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"You flushed it down the fucking toilet?!" I scream at Haley.

She doesn't even flinch. She just stands there in front of me with her arms crossed, and a scowl on her face. She's mad, and she doesn't have any right to be. I have the right to be mad. She poured out my white powder into the toilet, and pushed the button on the wall.

"You obviously made it through the weekend without it, so why would you even need it?" she yells back, clearly annoyed.

"Because!" I say, waving my hands everywhere. "I'm a fucking mess without it! If you're not around, I can't think straight! I want to get into fights and loose on purpose, Haley, just to hurt myself. My mind goes all over the place, telling me that I'm a stupid man whore who doesn't deserve to have something as beautiful and good as you in my life, not to mention my friends."

My hands are balled into fists, and I'm about two seconds away from putting both of them through her wall.

Why can't she see that I need it?

"You're being stupid, Max," she says, and she walks closer to me. Her hands wrap around my fists, and she looks into my eyes. "Your eyes are bloodshot again, Max, I know you've probably already bought more, but you need to stop. It's gonna hurt you. What if you're alone one day, in your dorm, and Harry is out on a date, I'm here with Aiden, and you do too much? What if you overdose?"

"I'm gonna die early anyway," I huff at her.

Her eyes narrow, and she lets go of one of my fists, and before I know it, her hand connects with my cheek in a loud, painful slap. Fuck, the girl knows how to bitchslap.

"Don't say that! You're a fucking idiot, Max, I've said it before," she says, and her hand once again closes around my fist.

"What are you two fighting about?" Aiden says, as he enters the living room. He looks drowsy, and like he just woke up from a nap.

He yawns, and my suspicions are confirmed.

"Cocaine," Haley sneers, without taking her eyes off of me.

"Oh, come on, Max, you're not that stupid," Aiden remarks, and walks past us to sit down on the couch.

He lays down with his feet up on the armrest, and one of his arms behind his head, like he's gonna enjoy the show or something. I roll my eyes at him as he pulls out his phone from his pocket and starts to take off the case, and put it back on.

Why does he do that? It's fucking annoying.

"He is," Haley huffs, but she's still holding my hands.

"I am," I confirm, and shoot Aiden a glare.

"Okay, then," he says, and his eyes widen, like he's fed up with listening to our argument.

I know it's probably not that cool to watch, or listen to, but he doesn't have to act like that. I narrow my eyes at him, and inhale sharply, as if to calm myself down, but it doesn't feel like it worked a whole lot. Instead, I look at Haley, who is looking into my eyes again with a softer expression on her face.

"You don't need it Max, trust me. I can help you," she says, and then she starts kissing my cheek.

Her lips are warm and soft, and I close my eyes to focus on not groaning at her touch. She knows exactly how to make me feel better, and it's making me insane.

"I need it when you're not there," I say harshly, but I've lowered my voice, so that Aiden won't be too irritated with me. I still want to be friends with him too, I just have to figure this out first.

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