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Despite the fact that I'm gonna die young, I'm happy. At least happier.

I'm officially someone's boyfriend, for the first time ever, and she has another boyfriend, too. Some guys might say that's stupid, and that it's the worst decision I could ever make, but I think it's gonna be great. They're both great.

The only issue is that I'm gonna have to beat up a lot of dicks for thinking they can get with my girl too, and scream at some bitches for calling her a slut. But that's no big deal. I'd do that all day.

I can honestly say I'm really enjoying being with Haley.

It's only been around twelve hours, and I'm sitting in their kitchen, chewing on a piece of toast while Haley is drinking a cup of coffee and Aiden is looking through their cupboards for something. I'm not sure what he's looking for, but he seems almost desperate.

I chuckle a little, and move my eyes to look at the black-haired beauty sitting across from me with her hair in a half-up mess, and my t-shirt from last night.

"Yes!" Aiden exclaims, and pulls out a box from one of the cupboards, and opens it up.

He looks inside, and grins widely.

"Anyone want something better than dry toast? I can make pancakes," he says, wiggling his eyebrows at both of us.

I drop the rest of my toast down on the plate, and nod.

"Yes, please," I say, and he grins even wider before he starts walking around the kitchen to start cooking.

"What about you, babe?" he asks, and we both look at Haley.

"Sure," she says, and sighs.

She closes her eyes, before she lays her head down on the table.

She looks really fucking tired, even though she slept for, I don't know, nine, ten hours? The other two-three we spent doing... Other activities.

Maybe that's what made her so tired.I did fuck her pretty hard.

I smirk a little and kick her shin under the table, earning a groan from her. Aiden chuckles too, probably thinking the same thing I am. Haley lifts her head and looks at me, while resting her chin on her hands.

"Are you okay, rude boy?" she asks.

"I am," I answer.

"Even with the whole illness-thing?"

She raises an eyebrow, as if she's questioning me.

"I'm fine, Haley," I say, reassuring her a little more, even though I probably need the same reassurance myself. "It's not a big deal."

"But it is!" she exclaims, and slams one of her fists down on the table. "It is a big deal, Max, and it's okay not to be okay about it."

"I'm fine," I repeat, and send her a smile. "I'll tell you if I feel otherwise."

She huffs a little, and seems to be considering my words for a while.

"Okay," she says eventually, and picks up her mug. "Are you gonna go see your dad again?"

"Probably," I say, not really wanting to talk about it.

I look over at Aiden, who seems to be lost in his own world, flipping pancakes and humming some melody I don't recognize, and I'm kind of disappointed that he isn't listening, because that means he won't be able to save me from talking about this..

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