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This week has made me even more miserable.

I met up with Jake, and he offered me some Xanax when I wanted to restock my coke, and he said people tend to go for that when they want to escape their feelings, so I tried it. I got really drowsy, but I'll be damned if I don't try that again. He also wanted me to try some new stuff he had gotten, that he wasn't too sure about yet, because he wanted someone who wasn't in too deep to try it.

Sure, whatever.

I took it.

I was thinking I could try it before the party tonight. There's a party outside of frat row again, like the one Ives was drugged at last semester, and I'm going.

I've distanced myself from her and her other friends, and after Grayson and Josie got back together, I haven't seen him as much either. He's been way too busy with her. I don't blame him. I would have spent all my time with Haley if I could, but I haven't seen her around either. Not even in the cafeteria. Maybe she just comes to class. I've seen Aiden, though, and he tried to talk to me on Wednesday, but I steered clear of him. I didn't want to hear about how him and Haley are doing without me. They're probably celebrating that I'm out of their lives.

I swallow some of the Xanax Jake got me, along with a few of the other pills, before I light up a joint and head out to meet Brad in his blue Volkswagen. I convinced him to go with me to the party, and Jake and a few other people from our group agreed to come, too.

In the car, some of the guys have chosen music when I get into my usual seat next to Brad, and they're all singing, if you could call it that.

I join in, too, because, why not?

"Come on down to the city of L.A., where we, we ride with gangsters and the pimpins' easy," I sing with them, and they all howl, for some reason.

"You know how we keep it bumpin' everyday, baby, we ride with gangsters and the pimpins' easy."

"Well I ride with jay-dee-oh-gee, and it's like okay, basically. We get shit faced and crazy, we're screaming 'fuck the police'!" I half-rap the lyrics, as the only one, until everyone joins me in the disrespectful comment against the law enforcement.

Then everyone laughs, and a few of us keeps spitting out the words in sync with the music, while Brad steers the car towards the party.

We continue to sing, or not sing, depending on how you see it, until Brad parks the car outside the already full house. There's people everywhere, even more than normal, and I'm feeling really tired already.

Some alcohol might help with that.

The guys literally spill out of the car. They're all stumbling out, and I'm not sure if they've been drinking already, or what the fuck they've been doing in the backseat. I inhale some of my weed, and offer it to Brad as we walk calmly towards the house.

He plucks it from my fingers and takes a long hit from it, before handing it back.

Once we're inside, and I finally have a drink in my hand, we go through the house to go down to the basement. I didn't really get to go down here last time, after what happened, so I'm gonna enjoy it this time.

Downstairs, there's a whole other mood. It's so chill, as if everyone's just enjoying some time to themselves, but at the same time they want to be with their friends. It's hard to explain, but I love this.

A door suddenly opens, and a laughing, coughing guy stumbles out, with smoke oozing out through the open door.

Perfect. They're hotboxing.

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