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Eight of my fingers are tapping anxiously on the tabletop in front of me. My thumbs are hanging loosely in the air, as I stare at the entrance to the coffee shop.

Alex isn't working today, which is the only reason Max even agreed to meet me here, because he wanted to talk in private. In his dorm, preferably, or in my apartment. But I didn't think that was a good idea. I know what usually happens when it's just him and me. Aiden wanted me to talk to him alone, since he doesn't want to influence my decision any way.

I love Max, which is ridiculous, but I do. And there's no turning back from that. I either walk out of here with a broken heart, or I walk out with my fingers laced with his, while we're on our way to his dorm, to fuck.

I'd say it's a fifty-fifty chance of either, but I won't say that out loud. I know how he hates those odds.

The bell above the door chimes, and in comes the guy I've been waiting for. He looks as handsome as ever, with his hands buried deep inside the pockets of his leather jacket, his hair is a mess, but he looks better, in a way, than before his dad passed. Maybe it's because he's actually sleeping and eating, now, and not doing drugs until his brain resembles mashed potatoes.

His narrowed eyes zero in on me, and my heart skips a beat. I know where I want this to go, but I'm not sure I should be as hopeful as I am. He might still want to ruin his life, and if that's the case, I don't want to be anywhere near him. I'd be broken.

Of course I'd have Aiden, but Max still holds one of those parts of my heart, and even though he tried to give it back, he didn't. I couldn't accept it.

He walks over and leans across the table to kiss my cheek, before he sits down opposite me. His right leg starts to shake the second he sits down, and he rests his elbows on the table. I can tell he's nervous, but so am I. I send him an encouraging smile.

"Hey," I say, unsure of what else to contribute with.

"Hey," he says back, and he smiles.

It's crooked, only lifting at the corner of the left side of his mouth, but it's still a smile. A very handsome smile, that makes my stomach twist. Even though I'm so incredibly in love with Aiden, I know this guy will most definitely make me weak in the knees, too, if he chooses to.

He already does, with his dark brown, intense eyes.. He's staring at me, and I'm staring back.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asks me, his eyes never faltering, but his half-smile is gone now.

He looks nervous, and I think I can see a hint of guilt in his eyes, too.

"I wanted to talk about you," I say, while my fingers starts drumming on the table top again. "And how you're doing, after everything."

"Just that?"

I start to nod, before I stop myself, and look down at the table between us.

"I really want to talk to you about us, Max," I tell him, and meet his eyes once again. I think they're looking more hopeful, now, and less guilty, but I might be daydreaming.

"Do I have another chance?" he asks.

I just nod at him, and I watch as he runs his hands through his dark hair. He looks good. It's grown a bit since I met him, and I really like how it looks on him. My mind drifts off for a minute, thinking about how much easier it will be to grab his hair if he goes down on me again. I close my eyes for a brief second to get the thoughts out of my head. It's not the time..

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