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It's Thursday. Tomorrow I can finally let loose and party again.

I have spent a lot of money on MJ this week, and smoked it all as soon as I could. Harry is furious with me, but I don't care. He can just sleep somewhere else if it's such a big deal. Brad is worried about me, and hasn't touched any weed all week, and I think he's being paranoid. I'm totally fine, I don't know what else to say to him to make him believe me.

I told them both what my mom's husband said, even though it wasn't much. They both agreed that it sucked, and that I had a right to be upset, but I shouldn't have done what I did. If, and that's a big if, there was anything else mixed in with those greens, I'd probably have OD'd. I can't die from marijuana alone, so I'm safe.

It suddenly doesn't seem so bad to overdose, though.

But I can't do that. Not on purpose, at least. I know how I felt when Ives went through that shit last year, and I don't think it would have been fair of me to do that. People have lost their parents before and lived through it. I'm not even that close to the dude.

And besides, he's still alive. He's just sick.

So I've decided not to think about it. My grandma will call with any news, anyway. She already had him transferred back over here, to some hospital a few hours away, closer to her.

I'm mostly just angry with him. Apparently he knew he was sick, and that he was going to die fairly young. And he didn't tell me.

I'm his son, aren't I? I have a right to know that stuff.

I sit with my forehead resting on the back of the chair, almost falling off of the seat, with my hands hanging down on either side. I'm done. I feel like I'm done, anyway. I'm in the middle of the cafeteria, with Brad and Grayson sitting together talking about Josie and how Grayson can get her back. Apparently they talked at that Italian place after Alex and I left, but she still didn't want to get back together, even though she forgave him.

I zoned out of their conversation ages ago. I'm just sitting here, barely awake, and trying to figure out how I can forget about my dad.

"Hey, Max," a female voice says behind me.

I don't really want to talk to anyone who I've either already slept with, or that wants to climb on top of me, so I just grunt at the girl. I don't even raise my head to see who it is.

"Wow, you really are rude, rude boy," she then says, and pulls up a chair next to me.

I sigh when I realize who it is. She isn't gonna leave me alone either, so I move my head just a little to the side, and lean the side of my head down on the back of the chair, and send her a cold smile.

She looks beautiful, though. Her short, black hair is wavy and messy, like she's trying to look like she doesn't care, but I know she does. She brings a straw to her mouth, sipping on something I can only assume is some fruity smoothie or something, while she arches an eyebrow at me.

"What's wrong?" she asks, and crosses her legs.

I notice that both my other friends have stopped talking and are probably looking at us, but I don't care.

"Nothing," I lie, and shrug it off. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to check on you. You seem to have been kind of out of it all week," she says, and puts her cup down on the table. She leans in closer to my face, and stares into my eyes. Her brown ones are staring into mine, and I narrow mine just a little, as she starts to laugh. "You're high."

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