jojo, "Are you three years old?".

"I was just saying the truth. You can't blame me."

I turn around to find Layla but she's gone. I see her, still only a few feet away, and I run towards her. I try to stop her but she keeps on walking. Finally, I put myself in front of her and grab her by both shoulders.

"Wait, Layla, please. I'm so sorry. You know what she said is not true. She's just not in a good place right now... It's complicated. Please, please forget everything she said."

Layla opens her mouth to speak but a tear starts running down her face, and I feel something inside me break.

"Sh*t. Sh*t, Layla, please don't cry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. You know how much I appreciate you."

"Just leave me alone, alright?", she whispers.

What can I do? I really don't want us to end like this.

"Don't go, don't walk away, please.", I beg, feeling a knot in my throat.

"I'm sorry, Harry. This is just not me."

I watch her release herself from me and walk away again. This time, I let her go, because I can't stand being rejected once more. 

My knees are shaking and suddenly I can't hear anything but the beat of my heart.

Is this it? Is this the last I'm ever going to see of her? Is it really over... forever?

I cover my face with my hands and try to pull myself together. I can't be like this, not in public.

I look around. Luckily, nobody seems to have noticed what just happened.

I need to get out of here. I need to go home.

I stumble through the crowd of people, until Jojo appears out of nowhere.

"Honey, what's wrong?". Oh, she's got to be f*cking kidding me. "Here, come with me.", she continues, hugging me. Se takes my hand and pulls me towards a corner, where we're not surrounded by people.

"I just want to go home.", I state, releasing myself from her.

"What happened between you up there?"

I roll my eyes. I really don't want to have this conversation right now, especially with her.

"I don't know. I guess she just doesn't want to be with me."

As the words come out of my mouth and I hear them I realise how stupid I must look. I don't even know her that much. I should be fine, it shouldn't be such a drama.

"There's plenty others out there, baby."

I know. I know. But she's not like the others. I shrug and bite my lip to stop me from getting emotional.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Sure.", se smiles, and takes my hand again to comfort me. "You did great tonight at the concert. I love your new song, by the way."

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it."

"Lights off, right?"

"Lights up."

"That's right.", she laughs.

About half an hour later, I finally release myself from Jojo and go home. As soon as I'm alone, today's memories hit me straight in the stomach. It's been a long day.

I get undressed and fall on my bed, hiding my face between my pillows.

I can't stop thinking about Layla. I don't what she had. It's everything about her, the way she makes me feel new, like every party is just us two and there's nothing I could point to.


I wake up slowly and only a few seconds go by until I remember everything about last night. Today, I feel much better. I can see things more clearly. 

She's just scared of falling for someone like me. Maybe all her friends have told her 'Don't' get closer he'll just break your heart' because every time I tell her how I feel she says it's not real. Maybe if I let this cool down a little, maybe if I prove her what she means to me, maybe if I show her how it can work for us even though I've got such a difficult life, maybe if...

Suddenly, something distracts my thoughts. I've got nine missed calls from Niall. What could've possibly happened?

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