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Honestly, college is some bullshit.

I've never felt like I wanted to kill myself more than I do now after a couple of weeks with going to classes and actually doing my projects and studying what I'm supposed to study.

I realize it's probably not the best time to share that feeling with anyone, but I can think it to myself.

I brush my fingers through my hair one last time, before I get out of Brad's crappy Volkswagen, and we walk together towards the Beta house. There's another party tonight, and I'm not about to pass up that opportunity. It's honestly some of the best stuff ever to go to a frat party and watch all the girls get drunk and then take one of them home. Or do her in the house and go home alone. That's probably the best.

So far, I've been with the impressive amount of zero girls since I got back from Paris. My dad has been calling non-stop, too, asking about girls, parties and if I have enough money.

I do have enough money, but I just tell him no either way.

Brad grins as we enter the already packed house, and high-fives a few people we know on the way to the kitchen. I don't bother saying hi to anyone. I just want to get drunk, and find some weed.

We eventually make our way into the kitchen, where Brad starts filling up a cup with beer, and I turn towards the counter to get my bourbon on. I immediately regret it, though, as I see Dean standing in front of the counter, and I'm not sure if I should approach or not.

I mean, we're cool, right?

I clear my throat and walk up next to him, and pour some of the familiar, brown liquid into my rather sad, red solo cup. Dean turns towards me and smiles.

"Hey," he says, and I watch as he looks back at the selection of liquor in front of him, and he has two cups in front of him.

"Hey," I mutter back, and take a sip of my drink. I have to ask... "How is she doing?"

"She's good," Dean answers, and eventually picks up the vodka-bottle and pours some of it into both of the cups. "She's doing a lot better, actually. She has therapy every week, and she says she's feeling a lot better."

"Good," I say, and nod a little, while my eyes goes down to Dean's hands who is now pouring orange juice into the cups.

I smile when I realize she still likes the drink I introduced her to.

"She was wondering if you were okay, though," Dean then says, and turns to face me, while holding both the cups in his hands now. "You haven't talked to her much since it all happened, and I think she's worried that she'll lose you as a friend."

"Oh, I..." I swallow a little as I trail off, and clear my throat. "Well, I should probably talk to her, then. If you're okay with that. I know you two are together now and all that."

"Yeah. Sure," he says, and grins at me. He looks down at the cups and smiles at me. "I should get back to her. Josie and Grayson are probably already in one of the bedrooms."

With that, he leaves me alone, and I'm left with this weird feeling in my stomach. Am I still jealous? Or what is this? I don't really know. I don't really care, either, so I just tip the rest of my drink down my throat, before pouring some more into the cup, and then I exit the house to see if someone by the pool has a blunt or two for me.

As I walk outside, I see that there's a few people by the pool, passing around a very thick joint, and I sigh in happiness as I see the next guy up is that guy, Jay, who's with Dean in the band. I kinda know him, so it'd be easy to get him to share with me.

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