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Fucking Alex Miller. She's everywhere. Especially now that Haley pops up everywhere around me, like some sneaky little bitch.

I don't mean that, she's not a bitch, but she is definitely sneaky. Like a snake. A hot snake. Damn, I bet she would look amazing in tight snake-skin clothes. Or a catsuit, maybe? Shit, my mind is drifting back to her all the time, every chance it gets, like she's a magnet. Not that I'm complaining.. 

This week has been so slow, and it's not at all funny. It's finally Friday, though, and Brad handed in our assignment earlier. I just hope I'll get a good grade. I should have helped more with it, and I know Brad will make me do more next time. He should..

I've been smoking a shitload of weed this week. I'm almost out, so I need to call my dealer-friend before the party tonight. I'm not even sure I should go.. I'm probably not even going to drink that much. I've been feeling down these past few days, and my dad has been calling non-stop.

I think he's finally ventured into some really dangerous stuff. Like he always told me not to do. He's constantly high, and I can hear his voice is really croaky every time he raises it. It could just be a bad connection across the big, blue sea, but I somehow doubt it.

Well, anyway, I'm stuck at the freaking coffee shop, waiting for Brad and the other guys to get their drinks as Alex stares at me in horror every free second she has. She is making the drinks, and she's smiling widely like usual, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

I bet she's afraid that I'll tell Haley what she did to Ives. As far as I know, Haley thinks the two girls were close friends when it happened, and that Alex didn't know how to handle something like that, so she pushed herself away from Ives.

I don't know if I want Haley to know any more than that, really, and I know Ives doesn't want anyone else to know..

My scowl shifts as Brad walks up next to me, and looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Not even a brownie, Max?" he asks.


"Suit yourself," he then says and takes a sip of his coffee. I think it's scolding hot, because he hisses and pulls the cup violently away from his face.

That puts a smile on my face.


I whip my face around as someone says my name, and I'm met with Alex's insecure stare. She wipes her hands on her apron, and looks down onto the floor as quickly as she can when I meet her eyes.

"Alex?" I answer her, questioningly.

"I'm on my break now. Can we talk?"

She still doesn't look at me, but she motions for the backroom, where a tall, scrawny guy just emerged from. I narrow my eyes at her once again, and then I sigh.

"Fine," I say, and looks at Brad. "I'll meet you guys there."

He nods, and leaves with our other friends to go to the movies. There's this new horror-movie coming out, and everyone's hyped to see it. I'm not so sure I'll like it, since I never read the book it's based on, but it's supposed to be some sort of alien-clown abducting children into his lair in the sewers, from what I understood.

I follow Alex into the small backroom, where I watched Ives quit her job.

She sits down by a table, and motions for me to sit down, too.

"I'm not so sure it's me you should be talking to," I say as I sit down opposite her.

"I've tried apologizing to Ives, but Dean and Josie doesn't let me talk to her. Grayson tried to help, but I think he ended up being frozen out, too."

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