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Aiden never came home from his parents' house last night. He texted me, though, saying he would be home later today, or worst case scenario tomorrow morning. Apparently Alex told their parents about what she did to Ives, and got kicked out. She already had a rough relationship with them, so I don't know why she told them..

Alex called me this morning, after a very steamy shower with Max, and wanted to have lunch with me. Max wanted to come, to make sure she wouldn't do anything wrong, but I assured him she's not gonna do anything to me.

Max is amazing.. He can make me swoon my just looking at me in a certain way. If his head is tilted slightly forward, like when he's focused on rolling a joint, and then he'll shift his attention to me and smirk? Well, then my knees give in, and my heart starts to hammer in my chest, and I'll lose consciousness for a split second.

And if Aiden sits nearby, noticing that I'm drooling over Max, he'll smirk at me too, and run his eyes down my body, and then lick his lips.. And just like that, I'll be ready for a gang bang.

I'm in so much trouble with these boys.. I thought Aiden was enough trouble for me, but then I had to go and fall for an even badder boy... A damaged, but oh-so cute and very cocky bad boy..

I find myself staring at him across the cafeteria. I banished him from being within hearing distance of my conversation with Alex, so now he's sitting with his friends, Brad and Grayson, and they're laughing at something. Max seems suddenly a lot more happy than he's looked for a while. He's almost fell off his chair a few times already, and I can't for the life of me figure out why he insists on sitting on these small chairs the wrong way around.. It's definitely hot to see him spread his legs like that, and shake one of them impatiently.. I've noticed he does that when he's bored. Today he doesn't shake his leg, though, but he's throwing napkins at his friends every time one of them looks over at me.. I just hope he hasn't used the napkins.

He seems to be scratching his nose a lot, though.. Maybe he's about to get a cold or something? I don't know, but I noticed he scratches his nose at least once every five minutes.. What is it that they're saying? Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern? Well, I've been waiting for Alex for about fifteen minutes, and he's scratched his nose three times. I'll have to keep an eye on that.

"Hey, Haley."

Alex's voice brings my attention away from Max, and I smile at her.

She sits down opposite me, and pulls some of her hair behind her ear.

"I know you're not my biggest fan right now, but mom and dad..."

"I know," I say, cutting her off. I don't really want to hear her out if she's gonna pity herself. "Aiden told me."

She nods a little and looks down at her hands on the table between us. She hasn't been her usual chipper self in a while, and it might be safe for me to assume that this whole thing with Ives is the reason. She starts to pick at her cuticles, and I sigh a little. I don't really know what she wanted to talk about.

"So," she says, dragging out the word. "I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while? I have enough money saved up for an apartment myself, but I have to find it first. I asked Aiden, but he said I should ask you."

She doesn't meet my eyes. She probably knows I don't want her in my home as much after knowing what she did. I get that she has had issues of her own, but she fucking drove that poor girl to commit suicide! And after I've actually talked to that girl, I can't see why anyone would ever hurt her. She's a pure soul, way too innocent and kind-hearted for anyone to ever cause any harm to her.

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