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It's been a while since I came to one of these shows, but The Secret is playing some really good tunes tonight. They've got a lot of new stuff, and I really enjoy it. I can see Ives and Josie in the crowd dancing and cheering for Dean and his friends, while I stand off to the side with a beer in my hand.

I don't even remember what I used to do here before I laid eyes on Ives the first time she came here. I spent so much time chasing her, that I've forgotten how I can have fun at these things.

I did see Aiden walking into the bar just before the show started, though, but I didn't see his sneaky girlfriend anywhere. I scout the area for the curly, light brown head of hair, and I see him standing off to the side, with some freshman girls. One of them I recognize as that blonde girl, Hannah, who wrote her name all over my body with a black marker.

What a bitch.

I see Hannah giggling and swirling some hair between her fingers, and I narrow my eyes a little.

Their agreement must go both ways, then, since he's over there flirting shamelessly with no less than three girls.

It makes me kind of angry to see him do that. I don't know if Haley would like it, and I don't know if that's how it works for them, but it still makes me kind of angry. I don't remember her flirting with me, exactly, she just grabbed my arm and asked me if I wanted to go upstairs.

I know I'm definitely scowling now, as I watch that asshole cheating on his girlfriend.

"Easy," I hear next to me, and then a hand grabs my empty glass of beer, and puts it down on the bar.

I tear my eyes away from Aiden for a brief second to watch the person who just approached me, but I'm a little too stunned to look back at Aiden after realizing it's Sneaky who just came to talk to me. I was just going for a quick glance to see who took my drink away, but my eyes ended up glued to the girl with the dark eyes and pink, plump lips.

She looks across the bar, and my eyes travel down her body. She's wearing black pants again tonight, and her breasts are covered by a shiny, silver crop top. Her stomach is bare, and I swallow a little as I try my best to look at her face again when she looks back at me. I'm not as successful with that as I'd liked.

"He's good, isn't he?" she asks, and puts her own glass up to her mouth.

I think she's drinking bourbon. It smells like it, at least, and I really want to kiss her, to get a taste of it.

"Good at what?" I question.

She motions towards her boyfriend, who is just millimeters away from kissing Hannah, now.

"Flirting. It's really fun watching him flirt like that," she says casually, and I stare at her.

It doesn't sound fun at all.

"Why?" I ask her.

"Because I know he's mine, we love each other, but I know he's handsome, and it boosts his confidence that he can hook another girl so easily."

"What about you, then?" I ask her, and look over at Aiden again. "You didn't flirt, you took it straight to the bedroom."

She suddenly has a very satisfied smile on her lips, and shrugs.

"He likes it when I tell him what you did to me. And I like what he does to me when I tell him, just as much as I liked it when you pounded into me against that wall," she says, and moves closer to me.

Her fingers are being dragged up my t-shirt, until she hooks them in my collar, and pulls me down towards her face.

"I've thought about that a lot," she says, and stares into my eyes.

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