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We've been on the road for a few days now, sleeping in the tent Haley struggled to find after Aiden had already packed it, eating food out of cans, heated over a campfire and I'm not sure how many more days I can take of this. It isn't that bad, of course, I get to spend time with Haley, and I get to see all the cutesy-stuff she does with Aiden, like kissing him sweetly every time he looks at her like he wants to undress her. If I do that she makes a snarky comment about me being a man-whore and then wiggles her eyebrows at me, like it's a promise of something. I fucking love her.

I'm feeling super frustrated, though. None of us has had sex since we left, and sleeping next to an almost naked Haley is really making me reconsider going on this trip..

It almost happened the second night, but Haley freaked out when we both started touching her and kissing her naked skin. Aiden and I have a bet going about how long it takes for her to warm up to the idea and finally give in. We made the bet before we left, when she was seemingly not too far away from agreeing to it, so my deadline is tonight. Aiden has a few days, still. Unfortunately for me, it seems like she has taken a step backwards from the whole thing. I guess I'll go to the ATM tomorrow morning to withdraw Aiden's $50 bill from my bank-account.

Why would I ever think that I could win that bet? Maybe it was wishful thinking.

We have a room at a motel for the night, and I can't wait to sleep in an actual bed again. I can have a shower, feel clean and good again, and sleep well. My back is definitely not agreeing with the tent, the poor mattress and the tight space between the three of us. I don't complain out loud, though, but I think they've both noticed that I get a little extra grumpy out here in the wilderness. We've driven far, far away from home, actually, and I know it seems silly, but I actually kind of like the distance. I don't have to think too much about next semester or next year, what's gonna happen once I get my first symptom or before I die or really anything other than being in the present with my girlfriend and one of my best friends.

Haley comes up to Aiden and I with a key in her hands, and she swings her arms around us both, hugging us, with her bright smile plastered on her face.

"We're on the first floor, over there," she says, and points towards the other end of the motel, after she's pulled away from the hug.

I really, really didn't want her to pull away, but I guess I can snuggle against her tonight, if I miss her too much.

We each grab a bag that we've filled with a set of clean clothes and some toiletries, and then we walk over to our assigned room. Haley puts the key into the hole, turns it around, and lets out an excited laugh when she pushes open the door. She walks inside, drops her bag on the floor, and falls down onto the large bed in the middle of the room. Her shirt is sliding up, showcasing her flawless stomach, and I grin at her. She looks stupidly hot, and my member twitches in my pants already, and she hasn't done anything other than smile and be happy.

Fuck, I'm frustrated...

The room is small, with the huge bed as the main attraction, really, with a TV mounted on the wall, two dressers underneath it, a bedside table on each side of the bed, and two chairs to one of the sides. It's simple, but it will definitely do a lot better than that stupid tent.

Aiden calls dibs on a shower, and he disappears quicker than I've ever seen him move. Ever. Haley says she wants the shower next, and I'm stuck with being last. I don't really mind it, unless they use up all the hot water, but I would probably need a cold one, anyway, if that happens.

Haley switches through the channels on the TV while Aiden showers, and I've kicked off my shoes and I'm sitting down in a chair, twiddling my thumbs around to keep myself from making a move on her. I probably stink, so I'll spare her from it.

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