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I stare at Max in shock.

"You don't have to, baby," I hear Dean's soothing voice next to me, but I'm not really listening. I know what he's saying, though, he always says the same. 

I don't have to if I don't want to. I don't need to do anything other people want me to do, if I don't want to. I'm a strong woman who can handle myself. He says all those things, but he rarely lets me do anything on my own.

He's protective. On the verge of becoming too protective.

I blink a few times, and a pair of tears run down my cheeks, as I continue to stare at Max.

"Okay," I whisper after a while, and I feel Dean's lips against my cheek.

"Are you sure, Ives?" Dean asks me.

I turn my head and look at the gorgeous specimen I can call mine. His green eyes are searching mine for some sort of clue, as if he doesn't believe that I can handle this, but I know I can. I just might cry for an hour or two after, but that's okay.

I tuck some of his long, chocolate brown hair behind his ear, and he smiles softly at me.

"I'm sure," I say, and turn my attention to Max. "Today? Now?"

"Eh, at five. She'll meet us outside the coffee shop," Max answers.

He's fiddling with his fingers in front of him, and he looks like he's in some kind of pain. I send him a tiny smile, to try to lift his spirits, but he seems like he's pained nonetheless.

"You guys have any weed?" he then asks, looking between Dean and I.

"Yeah, why? You need some?" Dean answers, and I look between them, now.

"I just thought maybe it could relax her before meeting with Alex," Max says, and checks the time on his phone. "It's still some time left. Two hours."

I bite my lip nervously. In two hours, I'll know if I want to forgive and forget, or keep this uncertain feeling inside of me. I know Alex didn't mean to hurt me. At least I think I know. In stead, she just did what she thought was right when she wanted me to know she liked me..

It's still not okay, obviously, but I'm not one to hold grudges. I'd rather forgive her so we can both move on, and then forget about it. 

I close my eyes and rest my head on Dean's shoulder as the memories flood into my brain, clouding my judgment. I feel this boiling anger inside as I think of Alex, but I don't want it to be like that. I want to be able to see her now and then, and tolerate her presence.

"We could go to the stream and relax a bit, baby," Dean's hushed voice says, as I feel him kissing the top of my head.

I just nod, not bothering to open my eyes or question anything right now. I just want to get this over with. I'm glad it's today, though, because I don't think I'd be able to live with the constant fear of having to talk to her next week, or in a month.


I giggle as Dean blows the smoke down towards me. We're sitting on the gravel next to the stream, me with my back against Dean's chest, and he's holding me tightly around my waist with one arm. His other hand is holding a thick, hand-rolled cigarette filled with the most relaxing thing I've ever felt. I love chill-cigs. They're making my worries disappear, and I needed that now.

"Feeling better?" Dean asks me, and takes another drag of the cigarette himself.

"Yeah, a lot, actually," I answer and sit up a little in front of him.

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