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Haley walks back and forth inside the small dorm room wearing my leather jacket, and looking damn good doing so. I arch an eyebrow at her after a while, and I can hear Harry huffing from underneath his pillow.

"I don't have that much against Alex," Haley says suddenly, and stops. She looks at me, and crosses her arms. "I just don't want to have her over. Aiden told her to ask me, and I said I needed to know what you thought about it first, and then you said no, but Aiden let her in anyway! He's such a softie, he can't stand up to his sister, no matter what she does. If she killed someone, I'm sure he'd even drive the getaway car for her."

She walks closer to me, and falls down onto the bed next to me, her head in her hands, groaning loudly in what I think is confusion and frustration.

I probably shouldn't say it out loud, but she looks fucking hot with my jacket on, and it's kind of distracting me from her words. Maybe I'll let her keep it. I've got a few more.

"So, you're mad at Aiden?" I ask her, furrowing my eyebrows at her.

She huffs, and shrugs.

"I guess," she mutters.

"I don't really want to hear about your troubles as a throuple, or whatever, so can you please just go to bed and whisper or something? I have an early class tomorrow," Harry says, sitting up from his bed and staring at us.

"Sorry," Haley immediately says, and stands up.

She takes off my jacket, and then she starts to pull off her top, and I rush to stop her, as Harry is still watching her.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Getting ready for bed?" she says back, as if it is a question.

I look over at Harry, who is looking at us, amusedly.

"Fucking turn around, you creep!" I yell at him, and he laughs before he lays back down and turns his face towards the wall.

I let go of her hands so she can continue, before I start pulling off my own clothes. I get into my bed and open up the covers for her, but she smiles at me, before walking into the small en suite.

It's getting cold with the covers halfway off my body as I wait for her, and she's taking her sweet time, too.

She switches off the light when she steps back out, and I can barely make out her silhouette before I feel the bed dip, and she lays down with me. I hold my arm out, so she can rest her head on it, and she puts one of her arms around my waist. It feels odd, but I've really enjoyed holding her while she sleeps so far.

I still barely sleep. Maybe an hour or two per night, but I feel okay, so I don't think too much of it anyway.

I wrap the covers over her body, and rest my free arm around her waist, and I nuzzle her hair. She smells amazing. I can't get enough of her, she's like a drug to me, and I wish I could have her with me every second of every day. I wouldn't need that fucking coke.. But I do need it. And it has helped, too. I really want to go have some now, but my resting girlfriend stops me from moving.

I barely dare to breathe until she's asleep against my chest, and even then, I'm careful not to move.

I just listen to her soft breathing. She's way too good for me. I'm a stupid man-whore who should be dying alone, just like my dad. But I'm not. I have her, and I have more friends than I have had in a while. Real friends. Not those guys Brad, Grayson and I hang out with all the time. I don't deserve any of my new, amazing friends, but I'm not about to let them realize that.

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