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The whole campus is in chaos. I love this. It happens every year after the grades are out. Last year someone threw in a half-empty bottle of rum into one of the garbage cans, then someone not long after threw a cigarette in there and the whole thing caught on fire. It was dramatic, to say the least, but it was fine. I won't be surprised if something like that happened again.

The cafeteria is full of people drinking, smoking weed and dancing, and I think I even saw someone crush some pills in the corner when we walked in. I was a little tempted to go see what they had, but I stuck to Brad and ended up on our usual table with the rest of our past group of friends, all ridiculously high and drunk.

I followed pretty quickly.

I was already wasted when we decided to go out to a bar, and I already regret that decision. I don't know whose idea it was to do shots, but... It might have been mine.

I throw back another mouthful of the clear liquid, and "woo" out loud with my friends. It's not a girly "woo", it's a manly, grunting "woo", telling everyone else that we're strong and we can hold our alcohol.

Brad high-fives me, and orders another round, while I look around the bar. It's filled with people our age. I think the whole college is in here. There's girls all around, some of them are participating in a "wet t-shirt contest", of course, and I used to love them, but when I watch as one of the bustier girls gets her white t-shirt drenched in beer, I really wish that it was Haley's tits under there.

I miss Haley...

I should call her.

I tap Brad on the shoulder as he excitedly hands me another shot, and I drink it down instantly, before leaning into his ear.

"I'm gonna go call Haley," I tell him, and reach into his pocket for one of his pre-rolled joints, too. He's probably too drunk to even notice I'm doing it.

"Aw, man.. Be quick. I need you as my wingman," he says, slurring a little, and I grin at him.

"Of course," I reply, and walk outside to get some fresh air.

There's several people outside, too, but they're mostly minding their own business, I think. I light up the joint and pull out my phone, as I lean against the wall.

I don't look at the time, either, before I press the call-button next to her name.

It takes a while until she finally picks up, and when she does, she sounds really tired.

"Max? What's up? Is everything okay?" she asks.

"Now it is," I say, and exhale in relief as I hear her voice. Fuck, I'm so addicted to her. "I miss you."

"Have you been drinking?" she asks. "What happened to your chill night?"

"I passed all my classes," I say proudly, as I inhale even more of the delicious weed. "So we're celebrating!"

"That's great, baby, I'm really proud of you, but it's really late..."

"And there's a wet t-shirt contest in here, and all I could think about was your boobs," I say excitedly, like it's unbelievable that I looked at breasts and only thought of hers.

It kind of is, and I'm fucking excited about it.

"That's sweet, but..."

"And you know what? I've had a so much to drink, but I'm not even feeling it," I tell her next, and grin widely.

I hear her laughing on the other end, and I furrow my brows a little. Is she laughing at me?

"That's awesome, Max, but you are slurring your words a little," she says.

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