Chapter 32: No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile

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 "Can you play the guitar?", he asks.

"Yeah, a bit. My mother taught me."

He smiles and then takes the instrument and starts playing a few chords. He clears his voice and then asks, "Any requests?"

"Play something yours."

He thinks for a few seconds and then soon starts playing the guitar.

I recognise the song as he begins to sing. I've heard it a few times now, so I sing along with him in the chorus. When he notices, he laughs softly and lets me sing the second verse by myself.  As I finish, he winks, smiles and joins again.

It's such a sweet song and I love it, especially sung by him live.

"That was nice.", I add, as we finish.

"Only nice?"

"I'm difficult to impress, Styles."

I wink and he smiles and shakes his head, "Tell me about it."

"Play something from One Direction now, please.", I request, resting one of my arms on his shoulder.

He smiles and looks at his guitar. Then, his fingers start playing random notes, until they settle for a song I've never heard before.

Wow. I stare at him with my mouth open as he continues singing and playing. Does he really mean the words he's singing?

'I wanna lay beside you. I cannot hide this even though I try.'

I feel a rush of electricity run from Harry's shoulder to my arm and I can barely look at him. What am I supposed to do? I really, really want to kiss him, especially as he's serenading me.

When he finishes, I can only say "Wow."

He laughs, "Did you know this one?"

"No. It's beautiful though."

He smiles and then gives me the guitar.

"Now you play something."

I take it and brush my fingers through the strings.

"I can play but I can't sing."

"Tat's not true, I liked how you sung Sweet Creature."

I laugh and push him softly with my elbow, "You don't have to lie."

He grins and pulls his hair back.

"I'll sing with you. Just choose the song."

"Wait, didn't you say you were going to sing that Ed Sheeran song?"

"Little things?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"Sure, I can sing that. Can you play the guitar though?"

I take my phone out and look up the chords. I practice a bit, and then start playing.

'Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me.', he begins, placing his hand softly on my wrist, because my hand is busy making the strings move, 'But bear this mind it was meant to be.'


It's so hard to concentrate when Harry, Harry f*cking Styles is signing about love and looking at me with those eyes...

'And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks, and it all makes sense to me.', he continues, taking one finger of his other hand to my cheek and moving it from my forehead to my chin.

He smiles and I feel my face going red.

Aren't we supposed to be just friends? Why is he making it so hard, then?

As the chorus kicks in, I join him and he smiles and removes the hand from my wrist to place it on my knee.

As he sings 'But you're perfect to me', he leans forward and kisses my knee, just where his hand was.

We continue playing until the second chorus ends, and then I look at him expectantly.

What was all that about? It really felt like he was singing to me this time, and I don't think it was all my imagination.

He smiles and looks me in the eyes.

How can one human being be so f*cking perfect?

How can a man be so handsome?

I don't understand. There's got to be something missing, it's too good to be true.

He turns his gaze to my lips and I bite them. Don't do that, Harry, don't you dare look at me like that.

I take the guitar and put it to one side.

"Enough for one day?", he jokes.

"It's never enough."

"Alrighty", he lets out, claps his hands and stands up. "We should get going."

Is this it? What about the way he was staring at my lips... No, Harry, no, I don't want to leave yet.

He offers me his hand to help me up and I take it.

"When will I see you again?", I ask, and watch him remove his hand from mine and walk towards the door, almost as if he was in a rush.

"I'm doing a social gathering the night the album's out at my place, if you want to come."

"What the hell is a social gathering?"

"A party, basically, just a little less party-ish."

I smile to myself. I love the fact that he's inviting me to his things, even though I'm not sure what he wants from me.

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