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I'm starting to get confused. Real confused.

Seeing Max with his head hanging and barely talking to his friends made my heart ache for him. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to get this man out of my mind. He seems to be troubled, but at the same time, he's so real and honest, and he's so cocky when he's alone with me. It's really attractive...

I do feel somewhat guilty for thinking about him like this, though. I love Aiden, I really do, and I don't think I'll ever stop. The weirdest thing, however, is that I wouldn't mind being in love with both of them.

It sounds crazy, I know, but I can't help but thinking about how great that would be.

Aiden is so loving and careful, while Max is forward and kind of... aggressive? Is that the word I'm looking for?

Looking at him now, I think that's right. He's smirking at me as he walks agonizingly slow back towards the bench, flexing the muscles in his right arm, as he just finished his last round with three strikes.

He's way too good to not have bowled in years, but I'm glad I got him to think about something other than his dad. I still don't know what's wrong with him, and I don't know for sure Max knows either, other than the fact that he's dying.

I smile at the satisfied boy sitting down next to me, and he sighs happily.

"Who won? I didn't really pay attention to the scores," he says, still with the same smirk plastered on his face.


I roll my eyes at him and smack his stomach before I start to untie my shoes. Bowling shoes are gross, but I guess they're a necessity.

"I didn't hear," he taunts, and leans down to pull off his shoes as well.

"You," I mutter, before I get up to put the shoes back.

I slip into my own shoes as he catches up with me, and I know he's not done mocking me for my lack of skill. He didn't beat me by much, though. Fifty points or something. That's not too bad, I guess. I could have been better, though, but I feel like I did good.

He smacks my ass as we walk out of the building, and he grins widely and puts his arm around my shoulders.

He's definitely having better thoughts now, and I feel oddly good about that.

"So, how many points did Aiden beat you with last week?" he asks me.

The confident way he talks about my boyfriend while having his arm around me, and continuing to flirt with me, is making my skin tingle.

Could it be possible to have them both?

I'm usually so forward and confident myself, but this particular thing is making me insecure.

"Not that many," I say, and nudge him in his side with my elbow.

"Yeah, I mean, he probably isn't as strong as me," he then says, and flexes both his arms around me.

A laugh escapes his mouth, and his pearly white teeth are staring at me, just like I'm staring at them. I lick my lips and look up at him challengingly.

"You are pretty strong," I say, and run a finger down his chest.

I don't even know where I'm going with this. Would it be okay? Would Aiden hate me for doing stuff like this with Max, when he only thinks I'm going to seduce him and fuck him again?

The insecurities are gnawing on my brain.

"I bet you think about me pushing you up against that wall more than once a day," he says lowly against my ear as we walk down the sidewalk, back towards campus.

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