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I'm left alone on the dance floor. Again. I'm used to it, though. Aiden isn't exactly that fond of dancing, but I've been making him do it now and then. I thought maybe Max would dance a little more with me, but he actually disappeared first.

I didn't care to look where they went. I'll find them later. In stead, I found two other people to dance with. That blonde girl, Ives, from outside and her friend. I'm not sure what her name is yet, but she's really pretty, and she's the girl I've seen one of Max's friends with.

They can definitely move, though.

We end up laughing a little together, before both the other girls let me know they want to refill their drinks, and I go with them. Maybe I can make some more friends here, finally, that's not Aiden or his family.

The two girls giggle as we enter the kitchen, and I smile at them. When we've all refilled our drinks, I hold my hand out to the brunette with a smile.

"I'm Haley, by the way," I say, and she shakes my hand happily.

I can tell she's already way past tipsy, especially when she pulls me into a hug.

"I'm Josie!"

She's so fantastically happy it's beyond fun.

"It's nice to meet you, Josie," I say with a laugh, and she pulls back.

Josie looks at both me and Ives, and puts her drink down on the counter. Both her hands are now on our arms, and she stares at us.

"We should try some weed," she says, her face all serious.

I can't help but laugh at her.

The looks I get from both girls makes my laughter stop in my throat, and I kind of choke on it. They both look so serious, and I cough a few times before I straighten up.

"Wait, you've never tried weed?" I ask them, furrowing my brows.

"Uhm, I have, but not too much. My boyfriend and I share some now and then," Ives admits, and I look over to the other girl, who is now chewing on her lip.

"I've never tried it," Josie finally admits, and deflates.

I put my arms around their necks and smile widely as Josie picks up her cup again, and I lead both girls outside to where I know the stoner-kids usually hang out. It was really easy to spot them the first time I was here. They were just standing there, passing around their stuff.

When we get there, though, they are all shoving each other around.

"What's going on?" I ask them, and look around to see if I can spot their shared blunt, but there is no. "Where's the weed?"

"We don't know, it just disappeared," one of the guys answer, and shrugs at me.

They've stopped shoving each other, though, so that's progress, but I guess it's probably because they're way too high to do it too much without falling into the pool.

I don't get how a joint can just disappear, though. They probably just smoked it all, and don't remember. I've done that a couple times. Aiden just laughs at me when that happens..

"But surely you've got more, right?" I ask them, and put on a very cutesy smile. "You want to share with three pretty girls?"

I blink at them, repeatedly, batting my long eyelashes at them, and one of them coughs a little before pulling out another blunt from his pocket. I watch him with a satisfied smirk as he lights it up, and hands it to me.

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