Chapter 29

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The beginning of this chapter involves self harm. If you are not comfortable with this topic please skip ahead.

*Nash's POV*

After Cameron decided to storm off from the party I followed behind him. He didn't know. I got in my Car and Made sure he didn't notice me following him. He parked in the drive way of our place. I parked across the street.

I gave him 5 minutes before walking into the house. I shut off my Car and got out. I walked up to the door and went inside. He Wasn't in the living room or kitchen.






Still nothing. I was now upstairs. I looked in all the rooms and guest bathroom before I got to Cameron's Room. I walked in his Room.

"Cameron? Bro don't worry about Nicole. I know she still loves you. Don't let Damian step between you guys. Ya know? I don't even like that asshole. Cam?"

I walked into his bathroom.


He was laying shirtless on the tile of the floor. His eyes still open. He had a gash on the side of his stomach and multiple bottles of pills surrounded him.

He was coughing up more and more blood.  I ran to him and held his head on my lap not worrying about his blood staining my skin. I kept his head elevated and made sure he kept his eyes open.

I pulled out my phone and pressed the emergency call button. It instantly Called 911.

"911. What is your emergency?"

"Yeah. U-um M-my um my friend h-he. There's. He's bleeding and...and h-he tried to kill himself."

"Paramedics are on their way. Can you please state your friend's first and last name?"

"Cameron Dallas"



"Okay. Does he have any open wounds?"

"Ye-yes. He won't stop coughing blood."

"Alright. Keep a towel firmly pressed against the wound to avoid anymore blood escaping and keep him cool and slow breathing."

"Got it"

I hung up with the lady and Did as she told me. I looked down at Cameron to find his eyes getting closer and closer to shutting. I patted his cheeks and his eyes became a little bit more wide.

"Cameron. Stay with me Cam. Please stay with me. C'mom cam. Pull through This. We can't lose you bro. I can't lose you. You're family man. You can't Leave me."



I'm currently sitting in the hospital waiting room with all the boys including from 02l and the girls along with Cameron's mom and Sister and my dad and Sister.

We've all been waiting for 2 hours and we've yet to hear from the doctors. As soon as I groaned to complain about the wait, a doctor walked out with a clipboard.

"Uh....Cameron Dallas?"

The Whole family stood up and looked at the doctor. The doctor froze surprised. I walked up to him.

"Uh Yeah. Is he alright?"

"He is in a stable position. The wound on his lower abdomen was a stab mark but it Did not go deep enough to cause greater harm. Now for the pills, he Did Try and over dose. We found multiple pills of all sorts in his system however we were able to Give him a liquid that helped the pills dissolve rather than break open. He should be able to leave tonight."

"Okay great. Thank you sir. Um can I go see him?"

"Of course son."

I smiled and was about to Walk to Cameron's room when I felt my hand being tugged. I turned around and looked down.

"What's up Skylynn?"

"Can I go with you to see Cameron?"

"Sure sky"

I picked her up and we walked down the hall and turned left into the room with Cameron's last name on the board.

"Hey bro. How you feeling?"

"Like shit."

"Brought a little visitor for you"

I held onto Skylynn as she leaned down to hug Cameron

"Hey kiddo"


I put Sky down and she ran over to the chair Next to Cameron's bed and sat down. I gave her my phone so she could play games.

"Why? I never thought you, of all people would ever do...or attempt to do anything like that."

"Nash. Ever since me and Nicole got together it's been nothing but drama. From fighting you, to you leaving, to Nicole leaving, to finding Nicole in the worse condition possible, to a Car crash...just nothing went right. I love Nicole with all my fucking heart bro. When she dumped me...while i was locked up i was over. I tried being positive and shit but it was hard. Then when she started dating Damian and i knew she moved on it hit me like a fucking rock. It hurt. Seeing them together. I felt like since nothing in my life was going well_____"

"Alright bro ima stop you right there. Lemme show you something. Skylynn can i get my phone for a minute?"

She brought me my phone. I went onto my twitter. I looked under worldwide trends. I showed cameron.

"#WeLoveYouCam is trending in fucking several different countries bro. Lets read some of these tweets real quick..."Idk what i'd do without @camerondallas. Hes my life saver #WeLoveYouCam"...."Cameron is the reason i smile everyday. He makes me want to do something with my life #WeLoveYouCam" Bro it goes on and on and on. Dont let MY sister ruin your life or make you take your own life. Over a million people from all over the worls love you more than anything. Dont disappoint them. They love you bro. We all love you.

"I love yall too I just....I dont know. But i have to tell you something. "

"Alright what is it?"

"After im released....from here...i wanna leave"

"Well of course you're leaving"

"No like im going to Atlanta. I talked to an old friend up there. He'll let me stay with him until I find a place. I'll keep in contact with you guys Always. I just don't wanna be here. I wanna Start fresh."

"What about the guys...the tour?"

"We'll still do the tour bro of course. I can't let down all my girls out there. Plus it's not for another 3 months."

".......Well.....Okay..Yeah. a new Start. I'm supporting Whatever choice you make for yourself. I'm just trusting you not to be a dumbass up there. If That's what you really want to do Then go for it man."

"Thanks bro"




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