Chapter 29: Gotta see it to believe it

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A few weeks go by until I hear from Harry again.

Right now everything seems to be as good as it could ever be. The designers from the last event recommended me and I got three different job offers, this time doing what I really like: designing costumes. 

Regarding Emma, she went on a few dates with George until she got bored and decided it was time to end it. Now, she's organising another business event for Mr. Furt's company, and she's been offered to go to Dubai to work there for him. She's still thinking about it, but she's happy that they are taking her into account.

Harry and I haven't spoken again since that day. He left my house soon after and never called or texted me again. I sent him a text one night while I was drunk but he didn't reply. I don't blame him, though. He probably doesn't have time for my childish dramas.

He's doing great and I'm happy for him. He's released two more songs, Watermelon Sugar and Adore You, and he's constantly on TV and making news. His new album is coming out very soon and if it's as good as those two songs, I'm sure it'll be amazing.

It's been hard to get over how stupid I was, and how I blew the only chance I had to be with someone as pure and kindhearted as Harry. However, I kind of got myself to think that I must move on. Because of that, I almost can't believe my eyes as I see Harry's name on my screen.

"Hello?", I answer, after spending a few seconds debating over whether it's a good idea to talk to him.

"Layla? Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. You?"

"Yeah, I'm good too."

"Congrats on the songs, by the way."

"You liked them?"

"Yeah, they're great."

"Thank you very much.". I laugh nervously and wait for him to speak. Come on, Harry, tell me why you called. "Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to meet sometime. You know, to catch up."

"Sure.", I smile to myself and bite my lip. Oh, how I've missed him.

"Really? Awesome. I just flew to London this morning but I guess you're not available tonight..."

"Tonight? Wow."

"Yeah. Or tomorrow, although I've got this interview in the morning and then..."

"Tonight's perfect."

"Cool. I'll pick you up at 7."

Before I can answer, he hangs up. Ok, wow. What just happened? 

The first thing I do is call Emma and tell her everything. At first, she gets mad and starts yelling at me for not having been a bit more distant. She thinks I shouldn't let Harry into my life again, but I disagree. Even if we're only friends, I really want to see him again, to catch up. 

After a while, however, she's finally come to tell me that she was happy for me and that I should get really pretty for tonight.

And so I do.

I spend the rest of the day thinking about the outfit I'm going to wear. It has to make me look incredible but also as if I didn't care about how I looked.

By the time Harry's car arrives at my door, at 7.15, I've been standing next to the window for over 45 minutes.

I get in and sit next to him. As I close the door and look at him, I feel something inside me burst. Oh, I've missed him so, so, so much.

He's smiling at me with that goofy grin he's always got

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He's smiling at me with that goofy grin he's always got. His hair is a bit longer, and he's left his beard a bit longer than before.

He's wearing a yellow shirt which would look horrible on literally anyone else but him, and some black ripped jeans.



We stare at each other awkwardly, not knowing whether we should hug, shake hands or just smile at each other.

"You hungry?", he asks.


Always? Wat the f*ck, Layla?

"So how have you been?", he asks and smiles at me. I bite my lip and try to remain calm. He just looks too good and I can't concentrate.

I tell him all about the new project I'm working on and he genuinely seems interested. It's just as if everything was as it used to be: Harry and me, no worries, no distractions.

We get to a restaurant, which looks extremely posh. Maybe I should've dressed up a little bit more. One of the waiters shows us into the kitchen and through a door to a private area where there are only three tables, all of them empty.

We sit and he shows us the menus, although Harry asks the waiter what he recommends and quickly orders one of the specials. Jesus, that was quick, I haven't even read the name of the restaurant yet. Finally, I ask for one of the specials too and some sparkly water.

Harry also orders some wine and we are finally left alone.

"It's a lovely place."

"Is it too much?", he whispers.


"I had no idea where to take you. You're just..."

He doesn't end the sentence, so I ask him, "I'm just?"

"I don't know, Layla. You're different to what I'm used to. But in a good way."

Whoa, that's a very intense way to start the evening.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh nevermind.", he scratches his neck and looks around as if he was looking for help.

"I'm different?"

"Well, everyone I've ever fallen for since One Direction were part of my world, but not you... It's challenging, in a way. But I like it, don't get me wrong. It's one of the reasons I liked being with you so much."

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