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I'm going crazy. For more reasons than just the damn confusion with Haley. The envelope is starting to burn a hole in my pillow, and it's staring right at me.

I don't want to fucking know.

My dad called after Aiden and Haley dropped me off outside my dorm, he wanted to know if I had gotten an answer or not yet. I said no. He seemed disappointed, but I don't care. I don't want to fucking know. If that costs me whatever he wants to leave me after he's dead, then so be it. I'm doing well on my own anyway.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I step out of Brad's blue Volkswagen, and walk down the paved way to the house. It's packed already, and I can see a few people I know around the outside. I see Josie and Ives sipping on their drinks by the door, and I know Grayson is dying to talk to his ex. He said so a million times on the way over here, and right now, he's determined. He's already by their side before either of them knows he's there.

I watch as Josie glares at him, but she goes with him around a corner of the house, leaving Ives alone by the door. She looks around her with those beautiful gray-blue eyes, until she spots me and smiles widely.

I walk over.

Is it a stupid idea? Maybe, but I didn't get a chance to warn her about Alex earlier.

She wraps her arms around me in a warm hug when I get to her, and she looks relieved.

"I'm so glad there's someone else I know here," she says, and looks around once more.

"What do you mean?" I ask her, and look around myself. "Isn't Dean here?"

"He's got this thing with his band tonight, but he's coming later."


I should have talked to one of them, then, and I sigh a little, before I look back at the blonde in front of me.

"I, uh, I think Alex is coming tonight," I say, and raise an eyebrow at her. "But you can come find me if it's too much, I'll get you home."

She smiles at me, and places a hand on my shoulder.

"I appreciate your concern, Max, I really do, but I'll be fine."

"Right. That's good," I say, and lean down to hug her one more time.

She still means a lot to me, even though I lost her to Dean. And, if it wasn't obvious, I have a lot more to think about now, other than pining over her. I even have a new girl that my mind keeps drifting off to. I rarely think about Ives anymore, and I'm kind of relieved about it.


I pull back from the hug, and turn around to see Haley and Aiden walking towards us, hand in hand.

Haley's smile is as big as usual, and she grins even wider when she sees Ives.

I smile, and give Haley a hug once she reaches us, and Aiden pats my shoulder. They both look ready to party, and my eyes stay on Haley's short-sleeved shirt that's missing a few buttons on the top, revealing a very sexy bra with strings coming from the middle of it, accentuating her already magnificent tits.

"Hey, I'm Haley," she says, holding her hand out to Ives.

"Ives," she replies shyly, and smiles at the two people who joined us.

I think Ives is afraid they know who she is already..

"Aiden," Aiden says and grabs Ives' hand next.

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