Chapter 10: Seeing you with him just don't feel right

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I wake up at 6, as usual, but this time my eyes won't open. I can hear Emma in the kitchen but I really can't deal with her right now so I shut my eyes for a few more minutes that seem like seconds. Last night replays in my mind. Was it just a dream? It feels so surreal and perfect it surely can't have been true.

I finally get up and jump in the shower. Once I'm dressed, I go to the kitchen, but find it empty. Emma's already left.

I serve myself a large coffee and check my phone. I look at the texts Harry and I sent each other after I left and smile to myself. What would've happened if I'd stayed there? I mean, it's not like we haven't slept together before...

Nonetheless, I still think it was a good decision to go back home. After all, I still don't know him that well. And for all that I know, nothing might have happened between us that first night. 


A few days go by without Harry and I talking. Emma has decided to avoid me at all times, only talking to me when it's about work, and most of the time via email. I know she's mad at me because I didn't listen to her, but I still don't regret it. If she was my friend she would want what's best for me, or at least be a bit more understanding. I know this job is very important for her, but I expected her to trust me more.

The event is only one week away and at the office, everyone's more stressed than ever. Emma has decided to take revenge on me by giving me extra work, some of it completely useless, so I'm basically counting the days until this finishes.

"If I tell you a secret, will you promise not to tell anyone?"

I turn my head towards the voice, and find Helena staring at me with that "I know you don't care but I'm going to tell you anyway" look. I rest my head on my fist and raise my eyebrows to let her know that I'm listening.

"I was with Harry Styles yesterday."

"What?", I say, choking on my own breathing. I really wasn't expecting that.

"I told you there were sparks between us the other day."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Could this be true? I know Harry and I aren't a thing, but still, I didn't think he would actually go for someone as close to me as Helena. "Oh really?", I comment. Maybe she's just lying.

"Yeah. He's so nice, isn't he? Like, he's not just extremely handsome, but he's also so charming."

"Yes.", I turn back to my computer, trying to avoid looking as if I didn't want to hear any more details.

"I think he's actually coming back here today."

I raise my eyebrows, "Because of the album?"

"Or because he wants to see me."

Helena laughs and I have to control myself not to strangle her. Why is she so annoying?

Her phone starts ringing and she picks it up. As she starts talking, I cover my face with my hands and try to pull myself together. Am I jealous? No, no. Why would I be? I mean, she's probably just making all of this up. After all, Harry ignored her the other day.

I turn back to my work and continue typing. As the clock hits 1 I smile to myself. Yeah, she must have made everything up, because Harry's still not here. I stand up and walk towards the fridge, where I put my sandwich this morning, and I eat it while checking Facebook as quickly as I can. I've got so much to do I can hardly have more than a 10 minutes break.

Just as I'm walking back towards my desk, I hear a familiar giggle coming from the girls bathroom.

"You're so funny.", the voice says.

Could it be...? 

My curiosity takes control and I stop in front of the door, where I can hear the conversation.

"Wow, really?", I hear.

I check Helena's desk and it's empty. It's got to be her talking to someone on the phone.

"Thank you so much, Harry!"

I open my eyes in shock. Suddenly, she walks out of the bathroom and I have to pretend I wasn't eavesdropping. I walk inside the bathroom, still in shock, and lock myself in one of the compartments. 

Ok, I really need to calm the f*ck down. It's not a big deal. Yes, she might be hanging out with Harry and that's fine. I didn't have any chance with him anyway. 

A flash of the first night we spent together crosses my mind. Do I really have no chances with him? We literally slept together. And we had fun the other night... Or at least I did. There's so many loose ends in my life right now I don't even know how to act anymore.

Am I jealous? My stomach burns, but why? I don't even know Harry that well, and he probably won't ever call me again. I take a few deep breaths and decide I'm going to ignore this. After all, I've got bigger problems to deal with. Emma wants me to do basically all of her work, and the event is only days away.

I open the door of the toilet compartment and look at myself in the mirror. Ok, that's enough. I can't be weeping for a boy I don't even know. I place my hair over my ears and blow myself a kiss. I'm Layla Light and that's enough. If Harry doesn't want me then that's fine, it's his loss.

With a sudden rush of self-confidence, I walk out of the bathroom, just to stumble upon a shoulder.

"Hey, watch out!", Rob, one of my colleagues shouts at me.

"Oh, sorry."

I feel my legs weaken as I recognise Harry, looking right at me from the other side of the room. What's he doing here? I thought he wasn't going to come. He laughs softly and winks at me.

 He laughs softly and winks at me

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